Hunter Biden Put Baby-Mama On Payroll Of His Consulting Firm, Contradicting His Claims

When Hunter Biden cheated on the widow of his deceased brother to father a child with a woman who reportedly worked as a stripper, he claimed he had “no recollection of our encounter.”

But materials uncovered from his laptop by the Daily Mail show that, in fact, he placed the woman on the payroll of one of his business ventures.

Texts show that in July 2018, Lunden Roberts repeatedly texted the son of the now-president with information about her pregnancy, but that Hunter did not respond.

In December 2018, Hunter’s assistant, Katie Doge, texted to say that a “Lunden” had been on the payroll, but had been taken off of it sometime in the last nine months.

Remaining on the payroll was Hallie, his brother’s widow-turned-girlfriend, and “Liz,” an apparent reference to Hallie’s sister. In April 2017, Liz texted Hunter and Hallie: ‘hunt/hallie can you please hire me now … i can get my life together and then i will find my own job and unburden both of you.’

The Daily Mail reported that in September 2016, while Hunter was dating Hallie, he texted Liz offering to teach her “how to masturbate” and saying “we should shower together every morning” by Facetime.

Texts from Hallie also mention Lunden, suggesting that she was well-known to Hunter.

That indicates that his book, billed as a tell-all, was anything but.

In it, Hunter wrote callously:

The other women I’d been with during rampages since my divorce were hardly the dating type. We would satisfy our immediate needs and little else. I’m not proud of it. It’s why I would later challenge in court the woman from Arkansas who had a baby in 2018 and claimed the child was mine–I had no recollection of our encounter. That’s how little connection I had with anyone. I was a mess, but it’s a mess I’ve taken responsibility for.

Hunter denied that he was the father, and after a DNA test showed otherwise, he claimed he did not have enough money to pay child support, even as he lived in a $12,000-a-month Hollywood home, the Daily Mail reported. He eventually settled out of court for $2.5 million when a judge demanded that he turn over financial records.

Joe Biden has never met his grandchild, the Daily Mail reported.

Rosemont Seneca Partners was a consulting firm that inserted itself as a middleman into various foreign business deals around the world, at times doing business with the children of foreign leaders. Rosemont partners would sometimes bring books signed by Joe Biden to potential clients.

One business partner, Devon Archer, was later convicted of fraud.

Related: Hunter Biden Discussed Plans For A Business That Would Include Joe Biden, Emails Show

Related: Hunter’s World: Biden Son Had Tentacles In Dark Corners Of the World Far Beyond China, Ukraine

Related: Hunter Biden Was Just One Spawn Of The Powerful Who Occupied A Network That Might Be Called ‘Family, Inc.’

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