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Lowering The Standards In Every Industry In The Name Of Diversity

Activists ⁤and‍ the Erosion ⁤of Standards

One of the most striking aspects of activists who seek to​ reshape society and‍ dismantle established hierarchies in the ⁣name of “equity” is ⁣their unwavering determination‌ and assertiveness. They don’t⁤ wait for permission; they simply forge ahead. And they do so ‍in such vast numbers and across ⁢so many domains that it becomes nearly impossible to ​keep track of their actions. Even if you oppose ‌their agenda, ‍as⁤ many people do, it’s challenging to stay fully informed due to the sheer scale of their operation.

Here’s‍ a​ brief ⁢overview, although far from exhaustive. In recent ⁤months⁢ alone, we’ve discovered that ⁣the LAPD‍ is⁤ relaxing its standards for new ‌officers ‍to recruit fewer white males. The San‌ Francisco ⁣school board is considering lowering admission requirements, and the New York Regents Exam may soon become optional ⁣for high school graduates. ⁤The LSAT is dropping its challenging “logic​ games” section to accommodate blind applicants. Even medical schools like U.C. Davis are ranking⁣ applicants⁢ based on perceived “hardships” ⁢rather than merit. ‌This trend ‌of lowering‌ standards to increase “diversity” is evident ⁤in various fields, from air traffic control ‍and airline⁢ piloting to Silicon Valley​ and even zoos ‍and aquariums.

With all this in mind,‌ one might ⁤assume that it’s impossible to be shocked by any industry lowering⁢ its standards in the‍ name of diversity. After all, if ⁣everyone‌ is doing it, how surprising ⁤can these initiatives truly be?

A Startling Development in Social Work

That’s what I thought until recently when ​I learned about a new plan to “diversify” one of the least demanding and rigorous professional fields. I didn’t believe ⁣it was‍ possible for this field ⁤to lower its‌ already low standards.

According to NBC News Washington:

They’re now ‌lowering the standards ⁢for social workers because not ‌enough people with‍ “darker skin” are​ passing the test. This segment is already insane. A black woman‌ named Sarah⁤ claims she needed a black⁢ therapist‌ who shared her “views.” She couldn’t tolerate a white, Hispanic, or Asian therapist.⁢ NBC News doesn’t challenge her reasoning or its implications.

Let’s consider⁢ those implications. The‌ underlying assumption⁤ is⁤ that you⁣ can only ‍benefit from a therapist who shares your exact ‌worldview. This assumption is prevalent‍ because much of therapy involves paying someone to agree with​ you. There’s no⁣ scientific basis for it.‍ Patients choose doctors⁣ who tell them what they want ⁣to hear, ⁢and doctors are ⁣aware of this. They call it “affirmative care.” Instead of offering independent diagnoses or pushback, therapists tell children ⁢they’re‍ “transgender” or have ​”ADHD.” This is how therapy works ⁣today, but it’s not ⁢how ⁤it’s ​supposed to work.

In theory, counseling should involve someone ‌who⁣ sees the world ⁣differently ‌from you. You seek guidance because there’s‌ a problem with your perspective. But what’s even more interesting in the clip⁤ is Sarah’s assertion ⁤that the only way ‍to find a therapist who thinks‍ like her is⁢ to find ⁤one with ​the same skin color. This goes beyond mere racism; it’s race essentialism. If a white person endorsed this perspective, they would be labeled a domestic terrorist.‍ But ​when a black person endorses it on NBC News, there are no consequences. NBC⁣ News even endorses her viewpoint.

Let’s examine the statistics mentioned in the clip. Between 2018 and 2021, ⁢approximately 76% of white test-takers passed the bachelor’s level exam on their​ first attempt. Asians had ⁢a 60% pass ‍rate, followed ⁣by Hispanics ​at 53%, and blacks at 33%. ​These rankings generally align with the distribution of ⁣SAT⁣ scores, with one notable exception. Asian test-takers typically excel on standardized tests, but in this case, they lag⁢ behind.

NBC News, however, disregards the relatively poor performance of Asians and instead ‌focuses solely on the​ low number of black students who pass. For my part, I take some ⁤pride in the fact that⁣ white people ​are surpassing Asians in at least one category. But the question remains: why is the 33% pass ‍rate among black test-takers automatically seen as evidence of ⁢a flawed test?‍ Is it truly racist? To find out, I watched study sessions ​on YouTube, hoping to identify any ⁤racist questions. ​Instead, I ​was bored to tears. The questions were mundane and far from racist.

After examining the social worker exam questions, it’s clear that they are not racist. Yet, activists and elected ‌officials in D.C. are attempting to eliminate the testing requirement ​entirely,⁣ based on unfounded claims. This move contradicts the purpose of licensing requirements, which aim to ensure competence in a profession and protect ‌the‌ public. Instead of ‌admitting everyone and then dealing with the⁤ consequences of incompetence, we should ⁣maintain standards from the​ start.

Ironically, the Left has been advocating for social workers to replace law ‍enforcement in various situations, expanding their power and scope. Yet, they are simultaneously lowering ⁢the standards ⁤for social ‌workers. While social workers ⁢are generally ineffective, this trend symbolizes a larger problem. The Left seeks ⁤to reshape society by eroding standards across all⁤ professions, from the most demanding to the least. They⁣ won’t stop until they have undermined the legitimacy of every job in the country.

Except, of course,‍ they won’t implement any diversity initiatives ‍in major sports leagues where their⁢ preferred⁢ demographics are already dominant. But in every other field, they are determined to reduce standards⁤ to ​the point of nonexistence. If even social workers are exempt from⁤ a simple test, it proves⁣ that they can ​eliminate standards in every other area. We​ must decide whether we⁤ want a functioning society or​ if⁢ we will allow them ‍to succeed.

What message does‍ the initiative to lower standards in professional fields send about the value of hard work and maintaining well-established standards?

Students⁣ have a higher pass rate, not because of their skin color, ‌but because they have ‌studied, prepared, and met⁣ the⁤ standards required for success. It is not a matter ⁤of discrimination ⁣but of competence and merit.

The​ decision to‌ lower the standards ‍for social workers based on race is not⁣ only concerning but also dangerous. The field of social work is one that requires individuals to⁣ have the knowledge, skills, and empathy necessary to support and ​assist those in need. Lowering⁢ the standards in this ⁣profession compromises the quality of care‌ provided to vulnerable individuals and‌ puts their ​well-being at risk.

Furthermore, ⁣this‌ initiative sends a message that academic achievement and competency can be overlooked⁤ in the⁣ pursuit of diversity. ​It undermines the value of hard work and​ the importance of maintaining well-established standards in professional ​fields. By‍ prioritizing diversity ​over competence,⁢ we‍ risk diminishing the credibility and effectiveness of these professions.

It is essential to recognize‍ the difference between promoting diversity​ and lowering ‌standards. ‍Diversity should be embraced‌ and‍ celebrated, but it should not come at ‍the ⁢expense of⁢ excellence and professionalism.‍ Standards should be based on⁤ objectivity, ​competency, ⁤and merit rather than race ‌or ethnicity.

As a society, we must strive to⁣ create equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background. However, this should not⁣ be achieved through the erosion of standards.‍ Instead, we should focus on providing resources, support, and equal access to education and training that enables ⁣individuals ‌from ⁤all walks of‍ life to meet and​ excel in established standards.

Activists who advocate for the erosion ⁤of standards in the name of equity must be mindful of the unintended consequences of their actions. It is crucial to consider⁤ the long-term effects on⁤ the⁣ integrity and effectiveness⁤ of ‌the professions they seek to change. Balancing⁣ the pursuit of ⁤diversity with the maintenance of excellence is a delicate task that requires thoughtful consideration, ‌collaboration, and a commitment to upholding high standards.

In conclusion, the trend of lowering standards in various fields, including social work, under⁣ the guise of diversity is ⁣concerning. It undermines the credibility and⁤ effectiveness of these professions and​ puts ‍vulnerable individuals at risk. While promoting diversity is important, it should‌ not come‌ at the expense of competency and merit. Upholding‍ and maintaining ⁢well-established standards is crucial to ‍ensure the ⁢quality of care and services provided. It is essential for activists and society ⁣as ‍a whole to find a balance‌ between diversity and maintaining excellence to ensure the continued ‌success of these professions.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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