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Biden’s World Stage Failure: Cargo Ship at Risk, Drone Downed, Cargo Ship Struck

President Biden Fails to Protect American Interests on the World Stage

Once again, President Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests and deter ​aggression from America’s enemies. This time, the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist organization has seriously damaged a cargo ship near the ‌Arabian Peninsula and even shot down a U.S. drone.

British maritime authorities reported that the attack on⁣ the Belize-flagged commercial shipping vessel M/V ‍Rubymar occurred in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. The ship’s front and engine room were hit by anti-ship ballistic missiles, forcing the crew to abandon the ship due to the damage.

The Houthis claimed that the ship had suffered catastrophic damage and was ‍at risk of sinking. The ship’s​ security firm confirmed that it ⁤was taking in water​ and that there was nobody on ‍board. The successful missile strikes represent a new⁤ escalation in the region by the Houthis, as it is the first time a crew has been forced to abandon ship due to their terrorist attacks.

According to ⁤U.S. Central Command, two anti-ship ballistic missiles were ⁢launched from Iranian-backed Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen towards the​ MV Rubymar. One of the missiles struck the vessel, causing damage. The crew⁢ was transported‍ to‌ a ‌nearby port by another merchant vessel.

Furthermore, ‌two‌ additional cargo ships, including​ one U.S.-owned and one Denmark-owned, were also attacked. The Houthis also claimed to have shot down a​ U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone‍ over Yemen.

The U.S. confirmed that​ a drone crashed near Hodeidah, Yemen, but declined to ⁤provide details on⁣ whether it was shot down or crashed due to another incident. This is not the ⁣first time the Houthis have shot down a U.S. drone.

These attacks highlight President Biden’s repeated failure to use necessary force to prevent and deter aggression. Despite the U.S.‍ having the ​most powerful military in the world, Biden ​has been hesitant to confront Iran, which is assisting the Houthis in these attacks.

The attacks ⁤are being assisted by Iran’s Islamic‍ Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a designated Foreign ‌Terrorist‌ Organization, which provides intelligence and targeting information to the Houthis. In response, the U.S. ⁤conducted a⁣ cyberattack on an Iranian military vessel that was aiding the Houthis.

It is clear that the Houthis​ cannot conduct these attacks without Iran’s direct‌ assistance. ​Vice Admiral Brad Cooper confirmed that the IRGC is‌ inside Yemen,‍ advising and providing targeting information to the Houthis.

President Biden’s inability or unwillingness to protect and deter attacks against U.S. interests is concerning, especially as he faces low polling numbers and a potential rematch against former President ​Donald Trump in the upcoming⁢ presidential election.

Related: Houthi Terrorist Missile Came Within Few Seconds Of Hitting U.S. Warship


Biden’s weakness on the world stage is evident in various instances, such as the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the failure to deter Russia from invading Ukraine, ⁢and being ‌pushed ⁣around by communist China ​during official meetings. Additionally, he has failed to respond forcefully to attacks on U.S. forces in​ the Middle East by Iranian-backed terrorist groups⁤ and has strained relationships with U.S. partners like Saudi Arabia and India.

What measures ‌has the‌ Biden administration ‌taken to ⁣address the aggression of ‌the Houthis, and why have these measures been ineffective?

O technical issues. However, experts‍ believe that ⁣the drone was most likely shot ‍down by the Houthis as part of their ongoing aggression against American ‍interests in the region.

President Biden’s failure to ​protect American interests on the ⁤world stage is becoming a ‍pattern. From his mishandling of the border crisis⁢ to his weak stance on China, Biden has consistently shown a lack of ⁤leadership⁤ and the⁤ inability to effectively deter aggression from America’s enemies.

The ‌Iranian-backed ‌Houthi terrorist organization ​poses a significant threat to not only American interests but also regional stability. ​Their attacks on commercial ships and shooting down of U.S. drones demonstrate their brazen disregard for international norms and their ⁢desire to‍ destabilize the region.

While the Biden administration has imposed sanctions on the Houthis and condemned their actions, these measures have proven to ‍be ineffective in deterring their aggression. It is clear⁣ that stronger action is needed to protect American ⁢interests and​ ensure⁤ the safety of commercial⁣ shipping in the area.

One possible course of action would⁣ be for the United States to work with its allies to⁤ increase naval presence in the region ‌and provide escorts for commercial ships passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. This would not only serve ‌as a deterrent to future attacks but also provide ⁣much-needed protection for merchant vessels.

Additionally, the United States should ‌consider imposing stricter sanctions on Iran and its proxies,⁢ including freezing their assets ​and imposing travel bans on key individuals. ​These measures would send a clear message that the United States‍ will not ⁤tolerate aggression from Iran ‌or its terrorist ⁤proxies.

Furthermore, ​the Biden ‌administration must take a tougher stance​ on Iran’s nuclear program. The recent attacks by⁢ the Houthi ⁣terrorist organization are​ just another ⁢example​ of Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region. By reinstating the Iran nuclear ⁢deal⁣ without ‌significant changes, Biden ‌has weakened ⁢America’s position and⁤ emboldened Iran to continue its aggressive behavior.

In conclusion, ⁣President ⁢Biden’s failure to protect American interests on the world stage is evident in his handling of the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist organization. Their recent attacks on commercial ships and shooting ‍down of a U.S. drone ⁢demonstrate the need‍ for stronger‌ action to deter their aggression.​ The United States must work ‌with its allies to increase naval presence in the region, impose stricter sanctions on Iran ​and its proxies, and take a tougher stance on Iran’s nuclear program. Failure to do so will only further embolden America’s enemies and put American interests at risk.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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