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DeSantis pledges to aid Israel in eliminating ‘barbarians’ as President.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Republican Presidential Candidates Rally Behind Israel in Wake of⁢ Hamas Attacks

Amidst the ongoing war between Israel ‍and Hamas, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and ⁤other ⁣Republican presidential candidates have swiftly come to⁢ Israel’s defense. They have proposed immediate actions that the United States should take to support its ally and ‌combat terrorism.

The counteroffensive by ‍Israel in Gaza was⁤ prompted by the terrorist attacks‍ on Saturday, which resulted in the deaths⁢ of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians, including⁣ at least 27 Americans. Many others are being held hostage by Hamas.

The GOP hopefuls have called for various⁤ forms of assistance, including providing aid to Israel, freezing the $6 billion that President Joe Biden recently promised to Iran in exchange for American prisoners, and imposing sanctions on Iran.

Following ‍the ⁤Biden administration’s approval of sending $6 billion to Iran on September 11, it has been reported that ‍the​ funds will be withheld from Iran‍ in light⁣ of the Hamas attacks.

Is the U.S. doing enough to support Israel?

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Furthermore, DeSantis‍ has expressed his intention‌ to impose​ strict sanctions on Iran and support Israel in eliminating Hamas. He emphasized the need for the United States to stand firmly with Israel and take decisive action against these ​barbaric terrorists.

Other Republican candidates have echoed similar sentiments, calling⁤ for‌ the freezing of the $6 billion promised to Iran, cutting off‍ aid to Hamas, and securing America’s‌ southern border to protect against potential threats.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley proposed redirecting the ‌$6 ⁤billion‌ to Israel and imposing sanctions on Iran and its oil purchasers. She emphasized the importance of supporting Israel in its battle against evil.

Former President Donald Trump, who played a significant‌ role in establishing the Abraham Accords and relocating⁤ the ⁣U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, emphasized the need to freeze the $6 billion and support ‍Israel.

While expressing support for ⁢Israel, businessman ⁣Vivek Ramaswamy cautioned against getting involved in another Middle East war. He advocated for providing diplomatic support, intelligence-sharing, and necessary ‌munitions⁤ to ​Israel while avoiding a broader regional⁢ conflict.

South Carolina Sen. Tim ⁤Scott highlighted the importance of rescuing American ⁢hostages and providing immediate support to Israel. He pledged to⁤ be readily available to assist Israel ‌if elected president.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum called for maximum political and military‍ support for Israel ⁤and an end to U.S. aid⁢ to ‌Iran. ⁢He also expressed⁢ willingness to send U.S. ‍troops to Israel for hostage rescue missions.

Former Vice President​ Mike ⁤Pence urged the cancellation of the ⁣$6 billion ransom payment and the use of military power to⁢ isolate Iran. He also supported ‌the deployment of an additional aircraft carrier group near Israel.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie emphasized the need for a House Speaker to address the conflict ‌and work closely‌ with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Former Arkansas Gov.​ Asa ⁤Hutchinson stressed the importance of electing a House Speaker to provide appropriations to Israel ‍separately from Ukraine funding.

Conservative radio personality Larry Elder called for freezing⁢ the $6 billion and holding Democrats accountable for associations with⁢ antisemitism. He emphasized the need for ‌unity and understanding while addressing racism and antisemitism within the Democratic Party.

It is clear that these Republican candidates are united in their support for Israel and their determination to combat terrorism. They propose⁣ various actions that the United States should take to assist Israel and ensure its security.

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The post⁤ DeSantis Says ⁢He’d Help Israel ‘Hunt⁤ Down and Eradicate These Barbarians’ As President appeared first on The ⁣Western Journal.


Ge rescue operations if necessary.

The ⁤attacks conducted by Hamas on Israel have ⁢been condemned by multiple Republican candidates, who have expressed ⁣their solidarity with Israel⁤ and their commitment to combating terrorism. They ⁢recognize the importance of standing⁤ by⁣ our ⁢allies and taking strong actions to ensure their safety and security.

It is‌ evident‌ that the Republican presidential​ candidates, including ⁤Gov. Ron DeSantis, are united in their support for⁤ Israel and their‍ determination to hold⁤ Iran‌ accountable ⁣for⁤ its ‌funding of terrorist organizations like Hamas. They‌ understand the gravity of the situation and the threats posed ⁢by terrorism in the

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