the epoch times

Protect yourself online, Californians urged.

California⁤ Attorney General Urges Businesses and⁤ Residents to Protect Themselves​ from Online ⁤Threats

In a ⁢press release on October 26, California Attorney General Rob Bonta emphasized the importance of cybersecurity awareness and ⁤urged businesses and⁢ residents ⁢to take proactive measures to safeguard their digital security.‍ Bonta highlighted the need to prioritize data protection⁢ and not wait for⁢ a data breach or cyberattack to occur before taking action.

Throughout this year, ⁤several private​ and public entities in California, including​ San Bernardino County,‍ the University of California—Los Angeles, and various hospitals‍ and healthcare facilities, ⁢have fallen victim to cyber attacks.

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Bonta recommended enabling multi-factor authentication ‌for ⁣online accounts, which adds an extra layer of security ⁤by ⁣requiring⁢ a password and a second piece of information, such as a one-time code sent via⁣ text message or email. This measure ‌makes it significantly more challenging for attackers to gain unauthorized access, even if they possess the user’s password.

Additionally, Bonta advised individuals to create unique and robust​ passwords for each online account, avoiding easily identifiable information like pet names or birthdays. He suggested using⁣ a password manager to simplify password management.

Regularly ⁤updating operating ⁣systems, browsers, ​and​ other critical applications​ was another key recommendation from Bonta. By ‍staying up to date with the latest security‍ software, web browser, and operating system, individuals can enhance‌ their defense against online‌ threats.

Installing antivirus⁣ software was emphasized ‌as a crucial⁣ step in protecting devices from‌ viruses that can compromise data, slow down or⁣ crash devices,​ or enable spammers to⁢ exploit email accounts. Antivirus‍ protection‍ scans files and incoming emails for ⁤viruses, deleting any detected malicious content.

Bonta⁣ also stressed​ the importance of reviewing and adjusting privacy ⁤and security settings on all devices and applications. He advised individuals to be cautious ⁢about sharing personal⁤ information online and to exercise caution when using public Wi-Fi ‌networks, as they are often insecure and vulnerable to hackers.

Other tips ​included encrypting devices, limiting the visibility‌ of personal social media posts through privacy ‌settings, and refraining from taking⁣ online quizzes⁣ that could reveal answers ‌to security questions.

Businesses‍ operating in California were encouraged to train employees in data security principles, such as using strong passwords and ​establishing internet use guidelines. Bonta also ‌recommended providing ⁤a firewall for ‌internet connections, particularly for employees working ⁢remotely.

Furthermore, Bonta highlighted the California Consumer Privacy Act, which grants residents the right ‌to opt out of the sale of their personal⁣ information⁢ online. ⁤Businesses that sell information are required to include⁣ a “Do Not ⁣Sell ⁢My Personal Information” link on their websites.

By following these ⁣cybersecurity measures, businesses and ‍residents can ‍better protect themselves from ⁣online threats ⁤and mitigate ‍the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks.

‍ What‍ are the benefits⁣ of prioritizing data protection ‌and enabling ‌multi-factor authentication

R to securely store and generate complex passwords, relieving ‌the burden of memorizing⁣ them.

Bonta also stressed​ the importance of being cautious while browsing the internet and opening emails.⁤ Phishing attacks, where cybercriminals pose as legitimate⁤ entities to trick ‍individuals into revealing sensitive information,​ are prevalent. He warned against ​clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, as they can potentially contain malware or ransomware.

To mitigate the risk of falling victim to ransomware attacks, Bonta recommended regular data backups. This practice ensures that​ even if data is compromised, it ‌can be restored from a secure and unaffected ⁢source. He emphasized the necessity of keeping backup ⁣files separate from the primary system to prevent their ‌encryption during an⁢ attack.

Furthermore, Bonta urged‍ businesses to implement robust cybersecurity protocols. This ⁢includes regularly updating software and hardware, conducting vulnerability assessments, and providing ongoing training to ⁤employees‌ on‌ best cybersecurity practices. He stressed the importance of establishing incident response plans and promptly‌ reporting any cyber incidents to law⁢ enforcement.

In conclusion, Attorney General Rob ​Bonta called on businesses and residents⁢ in California to take proactive measures to‌ protect themselves ​from‍ online ​threats. By prioritizing data protection, enabling‍ multi-factor authentication, using⁢ strong and unique passwords, and​ being ‌cautious while browsing the internet and opening emails, individuals can⁤ mitigate the risk ​of cyberattacks. For businesses, implementing robust cybersecurity protocols and ensuring employee awareness and training are essential ⁤for safeguarding digital​ security. By taking these proactive⁤ steps and not waiting for ⁣a data breach to occur,⁢ California can strengthen‌ its defense against online threats.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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