Hunter Biden’s legal team warns Fox News and considers suing the network

The article discusses Hunter Biden’s plan to sue Fox News for defamation related to explicit images. The lawsuit involves photos from ⁤a‌ laptop that reportedly belonged to Joe Biden’s son. Hunter’s legal team aims ⁢to challenge conservative media through this legal action and demands corrections and retractions from Fox ‍News. The network faces potential legal ​repercussions for ⁤publishing ⁢contentious content.


By Johnathan Jones April 29, 2024 at 2:25pm

Attorneys for Hunter Biden plan to “imminently” sue Fox News for alleged defamation for publishing and airing images of him that he views as defamatory.

The reported coming lawsuit surrounds sexually explicit images that have circulated online now for years that presumably originated from the son of President Joe Biden’s former laptop.

The computer was reportedly abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019, and it became the property of the man who owned the store — John Paul Mac Issac — as the New York Post reported when it broke the story in October 2020.

Isaac previously said that he copied the hard drive before the FBI seized it in 2019 and that what he saw on the hard drive disturbed him.

Nearly four years after nude images of the president’s son began circulating, CNN reported on Monday that Hunter Biden intends to sue Fox News in a “strategy to publicly fight back against conservative media.”

Per CNN, Fox News and Fox Corporation were each recently sent letters from Hunter Biden’s legal team that called explicit images of their client “hacked.”

The letter likened publishing blurred versions of the images to breaking “revenge porn” laws.

“FOX knows that these private and confidential images were hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated digital material,” the letter stated.

Does Fox News deserve to be sued?

CNN reported, “[Hunter Biden is] seeking corrections and retractions on air and in online articles to claims that President Biden and his son engaged in a bribery scheme abroad.

“Hunter Biden’s legal team has undertaken an aggressive legal and public relations strategy for several months. His lawyers have fired off letters demanding investigations into Hunter Biden’s opponents and filed a series of lawsuits against his detractors.”

MSNBC, which also obtained the letters, reported on the air Monday that Hunter Biden would “imminently” sue Fox News.

BREAKING: Lawyers for Hunter Biden plan to sue Fox News ‘imminently, according to a letter sent to the network and obtained by NBC News.

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 29, 2024

Attorneys for Hunter Biden had not filed a lawsuit as of Monday afternoon.

CNN reported the 54-year-old’s legal representatives “anticipate” such a suit in the near future.

The lawyers also want Fox News to retract any reporting about former FBI source Alexander Smirnov, who has been charged by the Justice Department with allegedly lying to federal agents.

The DOJ in a statement two months ago alleged that Smirnov was lying when he previously told the FBI that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were engaged in a scheme in Ukraine to use the latter’s influence to cash in.

Hunter Biden’s attorneys stated that the indictment of Smirnov required a retraction on Fox News’ coverage of the corruption claims he made before he was charged in February with making a false statement and creating a false and fictitious record.

Fox News declined to comment on the letter and the threat of the reportedly forthcoming lawsuit.

The network previously stood by its reporting of claims from sources that the Biden family used Hunter Biden’s position on the board of Burisma Holdings to squeeze money from officials at the company.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.

Johnathan “Kipp” Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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