Washington Examiner

Trump and DeSantis face off at Iowa State Fair.

Former President Donald ⁢Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) ‌Face Off at Iowa State Fair

Get ready for an ⁢exciting showdown at the Iowa State Fair ​this weekend ‌as former President Donald Trump and⁣ Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) make their appearances. This fair is ⁣a crucial stop⁤ for any presidential campaign, and ⁢these two contenders are⁢ currently leading⁣ the⁤ pack in the ⁢2024 Republican primary.

The Expectations​ Game in Iowa

However,⁤ the real challenge for both⁤ Trump and DeSantis lies in ⁣managing the expectations ​of the Iowa voters. ‌Trump‍ is‌ undeniably the front-runner in this race, while DeSantis⁣ faces criticism regarding his bid.‌ It’s a high-stakes ‌game for both candidates.

A Carousel of Activity

The Iowa State Fair is not your⁢ typical ‍political⁢ event. ⁣It’s ⁣a whirlwind of activity, where candidates try to devour ‍pork chops ​while maintaining their dignity and marvel at butter cow sculptures. According to University of Iowa politics professor Timothy‌ Hagle, this fair is less about ⁣networking⁤ with party activists⁣ and more about candidates making personal appeals to likely caucusgoers.

“These activities give⁤ candidates the chance ⁢to show ⁣how they relate to individual voters and can⁤ result in good media coverage⁤ of them having a good time interacting⁤ with people on the campaign trail,” ⁤Hagle told ‍the Washington Examiner.

Drake University professor Dennis Goldford⁣ emphasizes the importance of retail‍ politics in ⁣Iowa’s⁤ caucus process. With ⁤only about 20% of eligible registrants participating, candidates need to connect with activists who are willing ‍to ‌spend hours ⁢on a winter Monday night. ‍The state fair provides a more efficient way⁢ for candidates to engage with voters face⁣ to face.

The Perils of the ⁢Fair

While⁢ the Iowa State Fair offers unique opportunities‌ for⁢ candidates, it ​also presents challenges.​ Candidates may face confrontations with the public, protesters, or representatives from rival campaigns. Former​ Vice President Mike Pence experienced‍ this ⁢firsthand when‍ he⁤ was​ questioned about his ⁣actions on January⁤ 6th. As Hagle ⁣explains, it’s a bit like a political debate ​where winning is‍ rare, but losing is possible.

DeSantis’s Strategy

Despite the risks, Gov. Ron DeSantis is fully embracing the fair. He is participating in various events, including Gov. Kim ​Reynolds’s ⁣”Fair-Side Chat” and the Des⁢ Moines Register’s “Political Soapbox” series. DeSantis is⁤ also sitting down for interviews‍ with local and ⁤national media outlets. However, as Hagle points out, one mistake can overshadow all the ‍positive‍ interactions.

“A candidate may​ do well with questions, answering them thoroughly and thoughtfully, but it’s often the⁣ one mistake that gets all the⁤ attention,”‍ Hagle added. “The example that comes to mind here is when Rick Perry was asked the three federal agencies he wanted‍ to ​eliminate and he blanked on the third. As he said, ‘Oops.'”

DeSantis’s campaign is confident in his interpersonal skills, highlighting his recent bus tours ⁣of ⁢Iowa, endorsements from popular radio host Steve Deace, and⁤ strong ‌polling numbers. In Iowa, DeSantis is‍ outperforming his national polling average, with 17% support compared‍ to ​Trump’s 44%.

The Caucus Referendum

For Iowa’s ⁢caucuses, the ‍race​ is not over until the state’s ⁤delegates ‌are allocated after​ January 15th. ⁤Trump’s⁤ remarkable‌ polling ‍advantage makes him the favorite, while DeSantis has been⁤ criticized for his lackluster campaign style. ⁢According to Goldford, the caucus will be a referendum on Trump’s‌ incumbency. Will Republicans ‍stick with their incumbent favorite ​or look for a new leader?

Regardless of⁤ the⁣ outcome, candidates cannot afford to skip the ⁤Iowa State Fair. “Iowans like candidates ​to‌ earn their vote,” says Hagle. ​Even though⁣ Trump has not signed up for any specific events, he understands the importance of‌ showing up.

So get ready for ​a thrilling weekend at the Iowa State Fair as ⁢Trump and DeSantis battle it out for the hearts and minds of caucusgoers. It’s ‌a political spectacle​ you won’t want⁤ to miss!

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