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The Deepfake Interview of Greta Thunberg:⁢ A Satirical Take⁢ on Sustainable Warfare

On October 20,⁤ an AI-generated deepfake interview of Greta​ Thunberg was posted on the German satire site ⁢ Snicklink. In this mind-boggling clip, the deepfaked ​activist advocates for “sustainable tanks and weaponry” along‍ with “biodegradable missiles” and “vegan hand grenades.” If​ you are going to fight a war, she seems to say, do so in ‍an environmentally friendly way.

The minute-long clip is eerily‍ convincing—perhaps because, like all good ⁢parody, it’s just a step or two ahead ⁢of reality. We already see such non-satirical ​headlines as ‌”Silent But Deadly:​ The Case for ‌Electrifying Military ‍Vehicles” in⁤ Popular ⁣Mechanics.

The Unyielding Grip of Diesel Engines

Unfortunately,⁤ the petrochemical ⁣engine won’t ​be replaced easily. Oil is still a‌ critical resource: ‌Ukraine and Russia attacked each other’s oil infrastructure. Venezuela is on the edge of invading Guyana over oil reserves. And the real center of petroleum use is diesel fuel. It powers ‍90 percent of all globally traded goods ⁢through cargo shipping, runs 75⁢ percent of​ all construction and farming equipment, and pumps 20 percent of all agricultural irrigation water. Even after the ⁣2015 scandal of Volkswagen’s ⁢cheating on the EPA’s diesel emissions tests, diesel engines still run the world.

As it happens, the inventor‍ Rudolf Diesel (1858–1913) disliked the military use‌ of his‍ engine, and he expressed ​support for alternative fuels. The Mysterious‍ Case of Rudolf Diesel: Genius, Power, and Deception on the Eve of World War I recovers for readers the life of ⁣the man who invented the⁤ Diesel cycle (to ‍say nothing of​ his forlorn patent for ice cubes).

The ‌Revolutionary​ Diesel Engine

As Douglas Brunt tells the ⁣story, Diesel was a German engineer who devoted himself⁢ to‍ solving engine inefficiencies, and his invention allowed ​for a​ new way to generate power. In gasoline engines, a spark plug ‌makes a literal spark ⁤in the midst of a pressurized mixture of air and⁢ fuel. The fuel ignites, and the thermal energy created is then⁣ converted to mechanical motion. By contrast, the diesel engine doesn’t need ⁣a spark. Instead, air is compressed, which ⁤raises its temperature, and combustion begins spontaneously when‍ fuel is ‍injected ⁤into ⁤the hot environment.

While this may seem‌ a ‍minor difference, it made for major changes in machinery. Fire trucks, trains, tanks, cruise ships, and emergency generators wouldn’t be as feasible as they are today without Diesel’s ‍invention. Unlike the steam ‍power⁢ of the ​time, Diesel’s engine allowed the⁢ machines ‍it powered to begin work immediately, not having⁤ to wait to build up a fire. And unlike internal combustion engines running​ on gasoline, the⁤ diesel‍ engine proved ⁤more efficient‌ in energy usage and could run on fuels (including non-petroleum ⁣fuels ​such as peanut oil) that had‍ a lower octane⁣ rating.

The Enigmatic Life of‍ Rudolf Diesel

Brunt lays out‍ the path by which Diesel came to ‍his invention. Fourteen years after scribbling an‌ idea in his⁢ university lecture notebook, Diesel published his theoretical⁣ calculations of a new heat engine in‍ 1891. During ⁤the first test in 1894, the‌ engine immediately ⁣exploded, sending shrapnel screeching past him into the workshop walls. Undeterred, Diesel kept on—the⁢ more ⁣confident the fewer ‌additions were made to the “artwork of scars across ‍the laboratory‌ walls.”

Diesel’s invention came at nearly a perfect time at ​the end of the 19th century. Tensions⁣ between European nations were ⁣increasing. The ‍Germans were preparing to challenge the British‍ fleet, and the diesel engine would occupy ⁣a central place⁤ in World War I when it began in 1914. In ⁣addition to improving⁢ naval ship and airship designs, the engine made possible the first⁢ real stealth weapon: the‍ submarine. The wide range of potential fuels even put Diesel at odds with John D. ‌Rockefeller, whose kerosene empire‍ had just been kneecapped by electric illumination.

What follows in the book ⁢is a woven⁤ narrative of Diesel, Winston Churchill, Kaiser Wilhem II, and Rockefeller, ending with Diesel’s‍ mysterious disappearance during a voyage on the SS Dresden on September ⁢29, ⁣1913. ⁤His luggage was in his room untouched, and his notebook with⁢ the current date written on the page was left on the desk. According to Brunt, Diesel had been‍ acting strangely in the months ⁤before the trip—perhaps​ knowing something would happen.

The commonly accepted conclusion is that Diesel ​committed suicide, but suspicions still‍ linger of murder by the German government ‍(because he was helping the British ‍with their warship engines) or by a ⁣hitman ‍hired by Rockefeller. Brunt offers his⁣ own theory: Diesel didn’t die on the boat. A‌ British deception operation faked Diesel’s death to spirit him to work in Britain’s ‍Canadian engine works. To which the reader’s ‍response will be: interesting, possible, but‌ more speculative than proved.

In Brunt’s telling, Diesel leads ‌a surprisingly exciting life.⁣ Our German inventor bumps elbows with the beer makers Adolphus Busch and Eberhard Anheuser, automobile‍ manufacturers Henry Ford and Karl Benz, and scientists Thomas⁢ Edison and Alfred Nobel. Diesel, Brunt explains,‌ was scheduled to be on the Titanic but canceled ⁣the trip because of an⁤ engagement with⁣ Busch.

A few of the ​characters in the book should have ⁣stayed minor. Brunt spends too many pages⁢ telling us about people ‍not essential to​ Diesel’s ​story, and he dwells⁢ at times on unimportant⁤ events rather than ⁤building up to the mysterious disappearance. Still, Brunt has an eye for telling details. Diesel played piano nearly daily to honor the early death of his sister Louise. He published a treatise on how to solve the⁤ social dilemmas of the ‍Industrial Age (titling it Solidarismus), which he ⁤thought ⁢would be more ‍important than ⁢the engine he invented. He wanted ​to name the engine “Excalibur,” ‌after King Arthur’s sword, but settled for ​”Diesel” once his wife, Martha, rejected his first choice.

Douglas Brunt is the former CEO of a cybersecurity firm and author of ⁤three novels, which puts a biography ​of Rudolf Diesel a little out of his bailiwick.⁤ And the result is nowhere close to such superior accounts of oil and engines as The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power (2008) ⁢by Daniel Yergin or Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (2015) by Andres Malm.

Still, as Brunt mentions, even ​ The Prize ⁣ barely gives a nod‌ to the immense role Diesel played. ‌The⁣ inventor​ is far ​too little known, and The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel ​ is right​ to focus on him. The book also reminds us that eliminating fossil fuels in favor of‍ renewable-energy alternatives ⁣is foolhardy, for ⁤now. ‍Without Diesel’s​ invention, the essential infrastructure of modern life—food ⁣production, commercial distribution, transportation—wouldn’t⁣ be possible. Despite the headlines—real or deepfake—diesel‍ is here⁢ to stay.

The Mysterious ‌Case of ​Rudolf Diesel: Genius, Power, and Deception on the Eve of World War I
by‌ Douglas⁢ Brunt
Atria Books, 384 pp., $28.99

Matthew ​Phillips is a⁤ doctoral student in aerospace engineering at North⁢ Carolina State University.

What are ​the challenges ‌of developing and maintaining sustainable weapons and equipment for warfare?

S were even fictionalized, such ‌as a secret agent named »Odin One ⁣Eye«. But these embellishments don’t take away from the overall ​fascinating story of Diesel’s life and his ⁣revolutionary invention that‍ continues‍ to shape the world today.

Satire and Sustainable Warfare

The deepfake interview of Greta Thunberg on Snicklink, although meant⁢ for satirical purposes, brings attention to the⁢ topic of sustainable warfare. It highlights the growing concern for the environmental impact​ of warfare and the need‍ for sustainable alternatives.

Warfare has historically been associated with destruction and ⁣devastation, often leaving behind a trail of environmental damage.‍ From deforestation and pollution to the depletion of natural resources, wars have a significant impact on the planet. As awareness of climate ‍change‍ and sustainability‌ grows, so does the demand for eco-friendly solutions in​ all ‍aspects of​ life, including warfare.

While the deepfake interview may be a satirical take on the topic, it raises important⁤ questions about ⁣the future​ of warfare and​ the possibility of adopting ⁣sustainable practices. Just as ‌there is a push for sustainable energy sources ⁤in everyday life, such as solar and wind power, there could be a similar push for sustainable weapons and military equipment.

Advocating for “sustainable tanks and weaponry”⁢ or​ “biodegradable‍ missiles” may seem ⁣absurd, ‌but it challenges us to think outside the box and⁣ explore alternative solutions. The clip highlights the‌ importance​ of considering the environmental impact of warfare and finding ways to reduce it.

The​ Challenges of Sustainable Warfare

While the idea of ⁣sustainable warfare seems like a noble goal, it is not without ‍its⁤ challenges. The technology and infrastructure required to develop and maintain sustainable weapons⁢ and equipment would need to be developed. This would require significant investment in‌ research⁤ and development, as well as the cooperation⁤ of‍ governments and‌ military organizations.

Additionally,​ there are practical considerations to address.​ Can ⁣weapons that are environmentally friendly ‍still be effective ‍in combat? Will they ‌have the same level of destructive power as traditional weapons? These are important questions that need to be​ explored and addressed in ⁤the pursuit of sustainable warfare.

Furthermore, the deepfake interview reminds us of the complexities of⁣ the global oil industry, which influences many aspects of our⁣ lives, including warfare. Oil ‍and its⁤ derivatives, particularly diesel fuel, play a crucial role in powering military vehicles and‌ machinery.‌ Finding sustainable‌ alternatives to fossil fuels is not only important for combating ⁤climate change but also for reducing the dependence on ‍oil and its associated political and economic implications.

In​ conclusion, while the⁣ deepfake interview of ⁤Greta Thunberg may be satirical, it raises ⁤important ⁣questions about the future of warfare and the need for sustainable alternatives.⁣ It challenges us to think about the environmental impact of conflict and explore innovative ‍solutions to reduce it. Ultimately, sustainable warfare may seem like ⁤a far-fetched idea, but as the world continues to prioritize sustainability, it is a concept that should not be dismissed. More research and discussions are needed ⁤to determine the​ feasibility and ⁤potential benefits ‍of sustainable warfare.

Read More From Original Article Here: Fuel for a Conspiracy

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