Washington Examiner

Howard University increases security measures following mob assault in DC.

Howard University Implements New Security Protocols to Protect⁤ Students

A pair of physical altercations in and‍ around the campus⁣ of Howard University has ‌prompted the‌ Washington, D.C., school to issue new security protocols‍ to‌ ensure the safety of its students.

The heightened security measures come in response to a recent incident where a group of Howard University students were assaulted by a roving gang of teenagers​ known for engaging in ⁢illegal activities across the ⁢city. One student was‍ even stabbed near‌ the university dorms on Monday morning. This incident followed ​another‌ altercation near the campus that‍ did⁤ not ​involve any students.

University President Announces Stricter Security Measures

During a​ town hall meeting on⁢ Tuesday, Howard ⁤University‍ President Wayne Frederick announced the implementation of a strict ID check for residence halls and other buildings that are ​exclusively accessible to students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the university will increase the security presence on campus.

“The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff are our⁤ top priority,”‌ stated Frederick. “We are committed to fostering an ongoing dialogue about this critical issue and providing timely and consistent ⁣information.”

Click here to read more from The ⁣Washington‌ Examiner.

Concerns Rise Over⁤ Crime on College Campuses

This latest assault adds to the ⁣growing concerns ⁣about crime in the nation’s capital, which has unfortunately‌ started to infiltrate college campuses throughout the city.

Last month, ⁤a tragic incident occurred on the campus of the⁣ Catholic University of America, where⁣ a man was shot and killed during ⁢a robbery attempt.‍ Less than two weeks later, ‌another shooting ⁤took place​ near the campus.‌ In response to these incidents, the⁢ university and Washington ‍police organized a safety walk and increased police presence in the area.

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