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Biden Admin Increases Protected Status for Ukrainians in US by Over Four Times.

The Biden Administration Expands Temporary Protected Status for Ukrainians in the US

The Biden administration has announced‍ a ‍significant expansion of ⁤temporary ​legal⁣ status for Ukrainians already living in the United States,‌ providing relief ⁣for those who fled Russia’s invasion.

The Department of Homeland Security stated that this move⁢ will make 166,700 Ukrainians eligible for Temporary ⁣Protected Status, a substantial increase from the​ current 26,000.

To ​qualify for⁢ this status, Ukrainians must have been in the United States by August 16, two days before the announcement, and they will also be eligible for work authorization.

The⁤ original expiration date‍ for the temporary‍ status was October ​19, 2023,​ but it has now been extended for an additional 18 months until April 19, 2025.

“Russia’s ongoing⁤ military‍ invasion of Ukraine and the resulting​ humanitarian crisis requires that the‌ United States⁤ continue to offer safety and protection to Ukrainians who may not be able to return ⁤to​ their country,” said Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro⁣ Mayorkas.

This expansion of⁤ Temporary Protected Status for⁤ Ukrainians is⁢ part of the administration’s broader ⁤approach to immigration, which includes providing ⁢legal entries on humanitarian grounds ⁣while taking stricter measures against those who enter ‌the country illegally. Similar status extensions have been granted to individuals from countries such as Cameroon, Haiti, and⁣ Venezuela.

Under‌ a 1990 law,⁣ the Homeland‌ Security secretary has the authority to grant temporary protected⁤ status to individuals already in the United States⁤ whose home countries ⁤are affected by⁣ civil ⁣strife or ‌natural disasters and are considered unsafe for return.

Ukrainians were initially granted Temporary ⁢Protected Status immediately after Russia’s invasion. The administration ⁢later introduced humanitarian parole for those who were ​not in the United ‌States,‌ a policy that was subsequently extended⁣ to ‍individuals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

This recent announcement provides additional time for Ukrainians whose two-year parole was set​ to expire early ‌next year. However, Cubans, ⁣Haitians, Nicaraguans,⁣ and Venezuelans face more ⁣uncertainty regarding their status.

While Texas and other ​Republican-led states are challenging ​parole for individuals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, they are ⁤not ⁣contesting the protected ⁤status for Ukrainians. A trial ‍regarding this matter is scheduled for next week in Victoria, Texas.

Ukrainian immigrants are dispersed throughout the United ‍States, with the largest ⁣concentrations found in the metropolitan⁣ areas of New York City, Chicago, Seattle, and Sacramento, California.

The Western Journal has reviewed this Associated Press story and⁢ may have altered it prior to publication‌ to ensure that it meets our editorial⁢ standards.

The post Biden Admin More Than Quadruples ⁣the Number of Ukrainians Given Protected Status in US appeared first on The Western Journal.

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