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Neil deGrasse Tyson finds it ‘strange’ to distinguish between genders in sports.

Scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson Says It’s ‘Weird’ to ‌Differentiate Between Males and ⁢Females in ‍Sports

Renowned science​ booster Neil⁤ deGrasse​ Tyson is known‍ for his captivating explanations of the universe. However, it seems that his left-wing politics and support‍ for the radical transgender agenda have taken‍ precedence‍ over his dedication to ⁢actual science.

In recent times, liberals have⁤ been advocating ‍for following the science, especially ⁤during the pandemic. But Tyson’s statements in⁤ a video discussion with⁢ science writer and podcaster​ Michael Shermer ​reveal his ‌unscientific views‍ on the differences between men and women ⁤in sports.

During their conversation, Tyson scoffed ‌at the​ idea of segregating​ male and female⁣ athletes, suggesting⁢ that it ​would seem strange to ⁢future generations. Shermer, ‍on ‍the ⁣other hand, pointed ⁤out the significant physical differences ⁢between men⁢ and women, especially in sports. Tyson responded ⁤by attacking Shermer’s supposedly outdated thinking.

Tyson argued that ​we should embrace a more inclusive understanding of how​ humans ⁢compete with each other,⁤ emphasizing that world-class‌ athletes are already‌ genetically​ different from the average person.⁤ He drew a parallel with ​height‍ in basketball,⁣ highlighting ⁣that shorter individuals are not excluded from the ‌sport. Tyson’s main point was that we should not limit ourselves based on sex, just as we ⁢do not limit based on height.

However, Tyson’s support for the radical transgender agenda goes beyond his views ⁤on sports.⁤ He has made ‌other controversial statements ‌that align with his left-wing ideology. In one instance, he​ claimed that gender is not categorizable, comparing our brain’s need⁤ to create ⁤categories to a failure of evolution.

Another ‍clip shows Tyson asserting that gender is on a ⁢spectrum and that individuals enhance themselves based on how they feel. He argued that it⁢ is not anyone’s business to require conformity to traditional gender norms.

Despite⁤ Tyson’s assertions, major ​sports organizations have ​started to reconsider their acceptance of transgender athletes. For example, the Union Cycliste Internationale has banned male athletes from⁢ competing as women, and other ​sports associations have implemented ⁢limits on trans athletes.

It is clear that Tyson’s views on gender and transgenderism are not in ​line‍ with⁢ the current ⁤trajectory. Detransitioners, like ​Chloe⁣ Cole, ⁣have experienced the harmful consequences of radical⁤ transgenderism. Their lives ​have been negatively impacted ‌by irreversible‍ medical procedures.

While Tyson may⁤ be a ‌respected figure in the scientific community, his political beliefs and support for the radical transgender agenda raise questions about his commitment to objective​ science.

Source: The Western Journal

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