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White House silently gears up for impeachment, says report.

The Biden Administration’s Defense Strategy in Preparation for Impeachment Push

The Biden administration has been busy during the August congressional recess, ramping up its defense strategy in anticipation ⁤of an inevitable impeachment push ⁣from the Republican-controlled House.

According to an⁢ exclusive‍ article from NBC News, ​President Joe Biden has ⁤assembled​ a team of 24 lawyers, legislative ⁢aides, and communications staffers to defend him in the event of a ⁤formal ​impeachment inquiry.

The administration’s strategy, described as⁣ “aggressive” and “vigorous,”​ involves examining​ past‍ statements from Republicans to create messaging that portrays⁤ any⁤ impeachment process as a ⁣”sham.”

“Only because Republicans took the ‍majority ⁣have we found‌ out what President Biden told us when ‌he was running for office is not true,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said. “We ‌now found out as he was a sitting vice president, the⁤ family created ⁢20 shell companies. They received 16 of 17 payments from Romania while he was vice ⁢president. We now found that the money would flow to nine ‍family members.”

McCarthy believes that impeachment is a⁢ “natural step forward” based on the information House‌ Republicans have gathered so⁢ far. He argues that the ⁤Biden family needs to‍ answer for what appears to be⁣ a ⁣”culture of corruption.”

However, White House staffers disagree, ⁤stating that an impeachment based on no evidence is unprecedented ⁢in modern ⁣history.

The Biden administration has reportedly studied former President Bill Clinton’s​ defense during his impeachment in 1998. It is worth noting that ⁤Republicans lost seats in the House elections following ⁤Clinton’s impeachment, and both⁤ Clinton and former President Donald Trump saw boosts​ in their approval ratings during their respective impeachment proceedings.

Biden hopes​ that Republicans will‌ face similar political consequences ‍if they proceed with impeachment.⁢ However, the question of whether impeachment is appropriate is still up for debate among Republicans, especially those representing districts that Biden won in 2020.

Representative Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, who represents a district won by Biden, believes that impeachment should be reserved for its intended purpose and not become ⁣a vote of no confidence⁤ like in the British Parliament.

Nebraska Republican Don Bacon agrees that investigations‌ should continue ‌but believes it is ‌too early to initiate formal impeachment proceedings.

If the House does move ⁣forward with impeachment, the Biden White House believes it ⁢could ‌ultimately benefit the president, with potential political ramifications for the Republican Party.

Source: The ⁣Western Journal

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