
Climate activists force Pete Buttigieg to leave stage.

(Photo by Stefani Reynolds – Pool/Getty ⁢Images)

OAN’s Stephanie Stahl

12:57 ‌PM – Wednesday, October 11, ​2023

Climate activists crashed an event where Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was speaking, demanding that he stop fossil fuel infrastructure projects.


On Tuesday night, a ‍Maryland policy forum was taking place⁤ at the Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall when protestors interrupted abruptly. ​

Members of the ​group, also known as “Climate Defiance,” took control of the stage where Buttigieg was speaking, chanting “Stop Pedro Pete” and “End Fossil Fuels Pete.”

One​ of the ‍climate activists addressed Buttigieg directly, calling on him to reject two proposed oil transport projects — the Sea Port Oil Terminal and Texas GulfLink — which are under review ‌by​ his agency’s ​Maritime Administration.

“Your DOT just approved the Seaport ‍Oil Terminal, a project that will have 80 coal plants worth of greenhouse gas⁣ emissions and will worsen air quality in areas ⁣that already live in cancer clusters. This is about environmental racism ​and it’s ‍about the climate impacts‍ this project will have,” the unidentified protestor⁤ said.

After ⁤the activist finished his remarks, ⁤Buttigieg maintained that he did not want to say anything “off the cuff” ⁤but that he still “respected” the climate activists’ agenda.

The Seaport Oil Terminal project, proposed several‌ years ago, would consist ​of an offshore pipeline network along the Gulf of Mexico’s Texas coast that would reportedly facilitate increased U.S. oil exports.

It is slated to ‌commence operations in 2025.

The project secured initial approval from the Maritime administration last year⁣ but is still​ pending a license. Similarly, the Texas GulfLink crude ​oil export terminal is also situated‍ off the Texas coast, and is awaiting approval from the Maritime Administration.

Environmental ‌advocacy groups⁤ have been vocal in ‌their opposition ‌to both projects, primarily due to concerns regarding the anticipated indirect greenhouse gas ⁢emissions associated with oil transportation.

In January, organizations led by the Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity initiated a ​lawsuit challenging the ⁤record of decision for the ‍Seaport Oil Terminal project, with Buttigieg listed as a defendant.

When Buttigieg finally left the stage at the event, protestors attempted to follow‍ him but were stopped by discreet security personnel.

In​ a social media ‌post, Climate Defense showed footage of their protest, calling Buttigieg⁣ a “coward.”

Buttigieg, the former Democrat‍ mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was the first openly homosexual presidential candidate in 2020. However, he ⁤dropped out of the⁢ Democratic race‍ after a crushing loss in⁤ the South Carolina primary.

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How have environmental advocacy groups, such as the Sierra Club and ‌Center for Biological Diversity, expressed ‌their ‍opposition to the Sea Port‍ Oil Terminal project

Climate activists interrupted an event where Transportation Secretary Pete ​Buttigieg was speaking in Maryland, ​demanding that he put a‌ halt to ⁢fossil fuel infrastructure‌ projects. The activists, known as “Climate Defiance,” took control of the stage and chanted slogans such as “Stop Pedro ⁤Pete” and‌ “End Fossil Fuels Pete.”

One ‍activist specifically​ called ⁤on Buttigieg to reject two proposed⁤ oil transport projects – the Sea Port Oil ⁢Terminal and Texas GulfLink – which are currently under review by his agency’s Maritime Administration. The activist criticized the approval of the Sea Port Oil Terminal, stating that‌ it would result‍ in significant greenhouse ‍gas emissions and worsen air quality in areas already affected by⁢ cancer clusters.

In response, Buttigieg acknowledged the activists’ concerns but refrained from making any impromptu comments. ⁢He ⁤stated that he respected their⁣ agenda. The Sea Port Oil Terminal project, which was‍ proposed several years ago, intends to establish an offshore ⁢pipeline network along the⁣ Texas coast of the Gulf of Mexico to facilitate increased U.S. oil exports. The project has gained initial approval from ⁤the Maritime Administration and is scheduled to⁣ commence operations in 2025.

Environmental advocacy groups have expressed opposition to both the Sea Port‍ Oil Terminal and Texas GulfLink projects⁢ due to concerns about the indirect greenhouse gas⁣ emissions associated with oil transportation. In January,⁣ the Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit challenging the record ‌of decision for the Sea Port Oil⁢ Terminal‌ project, listing Buttigieg as a defendant.

When Buttigieg concluded his speech and left the stage, protestors tried to follow him​ but were halted by discreet security personnel. Climate Defense, in a​ social media ⁣post, shared footage of the ‍protest and called ​Buttigieg a ⁢”coward.”

It ‌is worth ⁣noting that Buttigieg,⁣ the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was the first‌ openly homosexual presidential candidate in⁣ 2020. However, he dropped out of‍ the Democratic race after a substantial loss‍ in ‍the South Carolina‌ primary.

Read More From Original Article Here: Climate Activists Chase Pete Buttigieg Off Stage

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