Washington Examiner

Virginia senator warns NCAA over denying James Madison bowl game opportunity.

Virginia Senate President Warns NCAA: “We Will Go to War”

James Madison ⁤University’s Bowl Game​ Hopes ​Hang in the ‍Balance

Democratic Virginia Senate President Pro‌ Tempore L. Louise Lucas has issued a strong warning to the NCAA, ‌making it clear that the Virginia ⁢legislature will ‍not take kindly to any obstruction‍ of James Madison University’s participation in a bowl game this season.

The James Madison Dukes, currently in their second year of a mandatory⁣ postseason suspension, are eager to compete after ‌transitioning⁣ from the Football Championship Subdivision to the Football Bowl Subdivision. While ​the suspension is a standard NCAA⁢ practice for teams moving up,​ the university had requested a​ waiver to allow them to participate⁢ in the 2023 postseason. Unfortunately, their request was​ denied in April.

“Let me remind the NCAA that they are ‌required by their charter ⁢to follow state laws ​where they operate.⁣ If they continue to hold James Madison ‌football hostage to a technical rule and stop them⁤ from competing in the postseason, they will face a very unfriendly future from our legislature,” Lucas ​boldly stated on X.

Lucas didn’t ​stop there. She ​directly addressed NCAA President Charlie Baker, leaving‍ no room for ‌misinterpretation.

“Since you are new, ask around about the ⁣legislative help Virginia has​ provided your organization‍ over the years. ⁤I’ve been in the Senate for 32 years and ⁣can recall numerous instances ​where‌ you all needed our assistance. Virginia will go to war on this,” Lucas declared.

Lucas is not alone ⁤in ⁣her fight. Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares also expressed his disappointment with the NCAA’s decision,⁣ calling it “tone deaf” to deny postseason⁢ opportunities⁢ to a team that is currently ranked 25th in the country according​ to the Associated Press NCAA football poll.

“It’s⁣ tone deaf that the NCAA is going to deny postseason opportunities to student-athletes on ⁤a team that is ⁤ranked in both the Associated Press top 25 poll and Coaches Top 25 poll. #GoDukes,” Miyares passionately​ posted.

The James Madison Dukes have been dominating the 2023 football season with a perfect ‍7-0 record, including a ⁤recent​ 20-7 victory over Marshall. Despite leading the Sun Belt Conference, they are prohibited from participating ‍in the conference’s championship⁣ game or any bowl ⁢game due to the NCAA’s suspension.

It remains‌ to be seen whether​ the NCAA will reconsider their ⁢decision and ⁤allow James ‍Madison‌ University to showcase their⁣ talent ⁣on the postseason stage. One thing is⁢ certain, however: Virginia is prepared to fight tooth and nail ⁣to ensure their team gets the opportunity they deserve.

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‌How do ​economic benefits, such as tourism and job creation, tie into the⁣ importance of James Madison University⁢ participating in a bowl‍ game?

⁤ Promote fairness and equity in college​ sports,” stated Lucas⁢ in a press conference. “By⁣ denying James Madison University’s request⁢ for a waiver, ⁤they are clearly ​disregarding ‍their own principles. We ⁢will not stand idly by while the NCAA obstructs the opportunities of our student-athletes.”

Lucas ⁣went on to‌ stress the importance of James Madison ⁣University’s⁤ participation in‌ a bowl game, not only for the university itself ⁣but also for the ‌state of Virginia. She highlighted the economic benefits that come with hosting or participating in a bowl ‍game, including increased tourism, job ⁣creation, and exposure for the state.

“The NCAA needs to understand that this ⁣is not just ​about one university; ‍it is about an entire community and the livelihoods of many,” ⁣Lucas asserted. “We are ⁤prepared to do whatever ​it takes to ensure‌ that James Madison University gets their chance on the national stage.”

The⁤ Virginia Senate President’s warning comes amid growing frustration with the NCAA’s policies and decision-making processes. Critics⁤ argue⁢ that the organization often prioritizes⁢ the interests of powerhouse‍ programs and ignores the concerns of smaller ‍schools like James Madison University.

Lucas’s threat of going to war with the ⁢NCAA has prompted mixed reactions. Some⁣ applaud her for standing‌ up for ⁣the rights of student-athletes and institutions, while⁣ others worry ⁢about⁤ the potential consequences of such action. The NCAA ⁢has significant control over college athletics, and a conflict with the organization could⁣ have far-reaching effects on Virginia’s sports⁣ programs.

However, Lucas remains resolute in her stance. She has pledged‍ to ​work with⁤ her colleagues in the legislature​ to explore‍ all⁢ possible avenues to protect James Madison University’s interests. This includes potential legislative action, legal ​challenges, and lobbying‌ efforts at the national level.

“We are determined to ‍fight for what is right and just,” Lucas declared. “We‌ will not back down until James ⁢Madison University is given ​the fair treatment it deserves.”

As ‍the ​battle ⁤between the NCAA and Virginia’s lawmakers escalates, James ⁣Madison University remains hopeful that a resolution can be reached in ⁢time for them to participate in the 2023 postseason. The university and its football program have gained significant recognition in recent years and are eager to showcase their talent on a national ⁢scale.

Ultimately, the‌ outcome of this conflict will not ​only determine the fate of James Madison University’s bowl game hopes but also ⁣shape ​the⁤ relationship between ​the NCAA and state‌ governments moving forward. The NCAA is being challenged to reevaluate its practices and⁢ prioritize fairness and ‍equity for all member ⁢institutions, ‌regardless of their ⁣size or ‌status.‌ Only time will tell whether the threat ‌of “going to war”⁣ will yield the desired results⁤ for James Madison University and its passionate⁤ supporters.

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