the federalist

Despite your hatred for Trump, the gag order remains unjust.

U.S. District Court Judge Issues Gag Order on ⁢Trump’s Speech During Trial

This week, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan overseeing United States v. Donald⁢ Trump issued ‌a gag ⁤order prohibiting a‍ leading presidential candidate, Donald Trump, from engaging in ⁣speech aimed at “government‌ staff,” among others, during his trial.

Listen, I understand the disdain some conservatives feel for the former president. I share the ⁤sentiment. But if⁣ you’re cheering on a judge who’s inhibiting political speech on rickety grounds, you’re no friend of the “democracy” or⁤ the Constitution.​ Trump hasn’t been found guilty of anything.

“Mr. Trump may still vigorously seek public support⁢ as‍ a ⁣presidential candidate, debate policies⁢ and people related to that⁣ candidacy, criticize the current‍ administration and assert his ‌belief⁣ that this ‌prosecution‍ is⁣ politically motivated,” Chutkan explained. “But those critical First ‍Amendment freedoms do not allow him to launch a pre-trial ⁢smear campaign against participating government staff, their families ​and foreseeable witnesses.”

Who is Chutkan⁤ to dictate the contours of a presidential candidate’s political speech? What if ​one of the “participating​ government staff” or a⁣ family member is compromised by partisanship? Moreover, suggesting​ that without gagging, ⁤Trump will engage‌ in‌ a “smear campaign” is ⁤more prejudicial to ‍the case ​than⁣ any of the inflammatory things Trump has said. The judge’s public statement strongly implies that any⁣ accusation now aimed at prosecutors or the court is untrue.

Trump contends that ⁤he is being railroaded by special counsel Jack Smith, the longtime ‍federal ⁤prosecutor ⁢who works ​on ‌behalf of Democrats and Joe Biden. You might believe the special counsel is a chaste defender of Lady Justice, but there’s ample evidence that partisan considerations are in ​play. Fears of a politicized​ justice department are real. As we speak,⁤ the head of the Democratic Party is​ being mollycoddled by the state in a very similar case⁣ involving classified documents.

Whatever the case, the Justice Department now‍ plays a big part in Trump’s campaign for‍ the presidency — and ​probably his legal case, as ​well. If the state’s accusations can be spread throughout the media before a trial, why can’t the defendant⁤ speak openly, as well?

In the⁤ name of fairness, Chutkan ​contends that​ Trump does not enjoy unfettered First Amendment rights because ‍he might intimidate⁣ witnesses. ​It’s already illegal to ⁣intimidate witnesses. Charge him if he does it. Laws already​ exist⁣ to⁤ cover⁢ all the other ⁢premises Smith has used to rationalize the gag order.

The notion‍ that a jury pool‌ is going to ⁣be impartial in‍ a trial involving ‍a divisive former president,‌ who ‍is not only a leading contender ⁤for the presidency but one of the most famous people​ on Earth,‍ is absurd. And ‌the notion a DC jury pool will be impartial when it comes to Trump is fantastical. There is little that can be done‍ about⁢ it. But further gagging the defendant⁢ only feeds, at the very ‍minimum, the perception that this is ‌all politically motivated.

Establishment media informs us that the gag order is just “narrow” and meant to “protect the integrity of the ⁣trial and the jury pool.” In her Solomonic wisdom, Chutkan ‍cut the⁤ state’s request in half. A “narrow”⁢ gag order​ limiting free speech is still a gag order limiting free speech.⁢ The fact that Smith was seeking even broader limitations ⁤only ⁤makes Trump’s claims more⁢ plausible.

Smith has also argued that Trump should not be afforded “special treatment” because he’s a candidate. He’s right. No one’s right⁣ to defend themselves or to engage in speech should be inhibited, not even during trials (though any good lawyer will tell clients, for ⁣their own good, to ‌shut up.) Still, gag orders are almost always an unconstitutional prior restraint. For years, the ACLU and similar groups argued the same.

I’m sure ​many people simply believe Trump deserves it. Think, though, about the precedent: administrations can ⁣now launch⁤ prosecutions against‍ political rivals — calibrated to take ​place in favorable cities and timed to⁢ coincide with elections —⁢ and then demand gag orders be‍ implemented​ on ‍those running for office. If you think they won’t do it‌ to others, you haven’t been paying attention.

About the‌ Author

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally​ syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior ⁤columnist at​ National Review, and author‍ of five ⁤books—the most ⁢recent,‌ Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi.

How does the⁤ idea that Trump’s speech would‌ taint the jury pool contradict the principle of jurors being impartial and making decisions​ solely based ⁤on evidence presented ⁤in court?

He idea that Trump’s speech will somehow taint the jury pool is equally absurd. Jurors are expected to be ‌impartial⁤ and base their decisions solely on the evidence presented in court, not on the ⁣defendant’s ‌public statements. If they are unable to do so, then​ they should not be serving on a jury in the first ⁢place.

Furthermore,​ the⁤ gag order issued⁤ by Judge Chutkan raises serious concerns about the First Amendment rights of political⁤ candidates.⁤ In an era where free speech and democracy are increasingly under assault, it is more​ important than ever to protect the rights⁢ of individuals to express their political opinions. Gag orders like the one imposed on Trump set a ⁣dangerous‌ precedent for future cases and call into question the integrity of the judicial system.

It is also worth noting that the ‍timing of ​this gag order is highly suspect. With⁤ the 2022 midterm elections approaching, it seems that certain political forces are ⁣looking to limit Trump’s ability to campaign and‍ influence public opinion. This raises serious concerns about the fairness‍ and impartiality of the legal proceedings against him.

In conclusion, the gag order issued by Judge Chutkan in the‍ case of United ⁣States v. Donald Trump is a clear violation of the First Amendment rights of a political ​candidate. It sets a dangerous precedent for future cases and undermines the principles of ⁤free speech and democracy.⁣ Regardless of one’s personal opinions about Trump, it is crucial that we defend the constitutional rights of all individuals, especially those‍ running⁣ for ⁤public office.

Read More From Original Article Here: Hate Trump All You Like, The Gag Order Is Still Wrong

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