Washington Examiner

Doug Burgum-aligned PAC spends $15M as poll numbers decline.

A Super ⁢PAC’s ⁢Expensive Gamble on Gov. Doug Burgum’s Presidential ⁤Campaign

A ‌super PAC dedicated to boosting Gov. Doug Burgum’s 2024 presidential campaign has been making some serious financial moves lately, despite the candidate’s low poll numbers. According to campaign finance disclosures, Burgum, a long-shot contender, ⁤has been polling at ⁤a mere 0% in national GOP primary polls,⁤ while heavyweights like former ⁣President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis dominate the field.

But that hasn’t deterred the ‍Best ⁣of America PAC‌ from spending over $15 ⁢million since July⁣ to help Burgum gain ⁣traction on the national stage. Despite his minimal support among Republican voters and⁢ lack of name recognition, the PAC is determined to give him a fighting ⁣chance.

A State-by-State Battle for the ​Nomination

“Voters, not anonymous⁢ strategists, will ultimately ⁤decide the nominee,” said Lance Trover, a spokesperson for Burgum. “The nomination ⁤process is a state-by-state battle that begins in Iowa and New ‍Hampshire. In those key states, Burgum is either ahead or tied with other ⁤contenders like Pence, Christie, and Haley.”

Despite a ⁢leg injury sustained before the first GOP debate, Burgum remains​ optimistic ​about his chances. He believes the race is still in ⁣its early stages and there’s plenty of ​time to gain momentum.

The ⁤Best of America PAC’s increased spending⁣ follows a ⁢successful fundraising period, with $11⁣ million raised between January and June. Other candidates in a similar⁤ position ‍to Burgum include Gov. Asa Hutchinson and conservative ‌radio host Larry Elder.

The PAC has allocated funds for ‌various marketing strategies, including direct‍ marketing, TV and​ radio​ advertising, and text marketing. Notable donors ​to the PAC⁤ include ‌former Abbott Laboratories CEO Miles D. White, a ⁢mysterious LLC called⁤ Farrington Rocket,⁢ billionaire entrepreneur Gary Tharaldson, and ‌venture capitalist Bob⁤ Kagle.

“Creating Momentum ​and Inspiring⁢ Supporters”

Republican political strategist Matt Kenney believes Burgum’s campaign is a genuine effort to inspire​ and gain momentum. Kenney acknowledges the challenges ⁢Burgum faces but believes he will use the available resources ‌to his advantage.

However, Kenney also predicts ⁤that Burgum will soon start feeling significant pressure to drop out of the race. The response ‍from ‌Ramaswamy’s presidential campaign was more⁣ open-ended, suggesting⁢ that Burgum should do ⁢what is best for him and his family.

As for the upcoming second GOP debate, it ⁢remains uncertain whether Burgum will qualify to participate. The event is expected to feature heavyweights like DeSantis, Pence, Haley, ‍Scott, Ramaswamy, and Christie. Trump’s attendance is still undecided,⁢ as he declined ⁢to participate in the first debate.

Click here to read more from the Washington ​Examiner.

What is ⁤the Best of America PAC’s strategy for Governor ⁢Burgum’s presidential‍ campaign?

‌State battle, and we believe that with the right resources and support, Governor Burgum can build‌ momentum and secure ‍the nomination.”

Indeed, the Best of America‍ PAC has taken this state-by-state approach⁤ to heart, pouring significant amounts of money into key early primary states. According to their filings, they⁢ have spent over $4 million on television ads in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina alone. These states are known for their influential ⁢role in the primary process, and the PAC’s strategy is clear ⁤- they intend to make a splash and put ⁢Burgum⁤ on the radar of⁢ voters in these crucial states.

A High-Risk Strategy

While the determination of the Best of America PAC is admirable, their efforts to boost Burgum’s campaign are undoubtedly a high-risk gamble. With the candidate polling at 0% nationally, many political analysts have written off his chances of securing the nomination. The fact that other prominent‍ candidates such as Trump and DeSantis have already garnered strong support only adds to the challenge faced by Burgum.

Additionally, the financial investment required⁢ to sustain‌ a national campaign is massive. The‍ $15 million spent so far ‌by the PAC is just the beginning, and continuing to fund Burgum’s campaign at this rate will require a substantial amount of resources. While the PAC’s intentions are ⁤noble, ⁣there is a real question of whether their efforts can generate enough support to make Burgum a viable contender.

A Long-Term Strategy?

Perhaps​ the⁣ Best of America PAC​ sees something that others don’t. Maybe they believe that Burgum’s policies and leadership qualities will resonate with⁢ voters once they become more familiar with him. It is also possible that they are taking a longer-term approach, aiming to raise Burgum’s profile and lay the groundwork for future runs for office,‍ even if the current presidential bid doesn’t succeed.

Furthermore, the PAC’s dedication to Burgum may stem from his alignment‌ with their own political agenda. It’s no secret that super PACs often ⁤have specific ⁤interests or ideologies they are​ committed to advancing. In the case of ⁢the Best ⁢of America⁢ PAC, supporting Burgum could be a ‍strategic move to further their own goals, even if it means taking a gamble on a candidate with low poll ​numbers.


Time will ⁤tell whether ⁣the Best of America PAC’s‍ gamble on Gov. Doug Burgum’s presidential campaign pays off. Their ​substantial financial investment and state-by-state⁢ strategy demonstrate their firm belief in ⁣Burgum’s potential. However, the odds are stacked against ⁣the candidate, with his⁣ low ‌poll numbers and formidable competition.

Regardless ⁣of the outcome, the PAC’s ⁤dedication to giving Burgum a fighting chance is a testament to the ⁤passion and commitment found in American ⁤politics. It serves as a‍ reminder that in the realm of elections, unpredictability and risk-taking are often the ‍norm. And while Burgum’s ⁣presidential bid may be a long-shot, it is a reminder that in⁣ the world of ​politics, anything is possible.

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