the federalist

Prepare for a chilly and gloomy winter under John Kerry’s coal-killing policies

President Joe Biden’s​ climate czar, ​former ⁣Secretary of ⁣State John Kerry, made a​ grand entrance ⁢at the U.N.’s Climate Change ‍Conference in Dubai. He flew in on his private jet to demand a global ban on coal-fired power plants.

Meanwhile, China, the world’s largest coal power generator, is not only continuing⁢ to build⁣ more coal plants but also planning to construct⁣ even more. These new plants will surpass the ​entire existing coal-fired fleet in the United States. Despite claiming to⁢ have strong environmental laws, China⁢ often turns a blind eye to violations in exchange for bribes.

Ironically, a significant portion of mercury pollution in‌ the United States⁤ comes from overseas, with China being a major contributor.

The⁤ problem with Biden’s anti-coal stance⁢ is ⁤that it‌ not only ⁢affects American energy production‌ but also discourages‌ investment. Investors dislike uncertainty and risk. Consequently, instead ‍of building new, efficient, and clean coal plants, they are being shut down and replaced with ⁢unreliable wind and solar energy, often manufactured in China ⁣using forced labor. These renewable sources require massive Chinese-made battery farms to ensure a⁤ stable power supply.

While China continues to approve new coal plants at⁣ a rapid pace, it ⁤is unlikely to‍ pay attention to Kerry’s scolding.

Affordability and Economic Considerations

Coal has historically been one of the most affordable sources ‌of energy. ⁢It plays a crucial ‌role in keeping electricity‌ prices lower, particularly‍ in regions where coal is ⁤abundant. This affordability is essential for⁣ individual consumers and energy-intensive industries. Higher⁣ energy costs can lead to increased prices for goods and services, negatively impacting the overall economy.

However, Biden and Kerry seem to ‍favor higher energy costs, which ultimately hurt American manufacturing. This⁢ situation results in more goods being produced in⁢ coal-dependent China‌ and imported back to the United States, along with the fentanyl crisis.

If you want a glimpse of America’s future under Biden and Kerry’s policies, look no further than California. The state has some of the highest ​electricity prices in the country, primarily due⁤ to its reliance on renewable energy‌ sources.

Reliability and Energy ⁣Security

Coal-fired power plants contribute to the reliability and security of the nation’s ​electricity supply. Unlike renewable sources like wind and⁣ solar, coal plants can provide a steady and ‍consistent power output regardless of ⁤external conditions. ‌This stability is crucial for maintaining grid stability, especially during peak⁢ demand periods or when renewable ⁣sources are less⁢ productive.

However, America’s⁤ electric grid ⁢is at risk of winter ‌blackouts⁣ due to ​high ‍demand and deficits in regional power generation. The retirement of coal plants without adequate replacements, such as wind ‍and solar, has left ⁤the ‍grid vulnerable.

So, when your lights flicker and your heat fails this winter, remember to thank the climate czar.


What challenges⁣ does‌ the reliance on wind ⁣and solar energy pose in ensuring ‍a stable ⁤and reliable ​power supply, and how can these​ challenges be addressed

And providing ⁢stable energy supply. However, the push by President Biden and his climate czar to ban coal-fired power plants raises concerns about affordability and economic implications.

Coal-fired power ⁣plants have been the backbone of electricity⁤ generation in many countries, including the United​ States.‍ They provide a reliable and consistent source of energy, ensuring‍ the uninterrupted functioning⁣ of ‌industries, businesses,‌ and households. By banning coal, ⁢the​ Biden administration risks destabilizing the energy market and increasing the cost of electricity.

Renewable energy sources like wind‍ and solar have gained popularity in recent years due to their perceived environmental benefits. ‍However,‍ they are ​still relatively expensive compared to coal. The production⁢ and installation costs of wind turbines⁣ and ‍solar‍ panels are high. Additionally, they ⁤require large-scale battery storage systems⁣ to compensate for their intermittent nature. These costs have to be passed on to consumers, resulting ‍in higher electricity bills.

Furthermore, the reliance⁤ on wind and‍ solar energy is heavily dependent on weather conditions. Calm days with no wind or cloudy periods ‌can significantly⁣ reduce the energy⁢ output from these⁢ sources. This variability poses a challenge in ensuring a stable and reliable power supply, potentially leading⁢ to ‍disruptions and ⁣blackouts.

China’s commitment to ‍coal expansion highlights the economic advantages it sees in this energy source. Coal ⁣provides affordable electricity to its ‌rapidly growing population and supports its industrial development. By continuing to build coal power plants, China aims ‍to maintain its economic ⁣growth while meeting its energy ⁤demands.

Environmental Concerns

While the Biden administration’s anti-coal stance is driven by environmental concerns, the focus on coal ignores the⁣ progress made in reducing emissions from⁢ coal-fired power‌ plants. Modern coal plants employ advanced technologies that⁢ significantly⁢ reduce emissions of​ pollutants ‌like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.

Instead ‌of ⁣completely banning coal, a more practical approach would ⁤be to ⁢invest in research and development of cleaner coal technologies. These technologies, ⁤such⁢ as carbon capture ⁤and storage, can help mitigate the environmental impacts of coal combustion. ⁢By supporting innovation⁣ in‍ the coal industry, the United States can contribute to global efforts⁤ to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

It is essential to recognize that a global ban on coal-fired ⁣power plants is ⁣unrealistic and impractical. Many countries, especially developing nations, heavily⁢ rely on coal as⁣ a ​cheap and abundant energy source. Initiatives should focus on assisting these countries in adopting cleaner ⁤coal technologies and gradually transitioning to ⁣more sustainable energy​ sources.

In conclusion, the push for a global ban ​on coal-fired power plants by the Biden administration raises concerns about ‍affordability, economic​ implications, and environmental considerations. While renewable ‌energy sources ‍should be promoted, it is crucial to acknowledge⁣ the role of ‌coal in providing⁤ affordable and stable energy. A ⁢more balanced approach that encourages investment ⁤in ‌cleaner coal technologies and supports the transition to sustainable energy is necessary to address both ⁣climate change and economic realities.

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