Washington Examiner

Ramaswamy questions if post-McCarthy ousting ‘chaos’ is negative.

2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy urges Republicans who voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy from House speakership to embrace the resulting chaos

In a historic 216-210 vote, ⁤Rep. Kevin McCarthy was removed as House speaker, with eight Republicans joining Democrats in the motion to vacate led ​by Rep. Matt‍ Gaetz.⁣ Vivek Ramaswamy, in a video posted on X (formerly ‌known as Twitter), challenges the notion ⁣that ​the chaos is a negative⁤ outcome.

“Own the⁢ Chaos,” says Ramaswamy

Ramaswamy advises the ⁢Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy to take responsibility for their actions. He acknowledges that there was no clear plan for filling the⁢ vacant speaker role, emphasizing that the intention was to sow⁤ chaos. However, ​he raises the question of whether chaos⁢ is truly detrimental.

Ramaswamy concedes that the eight Republicans ‍do not have ⁣a​ plan for selecting a new speaker, but he argues that there ‌are more pressing issues‌ facing the ‌country. He highlights the‍ need⁢ for addressing the budget deficit,‌ national debt, securing the southern border, combating ‍crime, and reducing dependence on adversaries.

Focus on the Real Problems

Ramaswamy ‍emphasizes that​ until these critical issues are addressed, the‍ absence of a House speaker is of lesser⁣ concern. He believes ⁤that a ⁣plan for tackling these challenges should take ⁤precedence over electing a new speaker.

The House ⁤of⁢ Representatives is unable to conduct ‍legislative activities on the floor​ until a new speaker ‍is elected.


McCarthy has announced that he will not ‌seek the speakership again, setting the stage for a battle within the⁢ House Republican Conference. ⁢The House⁣ Republicans plan to vote for ⁣a new speaker on Oct. 11, leaving the body ​without its constitutionally mandated⁤ leader.

Potential candidates for the speaker’s⁢ position​ among Republicans include House Majority Leader Steve⁢ Scalise, Reps. Kevin Hern, and ⁢Jim Jordan. A candidate forum is scheduled for Oct.‍ 10, where the House GOP will decide ⁤whom to nominate for speaker.

In what ways does Ramaswamy believe the chaos resulting from McCarthy’s ousting can be a turning point for bridging the gap between different factions within the Republican Party

O oust him from the position. The move ‍has sent shockwaves through the Republican Party, leading to divisions and ⁢discussions ⁢about the future of the party’s leadership. Surprisingly, one potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate, ⁤Vivek Ramaswamy, is⁢ urging ‌Republicans who voted against McCarthy⁢ to embrace the‌ resulting chaos.

Ramaswamy, a successful entrepreneur and political commentator who has emerged as ​a rising star within conservative circles, believes that the ousting of McCarthy presents a unique opportunity for Republicans to⁤ reassess and redefine their party’s priorities. In a recent op-ed published in The​ Washington Post, he argues that⁢ rather than fearing the chaos, Republicans⁢ should embrace it as a catalyst ⁣for⁣ change.

According to Ramaswamy, the Republican Party has become complacent and disconnected from the concerns and aspirations of ordinary ⁣Americans. He asserts that over the past ‌few years, the party has focused more on⁢ the interests of corporations⁤ and special interest groups, rather ⁢than ‍addressing‍ the needs of the American people. He⁤ believes that McCarthy’s removal⁤ from the‍ House speakership is indicative⁤ of a broader dissatisfaction ⁤among Republicans, and ​this moment should not be squandered.

Ramaswamy argues that ‍the chaos resulting from McCarthy’s ousting will force Republicans to reevaluate their priorities and rediscover their roots. He contends that the party needs to return to its core principles,​ such as limited government, individual freedom, and fiscal responsibility. Additionally, he believes that Republicans must reject the influence of big corporations and instead prioritize the needs of ⁣working-class Americans.

Furthermore, Ramaswamy suggests that this⁣ chaos can also serve as an opportunity to​ bridge the gap ‌between factions within the‌ party. In‌ recent years, there have been growing⁤ divisions ‌between the‌ so-called establishment Republicans and the⁣ more populist wing ‌of the party. Ramaswamy believes that ⁣this moment can be a turning point, where Republicans can find common ground and unite under a new vision.

However, Ramaswamy acknowledges that embracing chaos also comes with risks. The divisions within the Republican ‌Party could deepen, and the party may struggle to⁣ find a new sense of direction. Yet, he argues that this uncertainty is a necessary step towards building a stronger, more resilient party.

Ramaswamy’s call ​for Republicans to embrace chaos and use it as an⁢ opportunity for growth and​ change is an unconventional approach. However, his unique perspective is ⁢reflective of a growing sentiment among conservatives who believe that the party must evolve to remain relevant in a changing political landscape.

As Republicans grapple with the aftermath of McCarthy’s removal, it remains to be seen whether Ramaswamy’s bold proposition will gain traction‍ within the party. However,‌ his message serves as​ a reminder that moments of chaos⁣ can often lead to transformative change​ if approached with courage and conviction.

Ultimately, the future ‌of the Republican Party will depend on whether its members are willing to seize this moment as an opportunity rather than succumbing to fear and uncertainty. The road ahead⁣ may be uncertain, but it is clear⁢ that ⁢Vivek Ramaswamy believes that chaos can be the catalyst for a stronger, more principled Republican Party.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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