
Massachusetts man who stabbed 5 officers in court after crashing into home.

(Photo by ANDRI TAMBUNAN/AFP ⁢via Getty Images) (Photo via; Courtesy Taunton Police Department)

OAN’s Abril Elfi
5:45⁤ PM – Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Douglas Hagerty, the man⁤ accused of a horrific attack on five Taunton police ​officers, made a brief appearance in court today. He is currently being held without bail while undergoing a mental health evaluation.


Yesterday,⁢ the suspect appeared in court in connection ​to a knife attack on five police officers that occurred after a car chase.

Taunton Police Chief Ed Walsh, one of the victims ⁢who suffered⁢ a puncture wound to his ​torso, spoke at the hearing⁣ and emphasized⁢ the severity of the incident, stating that an officer’s life was at risk.

“An officer could have died last night; a suspect could​ have died last night and that didn’t happen,” ⁢he said. “A lot of the officers were shaken up by this, especially based on‍ the injuries they ⁢saw to their co-workers. We’re dealing with it right now, we’re trying ‍to⁤ deal with it right now with ‌their mental health ⁤as well.”

According to​ reports, one ⁤of the officers sustained ⁢serious injuries to their face, neck, and ​back, and‍ was quickly airlifted to a hospital.

The ⁢other four injured officers received treatment at local hospitals, including Chief Walsh, who had ‍responded to the incident from his nearby residence.

The police stated that they were conducting an unrelated traffic stop on County Street when the suspect, driving a silver Honda Accord, approached them, yelled obscenities, and then fled the scene.

The authorities did not pursue the vehicle.

A⁤ short time later, another officer on patrol noticed Hagerty driving erratically in the ⁢same car and pulled him over. As he drove away, he nearly collided with one of the officer’s vehicles, as reported.

Hagerty continued to drive and was pursued until he crashed ⁣into the entrance of a family home on West Britannia Street, ​where he resides.

He sought refuge inside a random home on the street, and as the authorities followed, he allegedly grabbed a⁣ knife and charged at the officers.

Chief Walsh revealed that the suspect attempted to stab him with a sharp‍ kitchen‍ knife.

“The suspect tried stabbing me with a kitchen steak knife,” Walsh said. “There was a slight penetration of my body as it was going in, but the blade ​broke off the handle and it didn’t fully penetrate.”

Hagerty was apprehended within⁤ 15 minutes of⁢ the incident and taken to a nearby hospital for hand injuries. He was arraigned today in Taunton District Court and is⁣ currently being held without bail as he undergoes mental‍ health evaluations.

The 35-year-old suspect is facing several charges, including ⁤three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and one count‍ of armed assault with intent to murder.

Hagerty’s next court hearing is scheduled for ⁢October⁣ 17th.

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What measures are‌ being taken to ⁣support the injured officers and address their mental health needs following the incident

Es, including five ⁢counts ‌of assault and battery on ‌a police ​officer with‌ a dangerous weapon, assault and battery ‌with a dangerous weapon, and resisting arrest.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the Taunton community, with residents and law enforcement officers alike expressing their concern and disbelief at the violent attack. The bravery and quick response of the officers involved in apprehending Hagerty and ensuring the safety ⁢of the community cannot be​ overstated.

Chief‍ Walsh’s statement during the court hearing emphasized the seriousness of the incident and the potential loss of life that could have occurred. He highlighted the mental and emotional toll this event⁤ has taken on the officers, stating that they‍ are not⁤ only dealing with their physical injuries‍ but also addressing their mental health needs.

One of ‌the officers involved in the incident suffered serious injuries to their face, neck, and back and⁢ had to be airlifted to a hospital for immediate medical attention. The other four injured officers were treated at local hospitals, including ⁣Chief Walsh himself, who had responded to ​the scene ⁣from his nearby residence. The injuries sustained ​serve ⁤as ​a stark reminder of⁣ the dangers faced ‍by law enforcement officers every day while protecting and serving their communities.

According ⁣to the‍ police report, the attack occurred after an unrelated traffic stop on County Street. The suspect, driving‍ a⁤ silver Honda Accord, approached the officers, shouted obscenities, and then fled the scene. The officers did not pursue the vehicle at that time. However, a short while later, another officer on patrol noticed Hagerty driving erratically in the same car and attempted to pull him over. Hagerty almost collided with the ​officer’s vehicle as he⁣ drove ⁣away.

A pursuit ensued, which ended when Hagerty crashed into the​ entrance of a ⁤family home on West Britannia Street, where he lives. Seeking refuge, he entered a random home on the street. As the authorities followed, ⁢Hagerty allegedly grabbed a knife and⁤ charged at the officers.‌ Chief Walsh revealed that he was the target⁣ of the suspect’s attempt to stab him with a ​kitchen steak knife. Fortunately,⁤ the blade ​broke off, preventing a more severe injury.

Law enforcement acted swiftly, apprehending Hagerty within 15 minutes of ⁢the incident. He was ⁣taken to a nearby hospital for hand injuries and subsequently arraigned in Taunton ⁢District Court. Due to the seriousness of the⁣ charges and concerns over his mental state, Hagerty is currently‌ being held without bail and undergoing mental health ​evaluations.

As the investigation continues, the community is left grappling with the shock and aftermath of this horrific attack. Law enforcement agencies have assured residents that they are committed to ensuring their safety and will provide any necessary support ​to the injured officers. This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by police officers⁢ and underscores the importance of mental health support in law enforcement.

The Taunton Police Department ⁢has expressed gratitude for ‍the outpouring⁤ of support from the community​ during this⁤ difficult time. They continue⁣ to urge anyone ⁣with information related to the⁤ incident to come forward and assist with the ongoing investigation.

In conclusion, the attack on‌ five Taunton police officers by Douglas Hagerty has shocked the community ‍and⁤ highlighted the dangers faced ⁣by law enforcement officers. The incident serves⁤ as a reminder of ⁢the ⁢bravery and dedication of ⁣these officers, as well as⁤ the need for comprehensive mental health support in⁢ the law enforcement community. The Taunton ‍Police Department and the community as a whole will work ⁤together to ensure justice is served,‌ support is provided to the injured officers, and steps are taken to prevent such incidents in the ⁣future.

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