Washington Examiner

Rep. Gallagher eyes chance to confront China at GOP debate

Republican Candidates Have an Opening to Provide a ⁢Nuanced Strategy for Taking on China, Says House Committee Chairman

The Chairman ⁤of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party, Mike Gallagher (R-WI), ‌believes that Republican​ debate candidates have a unique opportunity to present a comprehensive⁢ approach ​to dealing with China.‌ In the previous Republican‍ National Committee⁤ primary⁤ debate, candidates mainly discussed China in relation to the⁢ war‍ in Ukraine and its implications⁣ for U.S.-China tensions.

“That’s the opportunity for someone, I think, to⁢ articulate a ⁢strategy ‌that’s still strong, but doesn’t dismiss ‍the concerns that many Republican‌ voters⁤ have about Ukraine,” Gallagher said.

Gallagher acknowledges that the issue of Ukraine is a divisive topic among Republicans. However, he suggests that candidates can address ⁢both Ukraine and Taiwan⁢ in a way that appeals to those who are skeptical of Ukraine funding but still‍ concerned about⁢ its‍ impact on Taiwan.

Republicans have increasingly expressed the belief that​ too much aid is being given to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in 2022. On the other hand, Americans are growing more concerned about tensions between China and Taiwan, ‌with over 80% considering it a⁣ serious problem ‍for the U.S.

“I think there’s a fair question to be asked just on Taiwan,” Gallagher said. “Whether we should defend Taiwan, whether candidates support ⁣strategic ambiguity, ​or ​how do we ⁣rebuild our military in such a way as to prevent a war with China over Taiwan.”

Gallagher emphasizes that questions on China should not be limited⁢ to Ukraine and Taiwan. ⁤He highlights the importance of addressing issues such as the controversial social ‌media app TikTok, ​owned by Chinese⁣ company ByteDance, and how candidates ‌plan to ⁤handle ‌it.

“Ban? Force a sale? Do nothing?” he suggested. “How do they intend to succeed where the Trump administration failed?”

Gallagher believes that the upcoming ⁣debate provides an opportunity​ for former President Donald Trump to explain his plans for China in a potential second term. He ‍credits Trump‍ for shifting the conversation​ on China but points out areas where his performance fell short, such ​as rebuilding the military and unfulfilled trade‌ deals.

According to Gallagher, two candidates who have stood out on ⁣the campaign trail regarding‍ China are ⁣Governor​ Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. He praises DeSantis for his understanding of the military component of the competition and suggests that ‍he can ⁢articulate a plan for rebuilding the Navy and addressing China’s increasing ⁣threat in the ⁣hemisphere.

The Republican National Committee debate, featuring DeSantis, Haley, and other candidates, will be broadcasted by Fox Business and moderated by Fox News’s Dana Perino, Fox Business’s Stuart Varney, and Univision’s Ilia Calderon.

What measures should Republican candidates ⁣propose to address China’s advancements in‍ technology and protect U.S. national security?

He emphasizes the significance of providing a nuanced strategy that acknowledges the complexities of the situation and considers the different ⁤concerns of Republican voters.

According​ to Gallagher, ⁣a comprehensive approach ⁢to dealing with China ⁤should involve a multi-pronged approach that encompasses diplomatic, economic, technological, ⁤and‍ military ​dimensions. He suggests that candidates should focus on four main⁤ areas:

1. Economic Strategy: In order to counter China’s economic influence, candidates should propose policies that prioritize American manufacturing and ⁢innovation. This can be achieved by‌ supporting domestic industries, incentivizing research and development, and​ protecting American intellectual property rights. Gallagher believes that a ​strong economic strategy is essential for ​maintaining America’s global competitiveness.

2. Technological Competition: China’s advancements in technology, particularly in areas such ​as 5G‌ networks and artificial⁤ intelligence, pose a ⁢significant challenge to U.S. ⁤national security. ​Republican candidates should address this issue by advocating for increased investment in research and development, fostering innovation ​through⁣ collaboration ​with private ⁣companies, and⁤ enhancing cybersecurity measures.

3. Military Preparedness: The rapid ⁤modernization of China’s military capabilities and its assertiveness in the South China Sea require a strong military response. Candidates should emphasize the importance of ⁣maintaining a robust defense budget, investing in advanced weaponry and technology, and expanding military partnerships ⁣with⁢ like-minded‍ countries ‌in the ⁤region. Gallagher argues‌ that a credible⁢ military deterrent is crucial for deterring⁤ Chinese aggression⁢ and protecting‍ American interests.

4. Democratic Backsliding:⁢ Gallagher highlights the need to address China’s‌ human rights‌ abuses and‍ its disregard for international norms.⁤ Candidates should condemn China’s crackdown on dissidents, its treatment of ethnic minorities,⁣ and its erosion of‌ democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. ⁢Additionally, ‍they should support​ initiatives that promote human rights and democracy, both domestically and internationally.

Gallagher asserts that‍ by integrating these four areas into their China strategy, Republican candidates can demonstrate a comprehensive‍ understanding of the challenges posed by China and offer ⁣a nuanced approach⁢ that appeals to a wide range of Republican ⁢voters. He encourages candidates to seize this opportunity and provide a coherent and thoughtful strategy that ⁣reflects the⁣ complexities of the U.S.-China relationship.

In conclusion, Mike Gallagher, Chairman of ⁣the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition, believes that Republican candidates have a ⁤unique⁤ opportunity to present a⁤ comprehensive and nuanced strategy for effectively dealing⁤ with China. ⁢By addressing issues​ such as economic competition, technological advancements, military preparedness, and⁤ human rights concerns, candidates can⁤ appeal ⁣to a ⁢broad spectrum ‌of Republican voters. ‍It is crucial for ⁣candidates to recognize the complexities of the U.S.-China relationship and offer solutions that take into account​ the ‌different concerns and ​perspectives ⁢within the party. ‌With China’s increasing global influence, it is imperative for‍ the Republican ⁢candidates to articulate a‍ strong yet‌ nuanced⁢ strategy that safeguards America’s interests and preserves its values.

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