Ryan Gosling Prioritizes Family Over Gritty Roles

Actor Ryan Gosling, ⁤43, has ‍shifted his focus from‍ emotionally demanding roles to prioritize his ​family.‌ Since ‍becoming⁤ a father to two‍ daughters with ⁤girlfriend Eva Mendes, he avoids roles ‍that delve into dark ‍places. Gosling’s decision-making ‌now revolves around ⁣what is best ⁤for his family, reshaping his‍ career choices ‌and ‍exploring diverse genres like “La La Land.” Actor Ryan Gosling, at ‌43, now ‌emphasizes family over intense ‍roles. As a father of two daughters with Eva‌ Mendes, he steers clear of dark ​character portrayals. Gosling’s choices center⁢ on his‍ family’s well-being, leading him to venture into varied genres such as ⁤”La La ‍Land,” reflecting his⁤ evolving career trajectory.

Actor Ryan Gosling said he’s not taking on certain roles that could affect his family.

The 43-year-old Canadian-born actor had previously explored more psychologically complex characters, including roles he played in “The Notebook” (2004), “Blue Valentine” (2010) and “Drive” (2011). But he has a new perspective since becoming a dad.

“I don’t really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place,” Gosling told WSJ Magazine during a recently published interview.

“This moment is what I feel like trying to read the room at home and feel like what is going to be best for all of us,” he added. “The decisions I make, I make them with [girlfriend Eva Mendes] and we make them with our family in mind first.”

Mendes and Gosling have two daughters – Esmeralda, 9, and Amada, 8. He said after they were born, he started exploring different genres.

“I think ‘La La Land’ was the first,” Gosling told the outlet. “It was just sort of like, oh, this will be fun for them, too, because even though they’re not coming to set, we’re practicing piano every day or we’re dancing or we’re singing.”

The actor said his daughters helped influence his decision to accept the part of Ken in Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie,” a role that nabbed him an Oscar nomination earlier this year.

“They were already making little movies about their Barbies on the iPad when it happened, so the fact that I was going off to work to make one too, we just felt like we were aligned,” Gosling explained.


“I’m trying to just figure out who they are and be there for them in the way that I can,” he went on. “They’re such clear and distinct personalities that it’s sort of becoming obvious.”

The actor is currently promoting his new action comedy, “The Fall Guy,” which hit theaters May 3.

During a previous interview with People, Gosling said his daughters told him they don’t approve of him playing with fire on set.

“My kids didn’t want me to be set on fire,” he told the outlet. “Even though I said, ‘Well, it’s actually, technically the safer thing to do because there’s a lot of protective stuff involved.’ [They] “were like, ‘No. No fire.’ So I didn’t do it,” Gosling said.

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