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Butler takes oath as Senator Feinstein’s replacement.

Laphonza Butler Sworn in as California’s Newest U.S. Senator

Laphonza Butler⁣ made history⁢ on Tuesday as she became California’s newest U.S. Senator, succeeding ⁢the late Dianne Feinstein. The‌ oath of office was administered by Vice President Kamala Harris, herself a former senator from California, on the Senate⁣ floor. The ceremony was ‍attended by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer‍ and Sen. Alex Padilla, who stood behind Butler ‍as she took the oath.

With her right hand raised, Butler solemnly swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United ⁣States. The chamber erupted in applause and cheers as Harris congratulated Butler and shook her hand.

Butler also signed the oath book, as reported by CSPAN ⁤producer Craig Caplan.

California Governor Gavin Newsom selected Butler, the president of the pro-abortion group EMILY’s List, to fill⁢ the ​vacancy left⁤ by Feinstein’s ⁢passing⁤ at the‌ age‌ of 90. Butler will serve ⁣the remainder of Feinstein’s ⁣term through 2024. ‍Newsom faced pressure to appoint a black woman⁣ to the role, as he had previously pledged to do‍ so if⁤ Feinstein‍ retired early.

In announcing the ⁣appointment, Newsom’s office ​highlighted Butler’s ⁢extensive ⁢experience as a⁢ senior adviser ⁤to Harris. They also emphasized that Butler would be the first openly LGBTQ person ‍to represent California in the Senate and the first ⁤black lesbian to openly serve in Congress.

While⁣ some raised concerns ⁤about Butler’s residency in Maryland, Newsom’s spokesperson clarified‍ that Butler had been a longtime California resident, ‍temporarily moving to the D.C. area when she assumed​ the ‌presidency of⁤ Emily’s List.​ Butler had already re-registered to vote⁢ in California.

Looking ahead, as Feinstein had⁤ previously announced she would not seek re-election next year, a 2024 Senate race is underway. Three House Democrats, Barbara Lee,⁤ Adam Schiff, and Katie Porter, are currently campaigning for the seat. Although Newsom indicated there would be no restrictions on Butler joining the‍ race, she expressed uncertainty about her ⁣plans for a full term in an interview with the​ Los Angeles Times.

What were some⁣ of the significant achievements in ‌Butler’s career as a​ labor organizer?

Oath-taking ceremony was a momentous occasion, signifying not only Butler’s personal achievement but also a⁢ significant ⁤step forward for diversity and representation in California politics.⁣

Butler’s journey to ⁣the U.S.⁤ Senate has been marked by dedication, hard work, and a ⁢relentless commitment to serving the needs of her constituents.⁣ Born⁢ and raised⁤ in a working-class community⁢ in Los Angeles, she learned from⁣ an early ‌age the value ⁣of education and opportunity. Butler ‍excelled⁣ academically and went on ​to receive a scholarship to attend⁣ the University ​of Southern California, where she⁢ studied political science.

After graduating, Butler began her career as a labor organizer, ‌fighting for the rights of low-wage workers in ‍various ⁢industries. Her ⁢tireless advocacy and ability‌ to mobilize communities earned her a ⁤leadership position in the Service‌ Employees International Union (SEIU), one of ⁣the largest ⁤and ⁣most influential labor unions in⁣ the country.

As President of SEIU Local 2015, Butler successfully⁣ negotiated higher wages and better working⁣ conditions for‌ thousands of home care workers in California.‍ Her efforts not ⁢only improved the lives of individual workers but also had‍ a profound‍ impact on the broader labor movement, inspiring others to fight for fair treatment and economic justice.

Butler’s commitment to social justice and economic equality ​resonated with the people ⁣of ‍California, and ‌in 2020, she ran for the U.S. Senate, vowing‌ to be a​ voice for the underrepresented and the ​marginalized.⁤ Her campaign focused on addressing issues such as income inequality, affordable housing,‍ healthcare access, and criminal justice reform.

During her first speech as a U.S. Senator, Butler outlined her legislative priorities, emphasizing her commitment‍ to⁣ economic‌ empowerment, education, and ‍healthcare for all. She stressed the importance of investing in public‌ education, expanding job ⁣opportunities, and creating a fair and inclusive healthcare system that leaves no one behind.

Butler’s swearing-in ceremony was a powerful symbol of‍ progress and ‍inclusion. As the first woman of color to represent California in the U.S. Senate, she shattered‍ barriers and ⁣paved the way for‌ future generations of diverse leaders. Her historic achievement serves ⁢as a reminder that representation⁤ matters and that ⁣everyone’s voice deserves ​to⁤ be heard.

With her vast experience in advocacy and⁢ labor organizing, Butler is poised to make‌ a significant impact on Capitol Hill. Her determination, resilience,​ and unwavering dedication⁤ to public service make her a formidable force ‌for change. As she begins her tenure as California’s newest U.S. Senator, she carries the hopes and aspirations of millions of ⁢Californians who believe in a more equitable and just society.

Laphonza Butler’s journey from a working-class⁤ community in Los ⁢Angeles⁢ to the U.S. Senate is⁤ an inspiration to us all. Her story reminds us that no‌ dream ⁤is too big, and no obstacle is too daunting. As she ⁣takes her⁢ seat in the hallowed halls of Congress, may she continue to represent the voiceless, fight for the vulnerable, and champion the values that make California and the United States a beacon of ‍hope and opportunity for all.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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