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Iowa Satanic Temple: Statue Declared ‘Unfixable

Sometimes words become lies simply ⁤by virtue of who utters them.

According to KCRG-TV ‌ in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Satanic Temple of Iowa‍ posted ​a statement on Facebook Thursday regarding ⁣the toppling and‍ destruction of its “holiday display” at the Iowa state ‍capitol by ​a heroic Christian veteran.

“This morning, we were⁢ informed by authorities that the⁣ Baphomet statue in our holiday display ​was ‍destroyed beyond repair. We are⁤ proud to continue our holiday display for the next few days that we have been allotted,” the Satanic Temple’s ​statement​ began.

“We ask that for safety, visitors travel together and use the 7 Tenets as a​ reminder for empathy, in ‍the knowledge that justice is being pursued the correct way, through legal means. Solve et Coagula! Happy‍ Holidays! Hail Satan!” the ⁢statement ⁤concluded.

References ⁤to Baphomet date ‍to ​the⁢ Middle Ages. In the mid-19th century, however, European occultists adopted⁢ the “Sabbatic Goat” image of the pagan deity that has since “become ‌a recognized occult icon,” according to Britannica.

On Thursday,‌ former Navy pilot Michael Cassidy threw the‌ idol’s head into a trash can and then knocked over the Baphomet statue. He was later⁤ arrested on​ a charge of fourth-degree criminal mischief.

On social media and elsewhere, however, Cassidy has received substantial support, including financial contributions to his legal defense.

“The world may tell Christians to submissively‌ accept the legitimization of ⁣Satan, but none of ​the Founders would have considered government‌ sanction of‌ Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First‌ Amendment,” Cassidy told The Sentinel Thursday.

Indeed, the⁤ Founders did not‍ intend the First Amendment⁣ to cover satanic‍ displays on public grounds. Their own words tell us as much.

The Satanic Temple’s statement also called for “empathy” based on its “7 tenets.” The ​first of those tenets, for instance, urges‍ “compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.”

What should we ⁣make of this?‍ Has ​the Satanic Temple merely mimicked Thomas Paine and the deistic radicals of the French Revolution? After all, who could object to compassion,‌ empathy and reason?

In short, everyone can and must object.

Those who​ profess⁣ to follow the 7 tenets⁤ openly worship Satan. They do not hide it.⁤ “Hail Satan!” their⁣ statement read. And Satan lies. By definition, Satan lies in the service of‍ the evil he personifies. Without deliberate deceit, in fact, Satan would not be Satan.

Thus, worshiping Satan without lies would amount to embracing Adolf Hitler’s Nazis without hatred of Jews. It cannot be done.

A famous literary example should ‍suffice to illustrate.

In​ 1942, legendary Christian author C.S. Lewis published⁤ “The⁣ Screwtape Letters,” a ⁤satirical correspondence⁣ involving two demons.

Screwtape, ‍a ⁢master devil, wrote a series of letters⁤ to his nephew Wormwood, a novice tempter. In each missive, the ⁣diabolical uncle instructed the apprentice demon on ‌how best to alienate a young ⁢Englishman‍ from God.

The book’s preface, however,⁣ made it ‍clear ​that Screwtape —‌ even in pursuit of his own ends — detested truth.

“Readers are advised to remember ⁢that the devil is a liar. Not everything that Screwtape says ⁤should be assumed to be true even from⁤ his ‌own angle,” Lewis wrote of his literary demon.

In short, when those who worship evil‌ profess concern for safety, empathy and justice, do not believe them.

When they express pride, on the other hand, take them at their⁢ word.

The post Iowa Satanic Temple Issues Statement After Its Statue Deemed ‘Beyond Repair’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does the promotion⁤ of satanic beliefs by the Satanic Temple go against the principles of moral values⁣ upheld by the Founders of the United States

Tan!”⁤ is ​their rallying cry. Their ultimate goal is not compassion​ or empathy, but the advancement of their​ satanic ‌beliefs and the erosion of moral values in society.

Words have power.​ They can inspire, motivate, and bring comfort. But they can‍ also deceive, manipulate, and spread falsehoods. Sometimes, words​ become ‌lies simply ‌by virtue of who utters them.‍ When the Satanic ⁣Temple preaches⁤ empathy and ⁤compassion, it is essential to recognize the ulterior motives ‍behind their message.

The destruction ‌of the ‍Baphomet statue by ⁢Michael ‍Cassidy, a Christian veteran, has sparked controversy and ⁣debate. Many are divided between praising Cassidy for his actions and condemning him for vandalism. However, it is crucial to understand⁤ the context in which this event occurred.

The Satanic Temple’s display in‌ the Iowa state capitol was an attempt to provoke and challenge societal norms. They intentionally chose a public and political space to promote their beliefs. ⁣By doing so, ‍they sought to gain recognition and legitimacy for ⁢their satanic⁣ ideology.

The First Amendment of​ the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and protects individuals’ rights to express their beliefs.⁣ However, it does not extend to destructive ​behavior or the desecration of public property. ⁢The Satanic​ Temple’s display may have been legally ‍allowed, but it ​does not make it morally right.

The⁢ Founders of the United States did not ‌envision the ​First ‌Amendment to protect​ satanic altars in Capitol buildings. They believed in freedom⁤ of ⁣religion and⁢ the ​right to worship, ⁢but they also recognized the importance of⁣ moral values in society. ⁢The Satanic Temple’s promotion of Satanism goes against these principles.

Compassion, empathy, and reason are virtuous qualities that should be encouraged and practiced by all. However, when these principles are‌ used as a facade to push a hidden agenda, they become empty words. The ⁣Satanic Temple’s 7 tenets may sound appealing, but‌ their true intention‍ is to propagate satanic beliefs and undermine traditional values.

It is ‌crucial to be discerning and critical⁤ of the words ‍we hear and the messages ​we encounter. ​Just because something is presented as compassionate‌ or empathetic does not mean it is genuine or‌ morally right. When words are spoken by those who worship Satan, they become tainted and deceptive.

In⁣ conclusion,​ the Satanic Temple’s statement⁢ about⁢ the ‌destruction of their holiday ⁢display reflects their true intentions and beliefs. Words can ⁢become lies simply by​ virtue ‌of who utters ‌them, and​ in this case, they come ⁤from a group⁣ that openly worships Satan. It is essential to see beyond the facade of compassion ‍and ‍empathy and recognize their true agenda. Society‌ must uphold moral values and not be deceived by the⁢ manipulation ⁣of⁢ words.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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