Washington Examiner

Manchin could surprise Washington with an eleventh-hour comeback effort

Chuck Schumer’s​ Quest to Keep Joe Manchin on Board

In a twist ⁢that reads like political⁢ theater,⁤ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is⁤ not ready to throw in the towel when it comes to Sen. Joe Manchin. While Manchin has eased away from‌ the ⁣spotlight and higher office‍ aspirations, Schumer has proposed an intriguing game plan.

The Surprise​ Proposal

Despite ⁤Manchin ending his bid for ⁢reelection and ignoring the siren calls for a ‍presidential run, Schumer suggests​ the senator could contend as⁤ an ⁤independent⁢ in West Virginia’s Senate race—a move that may thwart Republican efforts to ⁤snatch ​control of the Senate.

“I think that’s a long, long, long-shot scenario,” Manchin⁣ said to CNN about running independently. “So I don’t anticipate that happening. I don’t anticipate ​running.”

Yet, in classic political noncommittal fashion, Manchin left‌ a sliver of ‍possibility open ahead of the summer ⁤filing deadline, adding, “I‍ don’t know if anything in Washington, D.C., is 100%.”

The West Virginia Political Landscape

Eyeing Manchin’s seat is former coal executive Don Blankenship, whose⁣ controversial background includes a prison sentence related to a fatal‍ mine explosion. His potential securing of⁣ the ⁤Democratic ⁣nomination could shift Manchin’s ⁢stance ⁢on re-entering the race.

Meanwhile, Gov.⁤ Jim Justice, backed by ex-President Trump, and Rep. Alex ‌Mooney ‍are contenders on the Republican front, intensifying the​ battle for West Virginia’s Senate⁣ seat.

Manchin’s Political ‍Future

Manchin’s ⁢November announcement to⁤ forgo reelection​ sparked rumors of a third-party presidential challenge. However, ⁢he dismissed ‌speculation last month, stepping away ‌from a potential bid with‍ the bipartisan group No Labels.

Click here to read more from The Washington ​Examiner.

Democrats’​ Uphill Battle in the⁤ Senate

Previously deemed ⁤the most⁣ vulnerable Democrat for 2024, Manchin’s departure now marks the seat as a probable GOP gain. The ⁢Democrats are in ‍for a grueling fight, requiring victories across all competitive areas, including in Montana, Ohio, and⁣ Arizona.

With such a complex political chessboard​ ahead, ​Schumer’s move to retain Manchin could be more than a long-shot—it might just be the strategic play that determines the power balance⁣ in the Senate.

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