the federalist

Leftist witness in Senate hearing acknowledges disturbing nature of sex scenes but supports children’s access.


Parents Stand⁣ Up for Their Children’s Well-being

Parents across the country are ​expressing serious ‍concern​ about what their children are being exposed to in schools and libraries. Despite being ‌slandered as “domestic terrorists,” racists, and “extremists,” parents are ⁤not backing down. But this fight itself reveals the ugliness of what’s⁣ going on.

At Tuesday’s Senate hearing on “banned books,” Sen. John Kennedy used some of his time to read to the witnesses directly from some of the books that parents are concerned about. ‌As he read the passages out loud, including the graphic descriptions of gay oral and ⁤anal sex,​ the awkwardness was palpable, leading one of the leftist witnesses, Illinois Secretary⁣ of State Alexi Giannoulias, there to promote these books being allowed to remain in children’s⁤ spaces to say, “the words​ you spoke are disturbing.”

Giannoulias drafted the recently passed law in Illinois banning book bans. The first-in-nation law requires‍ the ‍state ​adopt the American Library Association “bill of rights” ⁢opposing “attempts to ban, remove, or otherwise restrict access to books or other materials.”

Sen. Kennedy reads ‍passages from pornographic books Genderqueer and All​ Boys⁤ are Blue.

The Illinois Sec. of State Alexi ‍Giannoulias responds⁢ by saying “those words are disturbing coming from your mouth.”

His state’s new law stops parents from being able to remove it from…

⁤ — Greg Price (@greg_price11)⁢ September 12, 2023

But that statement ‍reveals the shocking dishonesty ​of the left. They admit that these‌ books⁤ are inappropriate and ‍uncomfortable when read in public, but still insist children should have access to them.

Protecting Children‍ or Hiding the ⁣Truth?

Another recent episode highlights this ​phenomenon even more starkly.

The American ⁢Accountability Foundation, a ⁣non-profit devoted to holding leaders accountable, posted some images​ of the extremely graphic sexual content‌ found⁤ in public libraries on X, formerly known as Twitter. There was nothing subtle about these books. They contained explicit images of male​ and female genitalia. ‍But as The Federalist reported, AAF’s account was ⁤immediately punished by X. It has been shadowbanned. Now, if you search for “American Accountability Foundation” on X you will not find⁤ it ‌suggested, and⁢ all posts containing images, videos,‌ or even a link with a graphic, are hidden behind a “sensitive⁣ content” ⁤warning.

While in a sane⁤ world it might be expected that such graphic imagery would be censored, in this situation it really is astounding. Our librarians and lawmakers claim these images are⁢ perfectly safe⁣ for kids in schools, but ‌then they are censored on ​social media. We can’t help asking, which one is it? Are these books perfectly safe, even for ⁤children, or are they too explicit for the public square?

What is especially ‌astounding​ is that in​ this context, children are less ⁣protected from​ inappropriate⁣ sexual⁢ imagery than adults. It’s completely upside down. We are living in a world where Twitter​ is a safer place ⁤for children than the classroom.

It is also ironic that this comes as the left claims they are⁤ fighting “banned books.”‌ They don’t⁣ seem to have a problem with these books being⁣ “banned” from social media. Their “outrage” is strangely limited to when they are removed from⁢ kids’ public libraries and classrooms.

The Disregard for ​Parents

Giannoulias made ​another statement at Tuesday’s hearing that reveals the dark truth about the ‌left. When challenged ⁣to explain his true agenda, Giannoulias said “We are ⁤advocating for random parents not to have ⁢the ability, under the guise of keeping kids safe, to try and challenge the worldview of every single manner on these issues.” We would ask, what exactly are “random parents?”

There is ⁢no such thing⁢ as “random parents.” Parents take on the most difficult —‍ though rewarding — task imaginable, ⁣raising the next‍ generation of Americans.‌ Parents give all of themselves to their children. They know what’s best for their kids and should never be belittled or ignored.

With this‌ slur, reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s famous “deplorables,” Giannoulias said more than perhaps he imagines: To‌ them, “random parents” means not deserving of respect, dignity, or to be heard.

Giannoulias let⁣ slip his contempt for normal ⁢American parents who want to protect⁣ their children.​ He revealed his true feelings⁤ and the feelings⁤ of the rest of‍ the elite establishment he​ works for: We are just⁤ “random parents.”

Tom Jones is ​president of the American Accountability Foundation.

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