Life, Liberty, And The UFC

The UFC is officially the new American pastime and the only non-woke sport left for freedom-loving, flag waving fans. And in Dana White’s America, where freedom of expression still exists, that can be any flag of your choice.

I’ve been to World Series games, massive political rallies, and stadium concerts, but nothing compared to my first in-person UFC fight night.

Inside an electric, sold-out, packed arena, UFC 263 was the most energetic, entertaining, and inspirational sporting event I’ve ever attended. From the record-breaking seven-second knockout by Terrance McKinney in his UFC debut and the cult-like fan appreciation of Nate Diaz, to the impossible victory of new world champion Brandon Moreno and the mesmerizing fight artistry of Israel Adesanya; this was a night to remember.

My family’s fascination with UFC began last year when every other sport in America was hijacked by divisive, destructive Wokeism and Marxism. Ours is a patriotic, constitution-loving family that travels the nation teaching about America’s founding documents and ideals, but we also love sports and made it to almost every Major League Baseball Park. Once MLB joined the woke sports of NFL and NBA, we swore off the spoiled, ungrateful professional sports that had become propagandists for the left.

And then we found the UFC.

It is so refreshing to see athletes celebrate their victories with free speech, freedom of religion, and flag waving of whatever country they call home. Whether shout-outs to Trump, or the victims of Marxism, or even BLM or LGBT, freedom of expression for all viewpoints is alive and well in the UFC the way it used to be in all of America.

I asked the man that created this winning atmosphere if the UFC could help America restore Her constitutional principles like freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. The response was classic Dana White:

That’s what I love about this sport… We live in a world right now [where] everybody is very sensitive these days about everything. Through all the craziness that’s happened over the last year and half, and the last 20 years, my position has always been: This is America! We have people in this sport from all over the world. You can say and believe whatever you want. It’s up to you. Whatever religion you are, whatever country you come from. I believe that’s the way it’s supposed to be. And that’s the way it will be until the day I leave.

White has engineered an extremely successful formula that continues to explode in popularity and attract fans you might not expect.

Part of the appeal is that every fight night has the inspiration of five Rocky movies and the Olympics rolled into one. The amazing life stories of each fighter are captured and told through the extraordinary film features each weekend and “embedded” reality series following the fighters throughout the week.

The most poignant part of the live event for me was during Brandon Moreno’s arena entrance, as he stopped to kiss his baby girl just before entering the Octagon to face the extremely dangerous and vicious champion of the world, Deiveson Figueiredo. Moreno has won millions of fans with his joyful love of life and infectious smile, but not many of them thought there was any way he would win this fight to take the belt. The juxtaposition of his tenderness with his young daughter and the brutality of what awaited him in the Octagon was powerful.

When I asked Moreno about it after the fight, he took a deep breath and said, “I was on fire in that moment when I saw my daughter. In my normal life (outside the Octagon), I’m trying to be a very respectful, happy, humble guy.” Then he described the complete change that overcomes him when he goes into the fight and how he goes from nice guy to warrior and kissing his daughter flipped that switch immediately.

As a historian, I could not help but be reminded of America’s Founding Fathers and all the farmers, merchants, and family men who had to take the musket off the mantle and march off to the brutality of war to defend their families. That’s how Moreno struck me. He knows exactly what he is fighting for. His wife and daughters are lucky to have such a tender warrior at home and we fans are lucky to have such a role model for our own kids.

Speaking of those Founding Fathers.

I was also struck by the thought that perhaps had the UFC existed in 1776, Button Gwinnett might not have died a mere nine months after he signed the Declaration of Independence with Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the boys of that summer.

Disputes in the founding era were often resolved with pistols in a duel, which is how Gwinnet was killed after another politician called him a “scoundrel.” Imagine if there had been the octagon, submissions, and knock out punches to settle the dust-up. Ben Franklin could have channeled Dana White, scheduling the match-ups for Saturday nights and then they could go back to experimenting with freedom principles, constitutions, and philosophy on Monday.

Of course, President Andrew Jackson would likely have been the Cowboy Cerrone of his day, accepting any fight against any man at any time. Jackson, legend says, could be heard rattling when he walked because of all the lead still in his body from his numerous duels.

For those of you who think the UFC is too much testosterone-filled violence, consider that it might be just the kind of grit instilling, individual responsibility, get up off the mat and learn from your losses, thrill the fans in victory and defeat competition America needs to snap out of this snow-flake, living in fear trance in which we seem trapped.

As for me and mine, every Saturday night you’ll find us either at an in-person UFC event or on our front porch gathered around the big screen, cheering on these modern-day warriors of the Octagon and champions of liberty.

Rick Green is America’s Constitution Coach, a former Texas Legislator, and national radio host. Millions have learned from Rick about their freedoms and how to restore our Constitutional Republic. His common sense application of Constitutional principles is fanning the flames of a renewed national passion for civics and liberty. 

The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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