Mike Rowe’s Birthday Announcement Brings Back A Classic

Mike Rowe announced Friday that his hit series “Dirty Jobs” is coming back Discovery later this year. Making the comeback sweeter, the beloved host’s news was made public on his birthday.

“As birthday presents go, this was a pretty good one,” Rowe wrote on Facebook Friday, captioning a Patheos post announcing the news.

“I’ll let you all know how things progress,” he said. “We shot all week in Georgia and Florida. I’m pleased to report that everything still works, mostly. On the other hand, everything is sore…”

Rowe tied the hit show’s comeback to the pandemic: as a celebration of essential workers — just as “Dirty Jobs” has done since its premier in 2005.

“Every now and then, the headlines catch up to a TV show and make it relevant in ways that no one imagined. With essential work in the news, it’s impossible not to think of Dirty Jobs, and for the last year, people have asked me every day if the show would make a comeback,” the host said. “Today, I’m happy to say the answer is yes. In other words, just when I thought I was out, they sucked me back in!”

A press release on the announcement offered some details into the new season:

The upcoming season of DIRTY JOBS finds Mike getting back to work and getting his hands even dirtier than before – heading deep in the southern bayous to high up in America’s remote Badlands. The dirtier the job, the better as Mike tackles each job with his typical candid, no non-sense take and wry sense of humor.

Mike plans to lend a hand to those on the frontlines – protecting the nation from invasions, even if it involves glowing scorpions and giant iguanas. The series will also follow Mike as he helps protect Rocky Mountain motorists from cliffside tree disasters and joins first responders as they hone their abilities on the most life-like medial emergency dummies in the world.

Each episode will showcase the unsung heroes and the communities that rely on these essential jobs. The popular franchise, which first aired on Discovery from 2005 to 2013 and rebooted last summer as a limited series (DIRTY JOBS: ROW’D TRIP), will show Mike back in action as he showcases the unsung heroes of this country. It’s time to get dirty – again!

In 2016, Rowe unapologetically teamed up with conservative group PragerU to create an informative video titled, “Don’t Follow Your Passion.”

“In my opinion, you have all been given some terrible advice, and that advice is this: Follow your passion,” he says in the video. “Every time I watch the Oscars, I cringe when some famous movie star — trophy in hand — starts to deconstruct the secret of their success. It’s always the same thing: ‘Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t have what it takes, kid!’; and the ever popular, ‘Never give up on your dreams!’”

“Look, I understand the importance of persistence, and the value of encouragement, but who tells a stranger to never give up on their dreams, without even knowing what it is they’re dreaming? How can Lady Gaga possibly know where your passion will lead you?” Rowe argues, adding, “When it comes to making a living, it’s easy to forget the dirty truth: just because you’re passionate about something doesn’t mean you won’t suck at it. And just because you’ve earned a degree in your chosen field, doesn’t mean you’re gonna find your ‘dream job.’”

“Dream Jobs are usually just that — dreams,” the host offers. “But their imaginary existence just might keep you from exploring careers that offer a legitimate chance to perform meaningful work and develop a genuine passion for the job you already have. Because here’s another Dirty Truth: your happiness on the job has very little to do with the work itself.”

Related: ‘Legend’: Mike Rowe Reacts To Critic Who Has ‘Lost All Respect’ For Prager U Collab

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