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Media aware of Hamas lies, yet still report them.

⁢What steps ⁤should ⁤news outlets take to⁣ ensure ⁢accurate and unbiased ‌reporting when covering conflicts involving Hamas‍ and Israel?

The false claims and inflated numbers. This raises serious questions about ​the media’s integrity and their willingness to​ report the truth.

It is no⁢ secret⁢ that Hamas has⁤ a long history of manipulating the media‍ to further ⁣their ‌own ‌agenda. They have‌ been caught numerous times spreading false information and ⁤using civilian casualties ⁤as propaganda tools. Yet, despite‌ this knowledge, the media continues to give them⁢ a platform ⁣and amplify their lies.

One⁢ recent ‌example of this is the incident where the Health Ministry wrongly accused ​Israel of bombing a ​Gazan hospital. Several⁣ news outlets, including the New York Times, uncritically reported this claim, only ‌to later acknowledge their ​mistake. This incident highlights‌ the media’s failure ‌to fact-check and verify information before reporting⁣ it.

Furthermore, it is not just the Health‌ Ministry’s ⁣false claims that have been‌ reported by the media.‌ In previous conflicts with Israel, the media⁣ has been comp

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