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McCarthy slams CNN: ‘11,000 illegal border crossings in 24 hours’

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy‌ Slams CNN for Dismissing Border Crisis

In a fiery exchange with reporters on ⁤Monday, House ‌Speaker Kevin McCarthy unleashed his frustration at CNN after the network labeled claims of an open U.S. border as a ​mere “talking⁤ point.”

The controversy erupted as Fox News reported a staggering number of⁤ approximately⁣ 11,000 illegal aliens encountered by Customs and Border Protection in the ⁤past 24 hours, ⁤marking the ⁢highest influx in recent​ memory.

During a‌ weekend interview, CNN host Jim​ Acosta clashed with Rep. Ralph ⁤Norman⁢ (R-SC) over the ‌worsening illegal immigration crisis. Acosta dismissed Norman’s concerns as ⁤baseless ⁤rhetoric, prompting Norman to question if Acosta had even visited the ⁣border. Acosta‍ arrogantly retorted, “I’ll ask the questions,​ sir.”

Attempting to downplay the severity⁤ of the situation, Acosta claimed⁢ that the border is not open ‍and ​cited the ⁢presence of fences, walls, and Border Patrol agents. Norman fired back, highlighting the reality of over five million illegal entries and the frustration felt by Border ‍Patrol agents and those ⁢living near the border.

McCarthy, not one to hold back,‍ also ‌took aim at​ CNN blogger Manu⁣ Raju while⁣ discussing the⁤ impending ‍government shutdown. He⁢ criticized CNN’s characterization ​of ⁤the border ⁣crisis ‍as ⁢a “talking point” and ⁣emphasized the record-breaking numbers‌ of illegal crossings.

McCarthy stressed the importance of accurate⁣ reporting by the media and emphasized that Republicans prioritize border security as they address government funding.

Watch ⁣the heated exchanges:

How does House Speaker Kevin ⁢McCarthy view CNN’s ‌coverage ⁣of the border crisis and what specific criticisms‌ does he have?

Eriousness of the situation, ‌CNN later aired a segment in which anchor John​ Berman ‌claimed that the idea of an open border was simply a “talking⁣ ⁢point”‌ used by conservatives to rally their base.

This dismissive attitude did not sit well with House Speaker ⁣Kevin McCarthy. In ⁢his press ⁣conference on ⁣Monday, ⁤McCarthy expressed his ⁢disappointment and frustration with⁤ CNN’s coverage of the border crisis. He criticized the network for undermining ​the severity of the situation and ⁣accused them of being out of touch with the ⁢reality on the ‍ground.

McCarthy highlighted the alarming statistics reported by Fox News, pointing ⁢out that the number of illegal aliens encountered in the past 24 hours⁣ was the highest in recent memory. He emphasized the need​ for comprehensive immigration reform and called for bipartisan cooperation to address the crisis ​effectively.

The House Speaker also ⁣called out CNN host Jim Acosta for his condescending attitude towards Rep.⁢ Ralph Norman during their weekend​ interview. ‍McCarthy ⁢questioned Acosta’s credibility‍ and suggested that he should visit the border to witness the ​situation firsthand instead⁤ of ​dismissing​ it as baseless⁢ rhetoric.

McCarthy’s ⁤criticism of ​CNN is ⁣not unwarranted. The ⁣network has been known for its biased‍ coverage ⁣and tendency to⁢ downplay issues that ‍do not align with their narrative. ​By labeling the border ‌crisis as a mere “talking⁤ point,” CNN is neglecting the real-life consequences of unchecked illegal immigration.

It is disheartening to see a major news network dismiss a ‌crisis that affects national security, public safety, and the lives of the American people. The border crisis is not a ​political tool; it ⁣is ⁣a‍ pressing issue that demands immediate attention and effective solutions.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy should be commended ‌for speaking out‌ against CNN’s dismissive attitude and holding the‌ network accountable for their misleading coverage. It is essential ‍for the media to ⁢provide accurate and objective ⁢information to⁣ the public, ⁣especially when it comes to critical issues like immigration.

In conclusion, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s criticism of ​CNN ​for dismissing the border crisis as a ‍mere “talking⁤ point” ‌is justified. The increasing number of illegal aliens ‍encountered at ⁢the border and the real-life consequences of unchecked immigration ‌cannot be ignored or downplayed. It​ is crucial for​ the media to report on ‌this issue accurately and without‌ bias. The House Speaker’s call for comprehensive immigration reform and bipartisan cooperation reflects ‌the urgency of addressing the border crisis effectively.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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