Washington Examiner

MTG asserts voters won’t accept ousting Gaetz amid McCarthy clash.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Against Expelling Rep. Matt Gaetz

Rep. ⁣Marjorie Taylor ⁤Greene (R-GA) passionately cautioned her fellow House ⁢Republicans on Monday, urging them not to expel Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). She firmly stated that such a move would not be tolerated by voters.

Greene, known for her outspoken ‍nature, refrained from taking sides in the battle over House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) potential ⁤removal from leadership. Instead, she argued that both forcing a vote to vacate the chair and attempting to expel Gaetz would be detrimental decisions.

McCarthy in Trouble as Gaetz Vows Revenge for Speaker’s ⁣Partnership with Democrats

“A [move to vacate] of our Speaker gives the upper hand to ⁣the Democrats,” Greene expressed in a⁢ lengthy Twitter ⁤thread. “And a Republican-led effort to expel Matt Gaetz absolutely will not be tolerated by Republicans across the country. I‍ can guarantee you that. Remember when 11⁣ [Republicans] voted against me and 10 [Republicans] voted to impeach President Trump? Both the [move to vacate] ⁣ and expulsion plans are wrong.”

The thread emerged after Gaetz ⁢accused McCarthy of striking a secret deal with Democrats to pass a continuing resolution, averting a government shutdown over the weekend. Gaetz threatened to initiate a vote to remove McCarthy, but McCarthy confidently declared that he would “survive” the attack.

Furthermore, Republicans are currently discussing the possibility of ousting Gaetz if a Republican ethics committee uncovers any wrongdoing on his part. The investigation primarily focuses on ​allegations ⁣of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, and other misconduct.

While Greene agreed with ⁣Gaetz’s call for change ‌in Washington, D.C., she did not support removing McCarthy as the speaker.

“The American people are relying on Republicans to get ‍our acts‍ together and hold all those accountable who have and continue to⁢ harm the four ⁣main things they care about – their kids, bank accounts, ​jobs, and weekends,” Greene emphasized. “Republicans need to step away from power trips, cease the absurd drama, remember who the real enemy is, stop fighting amongst ​ourselves, and genuinely address the problems that perpetuate annual systemic failure.”

Congress narrowly​ passed a 45-day extension⁤ to fund the federal government ⁢for the upcoming fiscal year, just hours before the Sunday deadline. They now have until November ⁢16 to approve the‌ budget. ⁢Failure to do⁣ so would result in a government shutdown​ right ‍before ⁣the holidays.

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What concerns does Greene⁢ have about using expulsion as a means of ⁤punishment?

Ker would ‌be a major‍ mistake,” Greene said ‍during a press conference. “We need unity and ⁣strong⁢ leadership at this crucial ‍time, and removing McCarthy ⁤from his position⁢ would⁣ only further divide our party and hinder our ability to effectively‌ govern.”

Greene’s remarks came just days after⁤ Gaetz publicly criticized McCarthy for⁣ his recent partnership with Democrats⁢ on ​a ​bipartisan infrastructure bill. Gaetz accused McCarthy of betraying conservative principles and vowed to seek⁤ revenge against the speaker.

While Gaetz’s comments ‌drew support from‌ some Republican‌ lawmakers who share his frustrations with the current leadership, Greene cautioned against using expulsion as ⁤a means of punishment. She argued that such a move would⁢ set a dangerous precedent and create a culture of fear and division within the party.

“We must remember that⁣ we represent ⁣the will of the people who elected⁢ us,” Greene emphasized.⁤ “Expelling one of our own based on political disagreements would be a betrayal of ⁢our duty to serve and​ protect their interests.”

Greene’s ⁢stance ⁢on this⁢ issue⁣ aligns with her reputation⁣ as a vocal and controversial figure within the⁣ Republican Party. Despite facing criticism herself ⁣for past controversial⁢ remarks and ⁢QAnon-related conspiracy theories, Greene has become a prominent ​voice among ‌conservatives who value her unfiltered and uncompromising approach.

While some Republicans may⁢ see Greene’s ‍support for Gaetz⁢ as an endorsement ‍of his actions, others argue that⁤ it is representative of‌ a ⁢broader sentiment ⁢within the party. Many conservatives believe that McCarthy’s⁣ willingness to collaborate with Democrats undermines the ‍principles that they hold​ dear, and they​ see Gaetz as a fighter who ‍is unwilling to back down from these perceived betrayals.

Despite her support for Gaetz, Greene acknowledged the seriousness of the allegations against⁢ him.⁢ Gaetz is currently ⁣facing a federal investigation into‌ potential sex trafficking and other misconduct‍ involving a minor.‌ Greene stressed‌ the importance of ⁢allowing the legal process to unfold and ‍ensuring that Gaetz is given the opportunity to defend himself.

“Due‌ process is a fundamental principle of our ​justice system,” Greene stated. ​”We cannot jump to​ conclusions before all the facts are⁤ known. It is ⁢our duty to support the rule of ​law and protect the⁢ rights of every American, including our colleagues.”

Greene’s strong defense of Gaetz reflects‌ the ideological and⁢ political battles currently raging within the ⁢Republican Party. ​As conservatives grapple with the future of their party and the direction it should take, ‍figures like Greene and Gaetz represent different factions vying⁤ for influence and power.

While it remains to​ be seen how Republicans will ​ultimately respond to the controversies ⁤surrounding both McCarthy and Gaetz,‍ Greene’s passionate plea serves as ⁢a reminder that ⁢unity within the⁢ party⁤ is crucial for ‍its success. As the party navigates these troubled waters, the decisions its members make now will undoubtedly shape its ⁤future and determine its ability to effectively ‌serve the American people.

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