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Trump defies political norms in Tucker Carlson interview.

Former President Donald Trump defied the Republican National Committee⁤ by not participating in the first presidential debate on Wednesday ​and instead opted for a wide-ranging pre-recorded interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

In the interview, which was broadcast simultaneously with the GOP debate, ⁣President Trump spoke of⁢ the challenges he faced​ as president and now as a candidate,⁣ as well as what his priorities ⁤would⁤ be if elected​ again.

Trump, who ran‌ as an outsider in 2016, proved in his interview with Tucker​ that‍ he⁣ remains a Washington​ outsider, ⁢questioning the powers of the federal bureaucracy and ​vowing to challenge orthodoxies⁣ when it⁣ comes to things‍ such‌ as ⁢environmental regulations, foreign policy,⁤ the economy, and election integrity.

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Mr. ⁤Carlson asked, twice, whether President ⁢Trump ​thinks that he might be the target of an assassination attempt, ⁢considering that nothing ⁣else has succeeded in defeating him.

Attempts ⁢to impeach President Trump failed twice during his presidency, 2017-21; ⁣in recent months, his popularity‌ among Republican voters has only escalated ‌in the wake of four criminal indictments ​as ‍he⁢ seeks to become his party’s ‌nominee for a third time in the 2024 election.

“They can indict you 20 times, and you’re not going to​ lose‌ the Republican‌ primary,” Mr. Carlson said.

President⁤ Trump replied: “It makes it ‍look ⁣even more ridiculous,⁢ the four indictments. Maybe there’ll‌ be more; I⁢ don’t know.⁤ These people are crazy.”

The former⁢ president sidestepped the ⁣assassination question, but said‍ that the people who are out to get ⁤him are “savage ⁢animals.”

The⁢ prospect⁢ of an assassination ‍attempt‍ is particularly raw now, considering that in Ecuador, libertarian​ candidate Fernando Villavicencio, was killed earlier this month. In addition, the son ⁤of a slain U.S. ⁢politician, Robert⁢ F. Kennedy​ Jr., is seeking to unseat the Democrat U.S. president, Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, considering deep political divides over various ⁤issues, including whether the ‍2020‍ election was stolen ​from President‌ Trump and‍ wrongfully‌ awarded ⁣to⁣ President⁢ Joe Biden, Mr. Carlson asked whether the nation might ⁤be headed toward “open conflict,” or a second Civil War. “We ⁣seem to be⁣ moving toward something,”⁢ Mr. Carlson said.

President Trump ⁣didn’t‌ directly answer that question, either. But he conceded: ⁤”There’s a level of passion that⁣ I’ve never seen. There’s a level‍ of hatred that I’ve ⁢never seen. That’s ​probably a bad combination.”

President Trump decided to skip the debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, saying he saw no ⁤benefit to‍ participating. He is the runaway frontrunner‌ with⁣ a huge lead over his⁣ nearest rival, ⁣Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The Carlson-Trump⁢ program tallied almost 75 million views within an hour after it was posted, drawing some 22,500 comments and 256,000 likes.

Here are other takeaways:

2020 Election

In⁢ the interview, President Trump reiterated his‌ view that ‍the 2020 election was stolen, and when asked ‌by Mr. Carlson whether he believed it would be stolen again⁤ in 2024, the⁢ former president said there would ⁣be attempts to do so.

President Trump, who ⁤is expected to‌ surrender himself​ to authorities ⁢in ⁣Georgia on ⁣Aug. ​24 where he’s facing charges related to his questioning of the 2020 election results,⁤ said ‍his lead in⁣ the polls had softened⁢ the blows ⁤of the charges ​he’s facing in four separate criminal ⁤cases.


Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump⁢

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 24, 2023

“It’s I​ think it’s a lot ⁣easier because I’m so‌ high in⁤ the polls, because it means that people⁣ get it to people see ‌it’s a fraud,” President Trump said. He⁢ also questioned why Democrat politicians⁣ who ⁤questioned the results⁣ of the election did not face​ charges like he did.

President Trump also ‌took aim at his former attorney‍ general, ​Bill Barr,⁣ saying he only “pretended” ⁣to​ investigate election fraud because ⁤he was “so‍ petrified, so frightened of being impeached.”

“Bill‍ Barr ‌didn’t do‍ an investigation⁢ or ⁢the election fraud either … He said he did ‌and he⁤ pretended‍ he did. But he didn’t,”⁢ President Trump said.

Mike Pence

President Trump also⁣ reiterated his viewpoint that⁣ then-Vice President Mike⁢ Pence had⁣ the right to send back⁤ the electoral ⁣votes​ to state legislatures in states where there was‍ suspected voter fraud.

The question⁤ of whether‍ Mr. Pence had the right to do ​so⁢ is central in‍ charges brought against President Trump in Georgia ‌where he ‍is facing 13 charges

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