‘Justice Was Served’: 9 Republicans Who Supported Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

On Tuesday, after a little over ten hours of deliberation, a jury in Minneapolis found former police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in the trial regarding the death of George Floyd.

As The Daily Wire reported, “On May 25, Chauvin and three other officers arrested and detained Floyd after he allegedly gave counterfeit money at a convenience store. Following a struggle to get Floyd into the back of a police cruiser, viral video shows that Chauvin kneeled on Floyd’s neck and back for nearly nine minutes to detain Floyd while awaiting paramedics.”

Floyd’s death sparked waves of protests and riots worldwide, as the Black Lives Matter movement rocketed to further prominence in the political and cultural arena.

Democrats reacted with jubilation when the verdict was announced, with Nancy Pelosi thanking George Floyd for “sacrificing” his life for justice.

However, there were also several high-profile conservatives who spoke out in favor of the controversial decision.

Tim Scott

Sen. Tim Scott released a statement on Twitter, saying that “George Floyd died because Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck and stopped him from breathing for more than nine minutes. There is no question in my mind that the jury reached the right verdict,” said Scott.

“While this outcome should give us renewed confidence in the integrity of our justice system, we know there is more work to be done to ensure that bad apples do not define all officers — the vast majority of whom put on the uniform each day with integrity and servant hearts. We must all come together to help repair the tenuous relationship between law enforcement and Black and minority Americans,” Scott continued.

“To deny the progress we’ve made is just as damaging as not making progress at all. I urge people across this nation to peacefully make their voices heard and engage in conversations that will continue to move us toward a more just America. I believe in the goodness of our country; we can and will do better,” Scott concluded.

Jim Jordan

According to CNN’s Manu Raju, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said “The justice system works.”

Several conservative House Republicans offering no objections to the Chauvin verdict. Jim Jordan: ‘The justice system works,’” Raju tweeted.

“I said last summer that what happened to George Floyd was as wrong as wrong can be, and the justice system will work and that’s what we saw happened,” Jordan added.

Larry Hogan

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan described George Floyd’s death as “senseless murder,” and that “Justice has now been served.”

“The senseless murder of George Floyd served as yet another reminder that we still have a long way to go to live up to our nation’s highest ideals,” Hogan tweeted.

“Justice has now been served, and we hope that this verdict will bring some measure of peace to the Floyd family and the community.”

Tommy Tuberville

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville lauded the strength of American institutions.

“That’s our judicial system, that’s good,” Tuberville said, according to Fox News. “I mean if that’s what they thought, you know, my understanding was, they had a good jury … that’s where our system works. And so maybe we can get some closure on this now.”

“I want to make sure we back our police because there’s a lot of good ones, a lot of good ones,” he added, in the context of police reform. “Unfortunately, there’s some that don’t go by the rules and when that happens I guess we have this happen.”

Pete Stauber

Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber tweeted, “For the past few weeks, 12 of our fellow Minnesotans diligently listened to the evidence presented by the defense and prosecution, and today, they have reached their verdict. I thank the jurors for their service.”

“These are not easy times, and it is my greatest hope that we all now find the strength to unify our communities and move forward together. Our nation’s leaders especially have an obligation to turn down the temperature and reject rhetoric that might incite violence,” he continued.

“Peace, compassion, and productive dialogue is the only path forward,” he concluded.

Rob Portman

Ohio Senator Rob Portman tweeted that “justice appears to be served.”

George Floyd’s death was tragic and should never happen to anyone in America,” Portman tweeted. “I am grateful today that justice appears to be served as we await sentencing.”

María Elvira Salazar

Florida Rep. María Elvira Salazar tweeted that “the American judicial system worked once again.”

Today, the American judicial system worked once again,” Salazar said.

“Derek Chauvin was held accountable for the murder of George Floyd. No man or woman is above the law, ever. Tonight, I pray for the Floyd family,” she added. “We must continue to fix injustices in society.”

Mark Green

Tennessee Rep. Mark Green tweeted, “Derek Chauvin had 17 misconduct investigations before he took the life of George Floyd. It’s clear Chauvin’s actions were sickening and irrefutable—he was a bad cop. Today’s decision is justice for the Floyd family.”

“However, Chauvin is no reflection of the vast majority of men and women in blue who protect our freedoms with dignity, honor, and courage,” he added.

Nancy Mace

South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace tweeted that “Clashes with law enforcement should not end in death.”

“The murder of George Floyd was a heartbreaking tragedy. Clashes with law enforcement should not end in death. Period,” Mace said.

“I pray our country can work peacefully toward needed change.”

Ian Haworth is an Editor and Writer for The Daily Wire. Follow him on Twitter at @ighaworth.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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