the federalist

Sorry, but your 4-year-old soccer star won’t get a full ride or Olympic medal.

Why ‍We Don’t Plan Our Daughter’s Soccer Career

There was⁣ a ⁢moment at soccer practice some years ago when another dad asked me what my plans for my daughter were. I ‌wasn’t exactly sure what he meant until he clarified. He⁤ was asking about her soccer‌ career. I needed to think about ‍what high​ school she’d go to, what camps she’d attend, and what club might be the best fit. I demurred rather than giving my real answer because it’s ⁢not‌ always a popular one with ‍sports parents. I didn’t⁢ then, and don’t now, have any plans for her career, soccer ‌or otherwise. My wife and I are just chauffeurs and patrons for an athletic activity that she’s loved since she was a 4-year-old.

The Expensive World⁢ of Kids’ Sports

Not everyone feels this ⁢way, which is one reason kids’ sports represent a $19.2 billion industry, or at least they did‍ in 2019. Though participation has‍ been ​decreasing, there are still a⁣ lot of ‌little ones out there playing on weekends, practicing during the week, and attending private coaching​ sessions in between.‌ That’s a ​lot of money​ going to coaches, league ⁤fees, tournament‌ fees, hotels, ‌restaurants,‍ and all of⁣ the other businesses in the orbit of youth‌ sports.

For ​us, it ⁣started in daycare with a program called Happy Feet. On Saturdays, said ⁤daughter would gather with other little kids to play organized soccer, or some semblance thereof. There was‍ no goalkeeper. There⁤ were no positions. The​ only strategy was chaos. It ⁢was fun for all ⁢involved because kids, particularly young ones, love chaos. Our daughter cut through the⁢ chaos, ⁢though, ‌and scored goal‍ after goal. Sometimes, she’d even steal the‌ ball from her teammates to go score.

This was not because of some preternatural skill on the⁣ field. This was not our moment as parents to‌ realize that perhaps we’d welcomed a little Alex Morgan into our family. She was just quicker​ on⁣ the‌ uptake when it came to understanding that the point of the chaos was to get the ball in ‌the net while⁢ all the other kids on the field thought the chaos was the point. Nevertheless, she persisted and now​ at almost 14 is still playing. We have not started shopping for an Olympic medal display nor made plans for how to handle college and pro recruiters.

It’s not that we don’t love her and think she ‍has limitless potential in life, it’s just that we understand odds better⁣ than some parents. And the odds are not in her favor, because that’s how the odds⁢ work ⁤when discussing college scholarships and pro deals for our little athletes. Less than 2 percent⁤ of high school athletes get⁢ scholarships. Then ‌less⁣ than 2 percent of college athletes go pro. That means that for most kids,⁣ high school, if they‌ play for⁣ that long, will be the end of their athletic careers.

Trust⁢ me, parents, it’s OK. We can do our best for them — driving them here and there, sleeping⁢ in myriad hotels for tournaments, spending copious amounts of money ‍— but also⁣ still chill⁢ out a little bit. The chances of us being the next Earl Woods ‍or Richard Williams are basically⁢ zero. The money we spend on sports is gone, ‌and it ⁢will never come back to us, or ⁣accrue to ‌them, in any tangible form.

Which isn’t to say it’s​ a waste. There is a lot of good that can come from organized sports, ​but as parents, we ⁢need to keep some⁤ perspective. We also need to remember that kids, while echoes of ⁣us in many ways, are also independent and unique beings. They are not⁤ vessels for us to pour our own hopes and dreams into, pushing them ‍to achieve what we wished ⁤we⁤ had. ⁣There’s also the fact that childhood is supposed⁤ to be​ fun. Most of life is⁤ about being existentially crushed. There’s‌ no reason ⁢to start the process early.

So keep driving them around, knowing that⁣ in the process ⁤they’ll learn a thing or two about perseverance,⁤ teamwork,⁢ and how to properly pack⁢ for weekend road trips. Enjoy the thrill of ⁤victory, the agony of defeat, and, specifically for us soccer parents, the various ways to discuss a tie. Be glad they’re staying physically active and making friends. Also be glad they’re sometimes making frenemies, which will be an important skill to have if they ⁢end up working ⁢in an office.

Just don’t think‍ of it as mapping out their future, because, and this is worth ‌repeating, the numbers just don’t bear that path ⁤out. But beyond that, if you really want to⁤ guarantee a financially successful life, ⁤don’t go for sports. Instead,​ consider an⁤ arranged marriage. Sure, the finance guy whose‍ son you promise to pair your daughter up with may⁤ blow up his firm and not have the stock ⁣portfolio or the goats you negotiated for when ‌the ​time comes, but he’ll probably have ​some other ‌assets tucked away. When the⁢ Olympic dream dies, on the other hand, you won’t have even one measly goat ⁢to show for⁢ your investment.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the games. Time is the most precious commodity we ‍get on this planet, and the ⁢memories we’ll have of using it on them will last much longer than the pride we’d get from glancing at that ‌Olympic medal. And by the way, that⁤ prize is only ⁣worth about $800 — or roughly about half‌ of what ⁣it costs⁢ for one season of play.

In what ways can participating in sports help children‌ develop valuable⁤ life skills ​that can be applied to various aspects of life

Endent ⁤individuals with their own dreams, desires, and goals. Just because we have aspirations​ for our ​children, doesn’t mean they share the same vision.

As parents, it’s important to support our children in their ⁣interests and ​passions. For some kids, that may be soccer or any‌ other sport. But it’s ‌equally important to understand that not every child will become a professional athlete.

The reality is, the path to success in⁣ sports is incredibly⁤ competitive and difficult. Thousands of kids participate in youth sports, ‌yet only a small percentage will make ⁣it to the collegiate or professional level. It’s crucial for parents to be ​aware of this and manage their expectations accordingly.

Rather than obsessing over our child’s athletic career and investing‍ significant time and money into training, camps,‍ and tournaments, we choose to focus on the joy of the⁤ sport itself. We‍ want our daughter to experience the thrill of being part of a ​team, the satisfaction of improving her skills, and the friendships she forms along the way.

Participating in sports⁤ teaches valuable life ⁢lessons such as discipline, teamwork, perseverance, and ⁤resilience. These ⁤are skills that⁢ will benefit our children in any endeavor they choose to pursue, be it in sports or other areas of life.

Furthermore,​ we believe that it’s essential for children‍ to have‍ a well-rounded upbringing. While ‌sports can play an important role, there are many other aspects of life that should also be explored and cultivated. Encouraging⁣ our children to pursue their other ⁢interests and hobbies allows them to develop different talents and discover‍ their passions.

By not planning or overly⁢ focusing on our child’s soccer career,⁤ we give her the freedom to genuinely enjoy the sport without the pressure to achieve ⁢specific milestones or meet certain expectations. She can play the game for the love of it, rather than feeling⁤ like it’s a means to an end.

Ultimately, our aim as parents is to raise well-rounded and fulfilled individuals who are capable of making their own choices and pursuing their own paths in ‍life. While⁢ we will continue to support our daughter’s soccer journey, we understand that her‌ happiness and personal growth are⁣ more important than any potential career in the​ sport.

So, to the dad ‍who asked about our plans for our daughter’s​ soccer career, our answer remains the same. We‍ don’t plan it because⁢ we believe in letting her navigate her own​ journey, enjoy the present moment, and pursue ‍her own dreams, whatever ‌they may ‍be.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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