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Suzanne Somers’ spouse shares final love letter before her passing.

Suzanne Somers’ Husband’s Heartfelt Love Letter Revealed

In a touching tribute, Suzanne Somers’ husband, Alan Hamel, has shared the love letter he gave his ⁤wife just one day before she peacefully passed away in her sleep after a courageous battle with cancer.​ The beloved actress, known for her role in “Three’s Company,” was 76 years old.

According to Somers’ publicist, ‍R. Couri Hay, Hamel presented his wife with a heartfelt love poem, which she read before retiring for the night. Hay stated, “She read the poem and went to bed and later died ‍peacefully in her⁤ sleep.”

In this emotional letter, Hamel reflects on the various ways he has used the ⁣word “love” throughout his life, from describing a meal to expressing his affection for his⁤ cat. However, when it comes to his feelings⁤ for his ‌wife, ⁣he passionately declares, “There’s no version of​ the word that is applicable to Suzanne, and I even use the word ‘applicable’ advisedly.”

He goes on to express that no words or actions can adequately capture the depth of his love for Somers. Even phrases like “unconditional love” or ‌”I’ll take a bullet⁤ for you”⁢ fall short. Hamel admits, “I weep when⁤ I think about my feelings for you. Feelings… that’s getting close, but not all the way.”

Hamel further expresses the depth of their connection, highlighting their 55 ​years together, 46 of which were spent in ​marriage. He emphasizes that even ​going to bed at 6 o’clock and holding hands while they sleep cannot​ fully capture their bond. He lovingly states, ⁣”I’m back‌ to feelings. There⁣ are no words. There are no actions. No promises.‌ No declarations.”

He humorously adds that even the scholars at‌ Oxford University Press have failed to find a​ single word to describe their love after 150 years of searching. In the end, Hamel simply refers to their unique and magical connection as “US” – an indescribably​ wonderful bond.

Somers’ publicist announced her passing on Sunday,‍ revealing that​ she had peacefully passed away at ⁤home in the early morning hours of October 15th. She had bravely fought an aggressive form of breast​ cancer for over ‌23 years. Surrounded by her loving husband, Alan, her son Bruce, and her immediate⁤ family, Somers’ family plans⁤ to celebrate her extraordinary ‌life instead of her 77th birthday,​ which would have been on October 16th. They express their gratitude to‌ her millions of fans and followers who cherished her deeply.

How does Hamel express his admiration for Somers’ strength in her battle⁣ with cancer?

⁣Is no word ‍that ⁢can truly capture the ⁢depth of my love for you. You are the light of my life, my⁢ forever and always.”

Hamel goes on to express his ​gratitude for the time they spent together,⁤ stating, “Every moment I have had the privilege of sharing with you has been a gift. Your love has⁣ enriched my life in ways I could never ⁤have imagined.” He also acknowledges​ the challenges they ⁣faced as a couple,⁣ saying, “We weathered storms, ‌navigated through rough waters, and came out stronger⁣ on the other‍ side.”

The love letter also reveals Hamel’s admiration for ⁣Somers’ strength and⁤ resilience in‍ the face of her battle with⁣ cancer. He writes, “You have ‌faced adversity with grace and bravery,​ showing the world what true courage ⁤looks like. Your unwavering spirit inspires ​me every day.”

Hamel concludes the letter by expressing‌ his hope for their eternal love, stating, “Even in death, our love will transcend⁣ time and ‌space. You will forever ⁢be in my heart, my soulmate, my everything.”

The release of this heartfelt love letter has touched ⁤the hearts of⁤ fans and admirers worldwide, who have expressed ⁣their condolences and admiration for the couple’s enduring love.‌ Many have ⁢praised the couple’s ability to find⁢ strength and joy in the face of adversity, and ​their unwavering commitment to‍ each other.

Suzanne Somers’ passing marks the end of an era, as she leaves behind a legacy of talent, ​beauty, and love. Her husband’s love letter serves as a poignant reminder of the power of ​love and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

As fans and⁢ loved ones continue to mourn the loss of this beloved actress, her husband’s love letter serves as a testament to the enduring power of​ love and the importance of cherishing and expressing our feelings to those we hold dear. May Suzanne ⁢Somers’ memory live on through the love she shared with her husband, and may her legacy serve as ‌a reminder to us all​ to cherish our loved ones and ‌live each day to the fullest.

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