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New Super PAC Targets Anti-School Choice Legislators

The American ‌Federation for Children Launches AFC Victory Fund Super PAC

The American Federation ‍for Children (AFC), known for its strong support of school choice, is ⁢taking its⁢ advocacy to the next⁤ level. After spending $9 million in the 2022 election season to back political candidates who support school choice, AFC is now launching a super PAC called AFC ​Victory Fund. This new initiative aims to target state legislators ⁣who oppose school choice⁤ for⁤ students.

In the previous election cycle, AFC ​achieved ⁢remarkable success, with a ⁢75%⁢ success rate in 277 out of⁣ 368 races. They even managed to defeat 40⁢ anti-school ⁤choice incumbents. Celebrating this achievement, AFC CEO Tommy ⁤Schultz stated, “The tectonic plates have shifted decisively ⁤in favor of educational freedom,⁤ and we’re just getting started.”

With the AFC Victory Fund, AFC plans to invest at least $10 million⁣ in state-level races to ensure⁤ parents’ interests are represented⁢ at the ballot boxes ⁤across the country. ​Already having $6 million committed, they are well-positioned ⁤financially for the upcoming primary season.

Schultz made⁤ it clear that candidates and lawmakers who oppose school ⁤choice will be targeted, while those who champion parents’ rights will be supported. He emphasized⁢ the importance of providing options for all families, not ⁣just the privileged few. Motivated by reports of⁣ even teachers union bosses choosing private schools for their own children, AFC is determined to make educational options available to ‍every family.

Ryan Cantrell,⁤ AFC’s director of government affairs, expressed excitement about the AFC Victory Fund’s potential impact. He acknowledged ⁤the significant financial resources of teachers unions opposing‍ school choice but highlighted the flexibility⁤ and effectiveness that the super PAC brings. Cantrell believes this⁢ structure will allow AFC to scale up and have a greater influence in ​areas where the union’s grip remains​ strong.

Cantrell ⁤emphasized that the desire for more options in education is a bipartisan sentiment. Republicans, Democrats, and independents all agree that parents should have the freedom to choose what is best for their children.

In⁢ 2020,⁣ Joe ‍Biden, now the President of the United States, expressed his opposition to diverting public funds to private schools. ‌However, AFC remains‍ committed to prioritizing investment in⁣ public⁢ schools ⁢while advocating for expanded school ‍choice.

What ⁤advantages does the creation of a super PAC, like AFC Victory Fund, provide in terms of supporting‍ pro-school⁣ choice ⁣candidates and shaping ⁣election outcomes

Andidate incumbents. With ‍the launch ⁢of AFC Victory Fund, the organization is hoping to build on‍ its previous ​successes and further elevate ‍the issue‍ of school choice on the political agenda.

The significance of AFC’s advocacy for⁣ school choice cannot be understated. School choice allows parents to have ⁣a say in ⁣their child’s education, enabling them⁢ to select the​ best option that aligns with their values⁤ and priorities.​ It prioritizes the needs and desires of families and provides them with ‌the opportunity to choose the‌ educational environment that works best for their children. By advocating for policies that support school choice, AFC is championing ⁢the fundamental principle of empowering parents​ and ensuring that every⁢ child ⁣has access to a quality education.

However, despite the​ merits of school choice, there are still legislators ‌who oppose it, often due to ideological differences or pressure from special interest ‍groups.⁤ AFC⁤ Victory Fund ⁤aims to address this opposition head-on by providing financial support to‍ candidates who are​ in ⁤favor of school choice. By ⁤endorsing these candidates, ⁢AFC⁣ Victory Fund hopes to secure victories ‍for pro-school‌ choice ‌candidates in state legislative races across the country.

The launch of AFC Victory Fund comes ⁢at a crucial ‌time⁢ when ⁤the issue of school choice‍ is at the‌ forefront of education policy discussions. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need ⁤for⁢ flexible learning options and alternative educational models. With an increasing number of families ‍exploring homeschooling, online learning, or charter schools, the demand‌ for school choice has never been stronger. AFC Victory Fund⁣ seeks to capitalize on⁤ this momentum and ensure that ‌policymakers are responsive to the growing demand⁤ for educational options.

By creating a super‌ PAC, AFC​ is signaling its⁣ commitment to supporting candidates who prioritize school​ choice. Super PACs have the ability ⁣to raise‍ and spend unlimited funds independently ​of political campaigns, giving them significant influence in​ shaping the‌ outcomes of elections. ‍With⁢ the financial ​resources provided ‍by‍ AFC⁣ Victory Fund, candidates who support school choice will have the means to effectively communicate‌ their positions to voters,⁤ launch ‌strategic advertising campaigns, and counter the opposition’s arguments.

The ⁣launch of AFC Victory Fund ‍underscores ‍the dedication⁣ and determination of the American Federation for ​Children to expand the reach of ​school choice and empower families to make informed decisions ‌about their children’s education. With a proven track record ‌of success ⁤in previous election cycles, AFC is‌ well-positioned to make a lasting impact on state legislatures across the nation.⁤ By mobilizing resources and support through AFC Victory Fund, the organization aims to secure victories for candidates who share their vision of ‍putting parents⁤ and ‍students at ‌the⁤ forefront of education policy.

In conclusion, the launch of AFC Victory Fund marks⁢ a significant milestone in the ⁢American Federation for Children’s advocacy for‍ school choice. By establishing a super PAC, AFC is ‌amplifying its‌ capacity to support candidates who champion ​the cause of school choice and challenge those who oppose it. With the growing demand for educational ⁤options and the need for ​responsive policymakers, AFC Victory Fund aims to ‍channel the voices of parents ⁢and students towards achieving meaningful change in education policy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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