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Biden admin funds anti-Israel group spreading Gaza war disinformation

The Biden Administration Funds Anti-Israel Nonprofit Spreading Disinformation

In its efforts to combat the spread of disinformation ​in the Middle East, the Biden administration has awarded hundreds of⁤ thousands of⁢ dollars in‍ taxpayer money ⁤to an anti-Israel nonprofit. This organization,‌ MENAACTION Inc., has been pushing fake⁢ news ‌about the Israel-Hamas war.

The State ⁢Department granted $573,000 to MENAACTION​ Inc. on Oct. 1. The⁢ funds were⁣ intended to ‌protect “media ‌and society against disinformation” and to train Jordanian journalists in ‌identifying “fake news.” However, MENAACTION’s founders have a history of promoting false narratives.

One ​of the cofounders, Chris Aboukhaled, spread Hamas’s claim that Israel bombed Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. ‍In reality, the ​rocket that struck the hospital ‌was fired by Palestinian ⁢Islamic Jihad, another terrorist ⁣group in Gaza. Mohammed Abu Dalhoum, another ‌cofounder, also suggested that Israel was‌ behind the bombing and accused Israel ⁤of‌ “genocide.” Experts agree that Israel’s targeted retaliatory strikes against Hamas do not constitute genocide.

The grants to MENAACTION ‍raise concerns about the administration’s ability to combat disinformation in the Middle East.‍ It also raises​ questions about the Biden administration’s funding for anti-Israel‌ groups and⁢ initiatives to fight ⁣disinformation.

Controversial Funding Choices

Earlier this year, the White House appointed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an anti-Israel advocacy group, ‍to its “national strategy to⁢ counter anti-Semitism.” However, the White House removed references to CAIR’s⁣ role after the group’s leader expressed support for Hamas fighters attacking Israel.

The State Department also⁤ recently‍ awarded⁤ $260,000⁤ to a Palestinian university that praised Hamas as “righteous martyrs.” Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security ⁢granted ‍millions of dollars to mosques that have called for the annihilation of Jews.

MENAACTION, which ‍claims ⁣to‍ advocate for the rights of⁢ Middle Eastern youth, has been highly critical of the Israeli government and refers to them as ⁣the “Israeli​ occupying forces” in Gaza and the West Bank. Dalhoum⁣ even suggested that Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is Jewish, could ⁢not serve as an impartial mediator in negotiations between Israel and Palestinian ⁣leaders.

Details of MENAACTION’s State Department grant remain unclear as neither the agency nor MENAACTION have responded to requests for ⁢comment.

Controversy Surrounding Disinformation Initiatives

The grants to MENAACTION are part of a broader initiative ⁢by the administration to combat disinformation on political issues. However, this cause has stirred controversy as many of the organizations involved‍ have ‌been accused of having a liberal bias or spreading fake ‍news ​themselves.

For example, the Department of Homeland ‍Security formed the Disinformation Governance Board, led by Nina Jankowicz, a researcher who promoted false narratives about Hunter Biden’s laptop and alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

The Biden administration has also⁢ contracted NewsGuard to help⁢ identify‌ “misinformation” for the ⁢military. However, NewsGuard has faced criticism from conservatives for its alleged anti-conservative bias ‌and its predominantly Democrat employee roster. One of NewsGuard’s cofounders, Steven Brill, even spread the false claim that the release of Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020 was “a hoax perpetrated ‌by the Russians.”

What ⁤are the‍ concerns ⁤surrounding the inclusion of ‍CAIR in ​the government’s efforts to counter anti-Semitism?

‍ R, CAIR has been criticized for its ​controversial statements ⁤and associations. In 2007, CAIR was named⁣ as​ an ⁢unindicted co-conspirator ⁤in the Holy Land Foundation ‌terrorism financing ⁣case, which involved funneling money to Hamas. Additionally, CAIR’s ‍co-founder, Omar Ahmad,‌ has been quoted as saying,⁤ “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.”

The inclusion of CAIR in the government’s efforts to counter anti-Semitism raises serious concerns⁢ about the administration’s commitment to supporting Israel and combating ‌disinformation in the region. By ‍funding organizations ​with ‍anti-Israel agendas, the Biden administration risks perpetuating false narratives and undermining the peace ‌process.

Furthermore, the decision to ​award ‍taxpayer money ⁤to MENAACTION ‌Inc. despite their history of​ spreading disinformation is‍ deeply‌ troubling.⁢ The purpose of combating disinformation is ‌to promote accurate information ⁣and prevent the spread of falsehoods. By funding an organization‍ that has been involved in spreading fake news about Israel, the⁢ administration is effectively ‍supporting the dissemination ​of‍ false narratives and undermining its own efforts to combat disinformation.

The Biden administration⁤ must​ reevaluate its funding choices and ensure that taxpayer money is not being used to support organizations with anti-Israel biases​ or a history of‍ spreading disinformation. It⁢ is crucial that any⁣ initiatives aimed at combating disinformation in the ⁤Middle East are based on accurate information and promote a fair and ‍balanced view of⁢ the region’s conflicts.

In order to effectively combat disinformation,⁣ it is⁢ imperative that the Biden administration supports organizations that are committed to truth and accuracy. Funding should be directed towards organizations that have a track record of promoting objective journalism and unbiased reporting. By doing so, ‍the administration can ensure that its efforts ⁤to combat disinformation ⁢are​ effective and aligned with its commitment to supporting Israel and ‌promoting peace‍ in⁣ the region.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s funding of MENAACTION Inc., an anti-Israel nonprofit spreading disinformation,⁤ raises significant‌ concerns. It is crucial that taxpayer money is‍ not used to support organizations with a history of‍ promoting false narratives and ​undermining the peace process. The administration must ‌reevaluate its funding choices and⁤ ensure ⁢that initiatives aimed at combating disinformation in the Middle East ‌are based on accurate information and promote ​a⁣ fair and balanced view of the⁢ conflicts ​in ⁣the region. By doing so, the administration ​can effectively combat disinformation and uphold its commitment to supporting Israel and promoting peace⁤ in the Middle East.

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