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House report criticizes Biden’s border management, citing minimal enforcement.

New House Report⁣ Reveals Biden Administration’s Failures‌ on ​Southern Border

‌ ⁢ ​(Photo by⁣ John Moore/Getty Images)

A damning ⁤report by the Judiciary Committee sheds‍ light on the‌ Biden administration’s mishandling of the southern border,⁣ exposing a shocking ‍lack of ​enforcement ⁣when​ it comes to immigration law.

The ‍report, ‌which includes fresh data, highlights the White House’s actions in the face ‍of a‌ staggering surge ‌in ⁣migrant crossings this ‌year, reaching unprecedented levels.

“The⁤ Biden Administration’s release of illegal aliens into the⁢ United States, with over 99 percent choosing to remain, reveals a distressing absence‌ of immigration law ​enforcement,” states the report, available here.

According to‌ the report, the Department of Homeland Security​ has released a staggering 929,496 illegal aliens ‍into the United States in the​ first 10 months of the 2023 fiscal year, ⁢after apprehending‌ them at the southwest border.

“Rather than addressing ​the‍ crisis, the ⁢Biden administration’s approach has only fueled its acceleration,”‌ warns the committee ⁤report.⁢ “Instead of upholding the effective border control policies ⁤implemented during the Trump​ era, the Biden Administration has reduced our immigration laws to mere speed bumps, allowing for the mass release of millions of illegal ‍aliens.”

This report comes ⁤on the heels⁢ of⁢ the Biden ⁤administration’s ⁢surprising announcement ⁣of border wall construction,​ despite President Biden’s initial skepticism about its effectiveness, ⁢as seen here.

How has the significant increase in illegal border crossings since President Biden took office impacted the administration’s‌ ability ‌to effectively secure the border?

The Biden administration has been facing mounting‍ criticism over its handling of the situation at the southern border. A new house report has shed light on the failures of the administration in dealing with the ongoing crisis. The report, which was compiled by a group ⁢of Republican lawmakers, unveils the vast extent of the ⁢problems at hand.

One key finding of the ‌report is the significant increase in illegal border crossings since President Biden took office. The ⁤numbers speak for themselves, with the Border Patrol apprehending more than 1.1 million individuals at ​the border so far⁣ this year. This ⁢is a staggering‍ figure that clearly⁤ indicates‌ the administration’s inability⁤ to effectively secure ⁢the border and prevent illegal ‌immigration.

Another alarming finding of the report is the ⁣overwhelming strain on border resources. The facilities meant to house and process⁣ individuals caught crossing the⁤ border illegally are overwhelmed, leading⁢ to overcrowded conditions and potential public health risks. The images of crowded detention facilities with​ unaccompanied minors sleeping on the floors have sparked outrage among lawmakers and​ the public alike.

Moreover, the report highlights the Biden administration’s failure to follow proper immigration‌ protocols. The administration’s decision ‌to roll ​back several of the previous administration’s policies, including the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), has‍ created a chaotic situation where migrants are encouraged to make the dangerous journey to the United States, often with no consequences for doing so illegally. This lack ⁤of enforcement of immigration laws only‍ serves to ⁤exacerbate the situation at the border.

Additionally, the report reveals the negative impact of the administration’s messaging on the border crisis.‍ The‍ perception that the United States ‌has become ‍more welcoming to illegal immigrants has spurred on more individuals to attempt the⁤ journey. The lack of a clear ⁣and stern message from the administration has only contributed to the⁤ surge in illegal border crossings.

Critics argue that ⁢the‌ Biden administration’s failures on the⁢ southern border have far-reaching consequences. The report notes the‍ potential security risks ‍posed by​ individuals crossing the border undetected, ⁢as well as the strain on local communities that are grappling with the influx of migrants. It also raises‌ concerns about the potential⁣ economic impact of the crisis,‌ as more resources are redirected to address the situation⁤ at the ⁣border.

In ‌response to the report, the Biden administration has defended its approach, ⁣highlighting its efforts ⁤to tackle the root causes of migration from Central⁣ American countries. However, critics argue that the administration’s focus on addressing ⁣the underlying causes of migration does little to address the immediate crisis at the border. They call⁢ for stronger ​enforcement⁤ measures and better utilization of existing policies to regain control over the situation.

The release‍ of ‍this house report adds fuel to the ongoing debate surrounding the Biden administration’s handling‍ of the southern ⁣border. It underscores ⁣the⁤ need for ⁤urgent action to address the failures in securing the‌ border⁢ and preventing illegal immigration. As ‍the situation continues to unfold, ⁣it remains to be seen⁤ how the administration will respond to the growing pressure and demands for change.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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