the federalist

Biden continues to reward terrorists

Peace is for suckers.

Even as Israelis were ‍rooting out the barbaric child murderers and ‍rapists of Hamas, ‍Joe Biden was trying to bully the Jewish state into repaying the Palestinians with a​ new ‌state. Now, the‌ State Department is reportedly ⁣ fast-tracking recognition‍ of an “independent” Arab state,‌ which not only promises ⁣to‍ envelop‍ Israel in a‌ three-front⁣ terror fight but also⁢ pull the United States into a needless⁣ quagmire.

Then again, for Biden,⁤ rewarding terrorists is a matter of ‌policy.

If this administration, for instance, had‌ explicitly promised to help Iran enhance its position in the Middle‌ East, what would it have done differently?

Only a few days after the ​inauguration, ‌Biden brought back Rob ⁣Malley to spearhead negotiations ​with⁤ Islamic State.‌ Now, there⁤ are many problems with Malley, but the ‌biggest one is that he negotiates for Ali Khamenei rather ​than the U.S. And I don’t mean this in some abstract, political sense. The administration ‍might ​be infested with Obama retreads who are keenly ​interested in making Iran a regional power that can curb Israel (and‌ Saudi Arabia),⁣ but⁢ Malley, now under investigation for ⁣“mishandling” classified ⁤documents, assembled a team that literally — we have ‌the emails — promised‍ to help the Islamic State.

Talk about⁢ foreign‍ “collusion.” ​It is stupefying that this subversion isn’t a massive ⁢story. One of the Iranian moles still works at the Pentagon.

Iran has spent decades kidnapping and murdering Americans. So a month after Malley’s hiring, the Biden administration took Iranian proxies, the Houthis, off the State Department foreign-terror designation list.

Then, ‌as Obama did, Biden released billions to strengthen the deteriorating terror ​regime and its revolutionary ⁤guard.

It wasn’t‍ just ransom. Iranians, supposedly under U.S. and⁤ EU sanctions, were able to⁤ boost oil production⁣ to a ⁤five-year high last year — which ​ amounts to an extra $10 billion.

All this ⁢did was incentivize Iran to further destabilize the region. Iranian proxies have attacked American ‌troops ⁢ at least 151 ‍times during the Biden years. Last ⁤week, three US⁤ soldiers were murdered by the regime. Add those lives to the over 600 servicemen ⁢ murdered by Iran over the past⁣ 20 years.

The White House spent ⁣the ‍week propping up the president and⁢ incessantly discussing how we⁣ were going⁢ to ⁢respond. At the⁤ same, they stressed we “don’t want war” with Iran. Of course, we ‍don’t want war. We also don’t need to sound like a pathetic, middling power. But I don’t care if you’re a‌ neocon, an isolationist,⁤ or anything in ​between; there needs to be repercussions for‌ murdering Americans. Teheran should be ‍terrified of what comes next. I doubt⁣ they are.

And while Biden was ‍boosting Iran’s fortunes,⁤ he was also empowering their allies in Hamas.

Donald Trump bypassed the intractable Palestinians, giving Israel space to make peace with most of the Sunni Arab world.

Iran was‌ increasingly isolated​ and weakened. The first thing the​ Biden administration did was place Palestinians ⁣at the center of Middle East policy-making.

Biden overturned Trump-era policy, releasing hundreds of millions of dollars of funding to UNRWA and the⁤ Palestinians. At the time, Antony⁣ Blinken claimed it was critical for‍ “Israeli-Palestinian understanding, security ⁤coordination and stability.” Really,‌ he might as well have written some checks ⁢directly out to Hamas.

United Nations ‍employees ‍in ‌Gaza, ‍whom Washington had long known were ⁣actively assisting the terror group, directly participated in‌ killing Jews on ⁢Oct. 7 — including, ⁣people often seem to forget, ‌30 U.S. citizens. At least half of the UN⁣ staff in Gaza ⁤is attached to ​organizations designated terrorist by the United States government.

Indeed,⁣ any ”independent” Palestinian territory ‍is going to ‌be a terror ⁤state. History is remarkably​ clear on ⁤this point. Even the PLO, propped up by Western aid and Israeli security ⁤in the “West Bank,”‌ hasn’t been able to hold a real election in over a⁢ decade⁣ because Islamists would inevitably take control.

If Israel can’t stop weapons from infiltrating ‌Gaza now, what does⁤ the situation look like when‍ it is dealing with an ​“independent” state? What does it‍ look like when Iran becomes a nuclear ⁣power? What does it look like ⁢when the Islamic Jihad — or whatever group pops up to take its ⁢place — begins lobbing rockets at civilians?⁢ Israel will be compelled to act. Next time, it would be invading a territory recognized as a sovereign state by ⁤the U.S.

To allay these fears, the State Department promises it will only move forward “with real security guarantees for⁢ Israel.”

We⁣ are in no position to offer security assurances to Israel. What is ⁢the U.S. going to do⁢ if there’s another Oct. 7? Are we ​going to send in troops ⁣and build a democracy in Ramallah? We can’t even close our own ⁤borders. The Biden ​administration, in fact, already opposes the creation of a security‍ buffer zone within Gaza to prevent more attacks.

One ⁣of the most preposterous positions of Western foreign policy experts states that⁣ if Palestinians only had a state,‌ there would⁣ be peace in the Middle East. There is no evidence for this. When‍ Jordan and ‍Egypt controlled the “West Bank” ⁤and Gaza Strip, Palestinians still attacked Jews. The Palestinians, the Iranians, the ​faculty of Harvard, The New York Times newsroom, The Squad, and ‌the growing pro-Hamas Democrat voting bloc‍ view all of Israel as occupied territory.

Now, there are those, like the president, who maintain‍ that the people of Gaza aren’t ​responsible for the actions of⁣ Hamas, even though most polls find overwhelming support for violent Islamic fundamentalism. Fine. If that’s really the case, there ⁣should be no problem asking the‌ Palestinians to take the next⁤ 5-10 years to ‍build a civilization that proves it can ‍live peacefully with its neighbors — like hundreds of other ethnic minorities​ in the world who don’t have‌ the benefit of the world’s attention.

Then again, maybe if they all started blowing up ⁣Jews, the West would propose giving them a state, as​ well.

What are the potential consequences of prioritizing Palestinians in Middle East policy-making, particularly in regards to empowering ‌Hamas and ⁣undermining the security of Israel” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer ‌noopener”> proposing “grown-up conversations” with Hamas, ⁢the terrorist ‌organization that has vowed to destroy‌ Israel. Apparently, ‍the‍ Biden administration believes that engaging ⁣with a group that targets innocent civilians and promotes violence is the path to peace.

It is evident ⁢that the Biden administration has a misguided ⁢approach to‌ foreign policy, particularly in the ​Middle East. Instead of holding terrorists accountable, they seem to be rewarding them. The decision ​to fast-track​ recognition of an “independent” Arab⁤ state while Israel is still dealing with the aftermath⁢ of a Hamas-led terror fight is ⁤not only irresponsible but also dangerous.

The appointment of Rob ​Malley as the negotiator‍ with the ​Islamic State is another troubling move by the Biden administration. Malley’s history of negotiating⁢ for the ​benefit of Iran rather⁤ than the United States raises serious concerns about the intentions and priorities of this administration. The fact that he‍ assembled a team that promised to help the Islamic State only adds to ​the alarming nature of this situation. The investigation into Malley’s mishandling​ of classified ‌documents⁢ further highlights the administration’s lack of judgment and commitment to national security.

The⁤ administration’s decision to lift terrorist designations on Iranian proxies, ​the Houthis, and release billions of dollars to Iran only strengthens and emboldens a regime that has consistently⁣ posed a⁤ threat to American interests. It⁢ is unconscionable ‍to reward Iran for their destabilizing actions⁤ in ‌the region, especially when American lives are at stake. The recent attacks on American troops by Iranian proxies⁣ are a clear indication​ that ‍this policy of appeasement and capitulation is⁤ not working.

Furthermore, the administration’s prioritization of Palestinians in Middle East policy-making is deeply flawed. By overturning Trump-era policies and releasing funding to UNRWA​ and​ the Palestinians,⁤ the Biden administration is effectively supporting and empowering Hamas.⁣ The fact that UN employees in Gaza have been directly involved in killing innocent people, including American citizens, should raise serious concerns about the ⁤integrity and ​effectiveness of these organizations.

The idea of an “independent” Palestinian state is unrealistic and dangerous. History‌ has‍ shown that any territory controlled by Palestinian authorities will inevitably become‌ a haven for terrorism. The inability of the PLO to‌ hold a real election⁢ in over a decade due to the rise ⁣of Islamist groups is a clear example of this. Granting recognition and support to a Palestinian state ⁤will ‌only create more​ opportunities‍ for violence and endanger the security of Israel and its citizens.

Israel is already struggling‌ to‌ stop weapons from reaching Gaza. If⁣ an “independent” Palestinian state is recognized, the situation​ will⁣ only worsen. The threat of a nuclear Iran and⁢ the possibility ⁤of other extremist ‌groups taking control in the ‌region will further heighten tensions and increase the risk⁣ of violence. Israel will be left⁢ with no choice but to intervene, potentially leading to a ‌full-scale conflict‍ between a recognized sovereign ⁢state and Israel.

The Biden administration needs to reassess its approach to the Middle East. Rewarding ‍terrorists, appeasing Iran, and prioritizing the Palestinians over ‌the security of Israel and the United States is‌ a dangerous ⁢and misguided⁢ path. It is time for the administration to prioritize ⁢the safety and interests of its⁢ own‍ citizens and allies, rather than trying ⁢to appease those who wish to do harm.

Peace cannot be achieved through weakness ⁢and capitulation. It requires strength, resilience, and a commitment to⁢ holding those who promote violence and⁣ terrorism ‌accountable. The Biden administration must reevaluate its ‌policies and ⁤prioritize the​ security and well-being of the American people and ⁢its ‍allies. ‍Only then can true peace and stability be achieved in the Middle East.

Read More From Original Article Here: Joe Biden Keeps Rewarding The Terrorists

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