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Ad Slams Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Nominee for Releasing Child Rapist

Janet Protasiewicz gets a Willie Horton-styled ad

Janet Protasiewicz (Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court) released a child-rapist without any jail time. She was accused of filming an intimate sexual encounter with 13-year old girl and posting it online. Judge Dan Kelly, her conservative Supreme Court opponent, highlighted this fact in a new campaign.

Protasiewicz was criticized for the ad “long history of letting dangerous criminals off easy” Includes “Quantrell Bounds who assaulted and raped a 13-year-old girl, recorded it, and posted a video of the act to Facebook.”

“Despite facing 60 years in prison, Judge Janet refused to give Bounds any prison time at all,” Continue the ad. “No prison for child rapists. That’s Janet Protasiewitz on crime.”

Retro narration, a blue background and white block-lettering are all nods to the 1988 Willie Horton advertisement that Republicans ran against Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election. This campaign, which made the nation’s crime wave a major issue during the national election, was criticised by some as a racist dog whistle. The Wisconsin Supreme Court race could have major implications for the 2024 Presidential election in the swing state. It has already broken U.S. spending records on local judicial campaigns. The election will be held on April 4.

Bounds was indicted for first-degree child sexual assault in 2019. “person under the age of 13,” According to Milwaukee County records, the charge was later reduced to third degree sexual assault. He was also charged for publishing a “depiction of person w/out consent.”

Records show that Bounds was sentenced to five years, nine months in prison by Protasiewicz. But, Protasiewicz suspended the sentence and released Bounds with six-years probation.

Bounds was also arrested for possessing a firearm while a felon. The case remains open, according records.

According to the Kelly campaign, the ad can be run on television and digitally. The ad is similar to the Willie Horton ad. It comes at a time when violent crime has increased in both Wisconsin and the United States. According to a Marquette Law School poll, 85% of Wisconsin voters are concerned about crime.

Kelly’s Kelly commercial isn’t the only one to criticize Protasiewicz’s sentencing record. Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (the state’s largest business association) launched an ad campaign highlighting numerous convicted rapists, and pedophiles, who received light sentences from Protasiewicz.

Protasiewicz sent a child predator to probation for assaulting an 11-year old in a 2019 case. In 2018, Protasiewicz also sentenced a child predator who assaulted an 11-year old boy to probation. Protasiewicz said that the attacks were “misleading” They fail to account for her complete record on the bench.

“From Ad Slams the Wisconsin Supreme Court nominee for Child Rapist Releasing

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