Harris: Relief package passed to fund public policy programs

Kamala Harris spoke during a visit to West Haven Child Development Center in West Haven, Conn., Friday, March 26, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:05 PM PT – Saturday, March 27, 2021

Kamala Harris acknowledged part of the $1.9 trillion stimulus package was aimed at passing social spending policies and not coronavirus relief.

Harris made the comment during a trip to Connecticut on Friday, describing part of the package aimed at funding things like child care. Reports said Democrats pushed Joe Biden to put a priority on child poverty, leading them to add $120 billion in social spending to the package.

Republicans have repeatedly blasted the package for unnecessary spending.

“This was the intentional purpose of the American Rescue Plan, which was to look at child care, to look at our child care workers, to look at our children,” Harris stated. “We cannot in public policy subordinate them, as you know, is because, I guess they’re little people, little problems.”

Top Republicans have pointed out less than 9 percent of the so-called rescue package is going toward COVID relief.

Democrats are also reportedly pushing additional spending packages with a potential price tag of $3 trillion.

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