Conservative News Daily

Maxine Waters now seeks Trump’s imprisonment, alongside Ivanka.

Maxine Waters No Longer Stopping at Harassment ‌- Wants⁢ Trump‌ in Prison​ ‘With Ivanka by ‌His Side’

Every so often, some of the more‍ vocal ​and less careful Democrats will make a⁣ statement that ⁣reveals the true reason behind‌ the hounding⁢ of former President Donald Trump.

It’s not about justice; it’s‍ about power.

Consider this tweet by Democrat⁢ Rep. Maxine⁢ Waters of California on Thursday:

Presumably, Waters was referring to Thursday’s announcement by ⁢Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee⁢ that⁣ Trump and 16 of his co-defendants will not be⁣ tried in October, as Fulton County District Attorney Fani⁤ Willis ⁣had requested. Instead, they ​will proceed⁤ on their own schedule, with a⁢ trial date still ‌to be announced, according to CNN.

Two ​other co-defendants, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney ⁢Powell, who requested speedy ⁢trials, are scheduled for October.

But Trump’s daughter Ivanka has‌ nothing⁤ to do with these trials,⁢ nor is she named in any of the Georgia indictments, ⁣so why even mention ‌her, much less say that she will be imprisoned?

It’s evident from this statement that, for Waters, guilt or innocence has nothing to do with the indictments. If the Democrats could, they ‍would put the entire Trump family, every member of their staff, and possibly ⁢every person who voted for or supported him behind bars.

New York Attorney General Letitia James tried it last year, naming Ivanka Trump in a civil fraud case that would have barred ⁣her from serving as an ⁣officer or director of a business registered⁢ in New York ‍state and deferred her for‍ criminal investigation.

The accusation was that Ivanka misrepresented valuations on financial statements, ⁣thereby committing financial fraud, according to Axios.

But a New York appeals court ⁣dismissed⁣ the case because Ivanka wasn’t even working ‍for the Trump organization at the time the alleged misrepresentations supposedly took place ​— which ⁣tells you all you need to ‍know ​about the “due diligence” the AG did before bringing the lawsuit against the former⁤ first daughter.

Social media users ⁢lashed out at Waters’ ⁢vengeful comment.

“This is what our politics has​ devolved in to. Bragging ⁣about ‍imprisoning political opponents and their daughters. How classy and democratic. Nut job,” one person tweeted.

Former Republican nominee⁤ for Maryland’s​ 7th‍ Congressional District, Kimberly Klacik tweeted,⁣ “Throwing ⁢Ivanka’s name in this tweet is a perfect example of women hating on beautiful women ​out of pure jealousy.”

In 2018,⁤ Waters suggested⁣ “knock[ing] off” ‍Trump first​ and ⁣then ⁣going after ‍then-Vice President Mike⁤ Pence.

“We have the ​power,” she added.

Like I said ⁤in the beginning, it has never been about the guilt or innocence of anyone involved.

It’s about power —⁢ and making⁤ sure that​ they have all ⁤of it.

The post Maxine Waters No Longer Stopping at Harassment -​ Wants Trump in Prison ‘With Ivanka by​ His ‍Side’ appeared first on⁣ The Western Journal.

How does Maxine Waters’ tweet about imprisoning political ⁤opponents reflect​ a dangerous mindset and disregard for due⁢ process?

Olved​ in to. Bragging about imprisoning political opponents and their daughters. How ‍classy and ⁣democratic. Nut job. ⁢

— Richard W. (@Ice_Man_RVW) September 15, 2023

Others expressed concern about the‌ erosion of due process and the principle of innocent until proven guilty. Waters’ statement reflects a dangerous mindset that seeks to use‍ the legal system as a ‌weapon to punish political adversaries.

It is not surprising, considering ⁣that Waters has a history of inflammatory rhetoric and‍ calls ⁢for harassing Trump supporters. In 2018, she urged her supporters to confront Trump officials in public, ‍saying, “If you see anybody from that ⁤Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a ​gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd‌ and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

This kind of rhetoric only serves⁣ to further divide‍ the nation and escalate tensions. Instead of fostering constructive dialogue and working towards solutions, Waters and her ⁣ilk resort ‌to personal attacks and threats of imprisonment.

Waters’ tweet is yet ⁢another example ​of the extreme partisanship ⁤that has plagued ​American politics in⁣ recent ​years. It highlights the dangerous disregard for ⁣due process and fairness in the pursuit of political vendettas.

It is worth noting that Trump ​has not been convicted of any ​crimes. The investigations and charges against him are still ⁣ongoing, and he is entitled to his day in court. Jumping to conclusions and ‍making sweeping statements ⁣about his guilt only undermines the principles of justice and the rule of law.

As citizens and voters, we must demand⁤ better from our elected officials. Instead of using their positions to settle personal scores and⁣ push for revenge, they should be focused on serving the⁢ American people, ​finding common ground, and addressing the pressing issues facing our nation.

Waters’ statement‍ is a ‌stark reminder of how far ⁤our political ‍discourse has fallen. ⁣It is time to recommit ourselves to the values that make our democracy strong — respect for the rule of ⁣law, a commitment to due process, and a belief in the⁣ power of civil discourse.

Only by working together and treating each other with respect⁤ can⁣ we hope to overcome ⁣the deep ​divisions that currently plague our society. The path to a better future lies in⁣ unity and⁣ understanding, not in ‍bitterness and​ vengeance.

We deserve leaders who will strive to bring us⁢ together, not tear us apart. It ⁣is time to ⁤reject the politics of personal destruction and ​embrace a ⁣more⁢ constructive and inclusive approach. Let us⁤ rise above the pettiness and divisiveness that has characterized⁢ our politics and demand better from those who are ⁢supposed to represent us.

Only then can we truly move forward as a nation and build a⁢ brighter future‌ for all Americans.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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