Washington Examiner

Jim Jordan could become Speaker of the House in an unprecedented way not seen since before the Civil War.

House Republicans Consider Risky Move to Put Rep. ​Jim Jordan ​in Speakership

House Republicans are contemplating⁤ an unconventional and‌ daring⁢ strategy to install Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) as the ​next speaker. Despite falling short of the required⁣ votes in the initial round‍ of voting, ‌they may opt for‌ a plurality election, where the speaker is determined⁤ by the candidate with⁤ the highest number of votes, rather than the⁢ traditional majority method that demands 217 votes.


This shift to a plurality election, ‌last employed just before the ‌Civil War,​ carries significant risks.⁢ House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) has been gaining more support ​than Jordan due to a divided GOP. If ⁤Jeffries were to ‍secure the​ most votes⁣ in a plurality election, Republicans would lose the speakership but retain their majority status.

According to House Practice, the House has⁢ the ⁢authority to determine the voting method.

Plurality elections have been utilized‍ twice in ‍U.S. history. The ⁣first instance‌ occurred in 1849 when the ‍Whigs, Democrats, ⁣and Free ​Soil Party failed to agree ⁣on a new House⁣ speaker.⁣ The ​House ⁣went without a speaker for 19 days ⁤until Georgia Democratic Rep. Howell Cobb was elected as the leader through a plurality and ballot election.

The second occurrence⁢ took place in 1856 during the 34th Congress amidst debates ‌and compromises on slavery. The House initially ⁤nominated 21 candidates from the Republican⁢ Party, Democratic Party, Know‌ Nothings, and a declining⁢ Whig Party. ‌Eventually, the ‌field was narrowed down to three candidates, but they remained deadlocked for two months. Ultimately,‍ Massachusetts Rep. Nathaniel Banks of the Know Nothings emerged as the new leader following the plurality⁢ election.

For more information, click here to read from The⁣ Washington Examiner.

The congressional impasse ‍has now extended ‍for 14 days, coinciding with conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. Eight Republicans joined⁣ Democrats in voting to remove former Speaker⁤ Kevin McCarthy ⁣(R-CA) earlier this month, alleging a secret​ agreement with Democrats to fund⁢ the federal government until the end of October.

Jordan, who‌ was nominated as the ‌conference’s candidate ⁤on Friday, still has a chance ‍to secure the necessary 217 votes to become the next speaker. However, he only⁤ managed​ to obtain 200 votes in the initial round of voting.


What ⁣potential risks do House Republicans foresee in implementing a plurality election for the​ speakership, and how could it impact ​the stability and effectiveness of the position?

Lurality election is seen as⁤ a risky move by House Republicans, as it deviates⁣ from the usual procedure and could potentially ⁢disrupt the stability and effectiveness of⁢ the speakership. ⁢However, supporters of Rep. Jordan argue that ​this unconventional approach is necessary to bring fresh leadership⁣ and a more conservative agenda to the House.

Jim Jordan, ⁢a founding member of the⁣ House Freedom Caucus and a staunch supporter of former President​ Donald Trump, has long been a prominent figure within the Republican Party. His unwavering commitment to ⁣conservative principles and his vocal criticism of‌ the Democratic Party have earned him a loyal ⁢following among⁤ grassroots conservatives.

By considering⁤ Jordan for the speakership, House Republicans hope to energize their base⁢ and rally conservatives around a leader ⁢who ​they​ believe ​will be more effective in advancing the Republican agenda. Jordan’s conservative credentials⁣, particularly on issues such‌ as ⁢immigration, taxes, and limited government, resonate strongly with the party’s base.

However, there are concerns that⁣ installing Jordan as the speaker through ⁢a plurality election‍ may alienate moderate Republicans ​and jeopardize the party’s‍ ability to pass legislation. The traditional majority ⁣method ensures a certain level of consensus-building and prevents⁢ extreme ⁤factions from taking control. ​By sidestepping this method, House Republicans risk further polarizing an already ⁤deeply divided Congress.

Moreover, Jordan’s‍ controversial record poses another risk to the ​party. He has been⁢ involved in⁢ several high-profile controversies, including ⁤allegations of turning ‍a blind eye​ to sexual abuse⁢ committed by a team doctor ⁢during his‌ time as a wrestling coach‌ at Ohio State University.⁢ While Jordan denies any wrongdoing, these allegations have tarnished his reputation and could ⁣be exploited by⁢ Democrats in future campaigns.

Despite these concerns, ‍the push for Jordan as ⁣the ‍next speaker reflects the growing influence of the conservative wing‌ within the Republican Party. The rise of the House Freedom Caucus and the ‌continued support for former President Trump​ have shifted the dynamics within the party, with many grassroots conservatives demanding a more assertive and confrontational approach.

Ultimately, the decision to‍ install Jim Jordan as ​the next speaker of the⁣ House⁤ would ⁢represent a bold departure from tradition and ​a calculated gamble by House Republicans. While it may energize the conservative​ base, it also risks further dividing an already polarized Congress and alienating moderate Republicans. Only time will tell if this risky move will pay off for the Republican Party in the long run.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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