Conservative News Daily

Blue state to allocate millions of dollars to support George Floyd protesters.

Denver Settles Lawsuit, Pays Protesters Nearly $5 Million

Denver has agreed to pay nearly $5 million to protesters who participated in the 2020 demonstrations following the death of George Floyd. The settlement, reached on August ‍23, resolves​ a class-action lawsuit filed by seven protesters who alleged that they were selectively targeted for violating curfew.

The lawsuit ‌claimed that over 300 people were arrested for violating the curfew ‌imposed by then-Democratic Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. The settlement⁢ awards over $4.7 million to‌ the protestors ⁣and includes a promise from the city not to enforce future curfews against individuals engaging in First Amendment activity.

Lead attorney for the protesters, Elizabeth Wang, emphasized ‌the importance of⁤ protecting free speech rights, stating, “The‌ First Amendment does not allow police to⁣ clear the ​streets of protestors simply because they do not ​agree with their⁤ message.”

The city of Denver denied any​ official​ policy targeting the protesters with the curfew but decided to settle‍ the lawsuit to avoid the burden and expense of a trial.

Curfew Imposed and Expired

In response ⁣to riots in ⁣the city, ⁤Mayor‌ Hancock imposed an 8 p.m. curfew in late May 2020. The curfew⁤ was allowed ‍to expire in June of that year.

The city of Denver has not provided a comment in response to the settlement.

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Source: Blue State to Hand Over Millions of Dollars to George Floyd Protesters ⁢(The Western Journal)

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