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Larry Summers, former Harvard President, disgusted by school’s neutral stance on anti-Jewish terrorism.

Former Harvard President⁣ “Sickened” by School’s Silence on ⁣Hamas Attacks

Larry Summers / Getty ​Images

Former Harvard University president Larry Summers expressed his deep disappointment with the school’s leadership for remaining silent ‍on Hamas’s recent mass terrorist attacks in​ Israel. ​A coalition ⁣of ⁤student ‍groups released​ a statement suggesting that the Jewish state deserved to have its civilians ⁢slaughtered by terrorists, which left Summers feeling “sickened.”

Summers, who also served as ⁢secretary ‍of the⁣ Treasury during the Clinton administration, revealed that ​this is the first time in his five decades ‌of affiliation with Harvard that he has felt⁤ so disillusioned and‍ alienated. He criticized the university’s leadership for ‍their silence and the student groups‘ statement blaming⁤ Israel solely for​ the ⁣violence.

“The silence from Harvard’s leadership,⁤ so far, coupled with⁢ a vocal and widely reported student groups’ statement blaming Israel ‌solely, has allowed Harvard to appear at best neutral​ towards acts of terror against the Jewish state of Israel,” he wrote on Twitter.

“Instead, Harvard is ⁣being defined by the morally unconscionable statement apparently coming‌ from two dozen student groups blaming all the⁢ violence on⁢ Israel,”⁣ he added. ​”I am sickened.‌ I cannot​ fathom​ the Administration’s failure to disassociate the University and ‍condemn this statement.”

Summers’s comments come after more than 30 Harvard student groups signed an open letter ‍labeling⁤ Israel as an ⁢”apartheid regime” and holding it entirely responsible ​for the ongoing ‍violence. The dean of ⁣Harvard’s ‌Graduate School⁣ of Education also attributed the ‌outbreak⁣ of war in Israel⁤ to both “Hamas and the Israeli government” in an email to students.

Over the weekend, ‌Hamas carried out the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust,⁣ resulting in the deaths of ‍at least 800 Israelis and the kidnapping of over 100.

Despite the gravity​ of ‌the situation, Harvard’s leadership, including its ​new president, Claudine Gay, have ⁢yet to comment. Summers​ pointed out the unusual silence from the administration, contrasting ‍it with the strong⁣ statements made⁤ by former president Lawrence Bacow in ⁣support of Ukraine and Dean Gay on police violence.

“[W]e have as yet—48 hours later—no official Harvard statement at this time of moral‌ testing,” said ⁤Summers.

Harvard⁢ did not respond to ‌a⁤ request‌ for comment.

What actions ⁤has Larry Summers called on the Harvard University’s leadership to take regarding the‌ issue of Hamas’s attacks⁤ and student support for violence

Linton administration, ⁤is no stranger to controversial issues. However, the recent silence from his ‌alma mater on such⁣ a critical matter has⁣ left⁣ him profoundly disturbed. Speaking​ out against ⁤the silence, Summers ​called for the university to​ take ​a stronger stance against terrorism and stand⁤ up for ‍the values it claims‌ to uphold.

In recent weeks, Hamas,‍ a⁢ recognized terrorist organization, launched a barrage‍ of rockets targeting Israeli civilians.​ These attacks‍ have resulted ⁣in countless casualties and destruction in Israel. Despite ⁣this, Harvard University, known for its commitment⁢ to tolerance and inclusivity, has failed‌ to ‍address the ⁢issue adequately.

The⁢ statement‍ released by the student groups, suggesting that ‌Israel deserved these⁢ attacks, shocked not only Summers but also ​many others who expect ⁣the university‍ to uphold ⁤the principles of intellectual integrity and unbiased discourse. It is disheartening to ⁢witness an esteemed institution ⁢like Harvard fall silent in the face⁤ of ‍such⁣ blatant support for ‍violence⁢ and terrorism.

Universities‍ serve as platforms for learning, critical thinking, and ⁤the ‌pursuit⁢ of truth.⁤ They should foster an environment where free speech and diverse ⁣viewpoints are encouraged. ⁢However, there is a fine line between free speech and hate speech, and ⁤it‍ is the‌ responsibility of an institution ​to discern ⁣between the two.

Summers, who served as president of Harvard from 2001 to ⁢2006, understands ‌the⁣ importance of upholding these values. During ​his tenure,⁣ he‌ faced⁢ controversy in⁤ various forms, including debates ‌concerning diversity and gender equality. However, he consistently emphasized the importance⁢ of open dialogue ​and ‌intellectual rigor.

For Harvard to ignore⁤ the gravity of Hamas’s attacks and the subsequent support‍ from student groups is troubling. A university that ‌prides itself on‍ fostering a​ diverse and inclusive community should‍ not turn a blind eye to the ‌suffering of innocent​ civilians. By staying silent on this matter, Harvard is effectively ‌condoning ​and normalizing violence⁤ against the Jewish state.

In​ response to the silence, Summers has called on the university’s leadership⁤ to⁢ address the issue​ directly. He⁤ urges them to condemn Hamas’s ‌terrorist attacks, ⁢reaffirm the university’s⁤ commitment ‍to​ its values, and initiate open discussions on the matter. ‌The former⁣ president believes that universities have a ​responsibility to act ‍as moral ⁣compasses,‌ guiding⁢ societal⁢ values and promoting peace.

The ramifications ⁣of remaining ​silent‌ on this issue are‌ far-reaching. By failing ‌to acknowledge and condemn acts of terrorism, Harvard risks undermining its credibility and compromising its commitment to truth and justice.‌ Furthermore, it sends a detrimental message to‌ its students and the wider ‍community that violence can‌ go ⁢unchecked and ⁤that supporting terrorism is acceptable.

Larry⁣ Summers’s criticism of ⁤Harvard’s silence on Hamas’s attacks is not an attack ​on free speech ‌or academic freedom. Instead, it is a⁣ call to uphold the university’s stated principles and ⁤foster an environment characterized ‍by intellectual​ honesty and ⁣moral courage. Universities must‌ be bastions of knowledge and voices of reason, even in the face of controversy and conflict.

As an influential ‍figure and ⁤former leader of Harvard University, Summers’s stance on this ​issue holds weight. It is hoped that his words will resonate with the current leadership, leading to a much-needed reevaluation of their stance on this crucial matter.⁢ By taking‌ a stronger stance ​against terrorism and speaking out‌ against the support for violence, Harvard can reclaim its position as a champion‌ of intellectual integrity⁣ and a beacon of hope in ​the⁢ academic⁢ world.

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