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RNC introduces stricter criteria for second debate, potentially excluding certain candidates.

Republican⁤ National Committee Adds New Criteria⁤ for‌ Second​ Debate That Will Likely ‌Knock Out Some Candidates

The ⁤Republican National​ Committee’s (RNC) new criteria for the second presidential ‌primary debate in September will likely decrease the 2024 longshot candidates’ chances at ⁣making‌ the stage.

For the first GOP presidential debate on Aug.⁢ 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the RNC is requiring that ‍contenders surpass a 40,000 unique donor ‌threshold, meet polling criteria and sign a loyalty pledge to support ‍the eventual nominee. The RNC is ​increasing the ​donor and polling criteria for the Sept. 27 debate in Simi Valley, California, which could significantly narrow the field, as many⁣ have already struggled to meet the first debate⁢ requirements, Politico reported Tuesday.

To qualify for the second debate,⁣ candidates must now ‍surpass a 50,000 unique donor threshold, with at⁣ least 200‌ coming ‌from 20 ⁣states or territories, within 48 hours of⁣ taking⁤ the stage, according to Politico.

The RNC‍ will ⁤also require the 2024 hopefuls to receive a minimum of 3 percent support in two national primary polls, or 3 percent in one national poll and in two key early primary state polls — Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada or South Carolina, according​ to Politico. For the first ⁢debate, candidates only ⁣had​ to‍ hit 1 percent⁢ in three national polls,​ or 1 percent‌ in two national polls‌ and ⁤in one key early primary state poll.

The surveys ​must be recognized by the RNC, as required by the first debate criteria, including ⁢having a sample​ size of at least‌ 800 likely Republican primary voters and not conducted by polling firms‌ affiliated with any GOP presidential candidate,‍ according to Politico. The pledges ⁢required to make the first ⁣debate stage stand for the second debate, including the loyalty pledge ‍and ⁢one promising not ​to participate in other debates‍ not held by the RNC.

Many Republican‍ presidential hopefuls have struggled to ⁤make the first debate requirements,‌ including ‍former Vice President Mike ‌Pence, former Arkansas Gov. ​Asa Hutchinson, former‍ Texas Rep. Will‌ Hurd and Miami Mayor Francis ‍Suarez.

Is the RNC’s debate‌ criteria fair?

Suarez’ super political action committee, SOS America, has been ‍offering⁤ contributors who donate $1 to be entered in a contest to win a year of college tuition. North Dakota Gov. Doug ⁢Burgum, who⁣ has⁢ now met the⁣ RNC’s first debate criteria,‌ was​ giving out $20 gift cards for donors who gave as little as $1.

Along with⁢ Burgum, former President⁤ Donald ‌Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former ⁢U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, South Carolina⁣ Sen. Tim​ Scott, former ‍New Jersey‌ Gov. Chris Christie and⁤ conservative businessman⁢ Vivek‍ Ramaswamy ‌have also met the requirements ​to make the first debate stage, ‌according to Politico.

The RNC did not ‌immediately respond to the Daily Caller⁢ News Foundation’s request for comment.

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The‍ post Republican National‍ Committee Adds New Criteria for Second Debate‍ That⁣ Will Likely Knock⁣ Out Some Candidates appeared ⁤first on The Western Journal.

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