The federalist

After Violent Attacks Go Ignored By Law Enforcement, Pro-Lifers Take Investigations Into Their Own Hands

Last June, a firebomb tore through the area. CompassCare crisis pregnancy center in Buffalo, causing extensive damage but no deaths. The words were found among the rubble and soot. “Jane was here” were written on the wall, suggesting that the militant abortion rights group Jane’s Revenge was responsible. The FBI and all authorities assured Jane’s Revenge they would bring them to justice. 

CompassCare officials claim that nothing has been done eight months later. Since late May, word of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision was leaked, CompassCare officials have not made any arrests in connection with any of the similar attacks on other crisis pregnancy counseling centers and churches from coast to coast. Roe v. Wade, returning abortion laws to state legislatures.  

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden says this inaction has forced the pro-life movement to do the work of law enforcement on its own. His organization has teamed-up with the Thomas More Society, an independent libertarian law firm in Chicago. They have hired their own private investigators. The home of the firm’s president, Thomas Brejcha, was damaged by abortion supporters last July. 

Neither the Thomas More Society nor CompassCare elaborated on the private investigators hired to look at the attacks by abortion supporters — who they are, how many, or where deployed. Brejcha however stated that no price limit was placed on their services.

This development comes as many, particularly on the right, warn of the politicization and abuse of justice. A few of the examples they point to are the SWAT team arrest of Trump adviser Roger Stone; the armed search of former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in pursuit of classified documents (along with the multiple lawsuits specifically aimed at Trump); and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s ordering the FBI to track possible threats of violence or intimidation after parents began confronting school boards about what their children were being taught in public schools.

They claim such heavy-handedness contrasts law enforcement at local, state and federal levels, who turn a blindeye to obvious lawlessness not identified with their right. The examples include the 2020 George Floyd riots, smash-and-grab thefts in retail stores from New York to Los Angeles, homeless camps that have become open-air drug bazaars and city prosecutors refusing to enforce laws due to concerns about “systemic racism.”  

“I think the country’s gone bonkers,” Brejcha said. “We watched rioters looting in the south side of Chicago, where I grew up. I think what we’re doing is a normal response. It’s not vigilante, but citizens taking civic action.” 

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told RealClearInvestigations: “I’m not surprised pro-life groups have had to conduct their own investigations after being attacked by radical abortion activists. Sadly, they’ve been left with no other option because of the blatant politicization of the Biden FBI and the Justice Department.” 

The Department of Justice’s aggressive actions against abortion opponents have made them doubly angry. Along with other Republican members of Congress they accuse the department if only one-sided enforcement of the laws. Freedom of

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