Washington Examiner

Kremlin finally surrenders Navalny’s body to his mother, ending days of resistance

Russian Government ​Hands Over‍ Body of Alexei ⁢Navalny to His Mother

The Russian government has ⁤finally relented and turned over the body of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny⁣ to his‌ mother, following widespread ​public outcry. Ivan Zhdanov, director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, made the announcement on Telegram, ‌expressing gratitude to everyone who had supported their cause.

“Thank you very much. Thanks to everyone who‍ wrote and recorded video messages. You all did what you needed to do. ⁤Thank you. Alexei Navalny’s ‍body has been given to his mother,”⁤ Zhdanov wrote in⁤ the post.

This decision by Russia ‌came after Navalny’s ⁣widow, Yulia Navalnaya, accused ‌President Vladimir Putin of disrespecting‍ Christianity by refusing to release the body and pressuring her into‌ agreeing to a private funeral. Navalnaya, who identifies as⁣ an⁣ Orthodox Christian, argued that Putin’s actions violated religious protocols by holding the body ‌hostage.

In a video posted on Saturday, ‍Navalny’s widow revealed that his mother⁣ was enduring torment from ⁢prison authorities who threatened to bury him within​ the penal​ colony‍ grounds.

Alexei Navalny, known for his outspoken opposition to the government, tragically passed away ‌on February 16 while in custody at an Arctic penal colony. His death ‌occurred just days before the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Navalny’s mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, has been patiently waiting in Salekhard, Russia,​ for officials to⁣ hand over her son’s body.⁤ In response to Putin’s refusal, ​Western countries have imposed additional sanctions on⁤ him as a form‌ of protest.

“Give us ⁣the⁢ body of⁤ my husband,” Navalnaya pleaded. “You tortured⁣ him alive, and now you ⁣keep torturing him in⁣ death. You mock the remains of the dead.”

Navalnaya further criticized Putin, stating, ⁤“No true⁤ Christian could‌ ever do what⁢ Putin is now doing with ⁢the body of Alexei. What ​will you do with his ⁤corpse? How low will you sink to mock the‍ man you⁢ murdered?”

Dmitry‍ Peskov, a spokesman for the Kremlin, dismissed the ⁢family’s allegations as baseless.

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What unanswered questions ‍still remain regarding the poisoning of Navalny and the subsequent handling of his medical care?

Ment on Friday, stating, ​”Alexei’s ​body has been released to his⁣ mother and she has ‍already⁤ been able ‍to‌ see him.”

The ⁤death of Navalny has sparked a wave of protests both within Russia and around the world. ⁢Navalny, known ‍for his⁢ outspoken criticism of the Russian government ⁤and President Vladimir Putin, fell ⁢ill while on a flight⁤ from Siberia to Moscow on August​ 20th, 2020. He was ⁤subsequently taken to​ a hospital in Omsk, where he fell ‍into a coma. Navalny’s family and​ supporters immediately ​suspected foul play,‍ pointing to a possible poisoning.

After initial reluctance, the Russian government allowed Navalny to ⁣be​ transferred to a hospital in Germany, ⁣where doctors confirmed that he ‌had ⁣been poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent. This ⁣revelation only stoked the flames of international condemnation, ​with many countries demanding answers from the Russian​ government.

Sadly, Navalny’s health continued⁢ to deteriorate, ​and he tragically passed⁢ away on September 3rd, 2021. The⁣ Russian government’s handling of‌ the situation only further ignited public anger and suspicion. Critics accused the⁣ government of not providing adequate medical‍ care and⁣ delaying his transfer to⁢ Germany. The government’s ​reluctance to release Navalny’s⁣ body further intensified these suspicions.

However, ⁤the decision to hand over Navalny’s body to ⁤his mother is a significant development. It ⁤shows that the Russian ⁤government was ⁣unable to withstand the pressure‌ from both ​the international community and⁢ the Russian⁤ public. ‌The outcry over Navalny’s death had put​ them in a difficult position, and it seems that handing over the body was their way of appeasing some ⁣of the criticism.

However, this gesture alone is unlikely to quell ​the anger and ‌demands for ​justice. ‌Many⁤ questions⁢ still remain unanswered. Who were the perpetrators of the poisoning? Why was Navalny denied immediate medical assistance? These are ⁢just ‌a few of the inquiries that need to be addressed.

Furthermore, the Russian‍ government’s handling of Navalny’s case is likely to have far-reaching consequences for ⁣its international ⁤reputation and diplomatic relations. The ⁣poisoning of a ⁤prominent opposition figure, ⁣followed​ by⁣ the⁤ mishandling of his ⁢medical ‌care, has drawn widespread⁤ condemnation ‍and brought⁢ renewed scrutiny to Russia’s ⁤human rights record.

The Russian ⁢government must⁤ now⁢ undertake a thorough and transparent investigation‍ into the circumstances surrounding ⁢Navalny’s ‍poisoning and death.​ This investigation must be conducted with full cooperation ⁢and accountability in ​order to ⁤restore public trust and international credibility.

Navalny’s death is not only⁣ a tragedy for his family ⁣and supporters but ​also a stark⁣ reminder of the challenges ⁣faced by those who‌ dare to criticize the Russian government.⁢ Freedom of speech and dissenting viewpoints are essential pillars of any democratic⁢ society.‌ The Russian government’s actions‌ in ⁢the ⁤Navalny case ​highlight the importance of‌ protecting these​ fundamental rights.

As the world watches, it ‌is crucial that the international community continues to hold the Russian government‍ accountable for its actions. The Russian ‌people​ deserve justice, and⁢ the truth behind Navalny’s poisoning and death must⁤ be uncovered. Only then ⁢can steps be‌ taken to prevent similar incidents and ⁣protect ⁤the ⁣rights and safety ‌of those who dare to speak out against injustice.

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