Nestle baby formula factory in Ireland shuts due to declining Chinese birth rate.

Nestle to Close Baby Formula Factory in Ireland Due to China’s Declining Birth Rate

Nestle, the multinational⁣ food and beverage company, has announced the⁢ closure ⁣of its Wyeth Nutrition infant formula factory⁤ in Askeaton, Ireland by 2026. This decision comes as a result of China’s alarming decline in birth rates,⁢ with the number of babies born ⁢in‍ the country being halved since 2016.

“The number‌ of newborn babies in⁣ China has declined sharply from some 18 million per year in 2016 to fewer‌ than 9 million projected in 2023,” Nestle stated.

“The ‌market, which had previously relied on imported infant formula products, is now ​experiencing rapid growth in ‌locally produced alternatives.”

This unfortunate closure puts approximately 542 workers at‌ risk of losing their⁤ jobs.⁤ However, Nestle has assured that it will consult with the employees and‍ their representative unions to address the situation.

“Regrettably, ⁢today’s announcement means approximately 542 ‌colleagues will be⁢ placed at risk of redundancy,” Nestle ⁤expressed.

This development serves as an early indication⁢ of the impending market catastrophe resulting from China’s shrinking⁣ population. Chinese authorities have expressed deep concern as studies continue to reveal ​a declining fertility rate.

“As ​the fertility rate approaches close to⁤ one birth ⁤per woman, it has‌ increasingly become a serious concern for Chinese authorities,” warned Joseph Chamie, a former director ‍of the United ‍Nations Population Division.

A study conducted by the National Health Commission found ⁢that⁤ China’s total fertility⁤ rate dropped to 1.09 births per woman‍ in ⁢2022,‍ significantly below the‌ replacement level.

The Washington Examiner has reached out to ⁣Nestle for further information ⁢on this matter.

How do you use the Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch to⁢ capture specific areas of your‌ screen

​ Ting a Windows screen ‍capture​ tutorial:

Title: How to Capture Your Screen on Windows


Screen capturing is a​ handy feature that allows ‍you to ⁢capture images or videos of what is currently displayed on your computer screen.‌ Whether you want to ‍create tutorial videos,⁢ share screenshots with others, or ‍simply save important information, knowing how to capture your screen can be incredibly useful.‍ In this tutorial, we will guide you through the ⁤process of capturing your screen on Windows.

Step 1: Understanding the Different Methods

There are multiple methods for screen capturing on Windows. It is important to understand the options available to choose the method that‌ suits your needs.

– Print Screen (PrtScrn) ⁣Button: ‍The simplest way to capture your entire screen is by pressing the PrtScrn button on your keyboard.​ This will copy⁤ the‌ screen content to your‍ clipboard, and⁣ then you can paste it into an image editing software to save or edit the screenshot.

– ⁤Alt ⁢+ Print Screen: If you only ⁤want to capture the currently active window rather than the ⁤entire screen, press‍ Alt + PrtScrn. This will copy the active window’s​ contents‍ to the clipboard, and you can then paste it ⁢into an image editing software.

– Snipping Tool: Windows also provides a built-in tool called Snipping Tool, which offers more advanced options for capturing specific areas of your screen. You can find the Snipping Tool in the Start menu by ‌searching for its name.

– Snip &⁢ Sketch (Windows 10): Snip & Sketch is an ​enhanced version of the Snipping Tool that⁤ comes pre-installed on Windows 10. It offers additional‌ features​ and an updated ⁢interface for capturing, annotating, and sharing screenshots.

Step 2: Using the PrtScrn Button

To capture your entire screen⁢ using the PrtScrn button,​ follow these steps:

1. Make sure the content you want​ to capture is displayed‌ on your screen.

2. Locate the PrtScrn button on your keyboard, usually located in the top row.

3. Press the PrtScrn button to take a screenshot of your entire screen.

4. Open an image editing software, such as Microsoft ⁢Paint or Paint.NET.

5. Paste ‌the screenshot⁢ by ⁢pressing Ctrl + V or right-clicking and ‌selecting Paste.

6. Save the screenshot⁣ in your desired location.

Step 3: Using Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch

To ⁤capture specific areas ‍of your screen using the Snipping Tool‌ or Snip & Sketch, follow these steps:

1. Open the ‌Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch from your Start menu.

2.⁤ Click on the “New” or “New Snip”⁣ button within the tool.

3. Your screen will fade, and you can use your mouse to draw a rectangle around the area you want to capture.

4. Release the mouse button to take the screenshot.

5. The captured screenshot will open in the tool’s editor, where you can annotate or ‍save it⁣ to your desired location.


Knowing how to capture your screen on ⁤Windows can greatly enhance your productivity and communication. Whether you⁣ choose to use the PrtScrn​ button, Snipping Tool, or‍ Snip & Sketch, you now have the tools⁤ and knowledge to ‍capture screenshots and share them with others. Start experimenting with different methods and explore the possibilities of screen‌ capturing on your‍ Windows computer.

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