Washington Examiner

DNC ad contrasts Trump’s pledges with Biden’s track record.

The Democratic National Committee Compares Biden and Trump’s Political Records

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is taking a bold approach to‍ highlight the differences between President ⁤Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. ​In a new ad, the DNC contrasts their political records,‌ focusing on Trump’s‌ talking points and​ campaign promises.

“Donald Trump left office with the worst jobs record of any president in modern American history, failed the American people time and ‍time again, turned ​’infrastructure week’ into a ⁤joke, and ⁣created new incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas while ‌shilling for big corporations and​ handing tax breaks out to the ultra-wealthy,”

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison

The ad, released while Trump was campaigning ‌in Pennsylvania, cleverly weaves together speeches from both Trump and Biden,⁢ highlighting their contrasting views on key issues.

In 2015, Trump confidently declared, “I will be⁣ the greatest jobs president that God ever created,” to a crowd in front of Trump Tower. The DNC then juxtaposed this with a video clip of Biden dismissing ⁣Trump’s promise as a failure, while emphasizing ⁤his own ⁢success in job creation.

Biden proudly stated, “We created⁤ 13.4 million new jobs, more jobs in two​ years than any ​president has ever created in four,” showcasing ⁤the achievements⁢ of his economic plan, known as Bidenomics, which has led to the highest economic growth rate.

The ad cleverly uses a buzzer‍ noise to punctuate Trump’s pledges over the years, followed​ by Biden’s recent accomplishments. For instance, Trump ⁢boasted during a 2017 conference​ on infrastructure, “My administration is ⁣working every day ​to deliver world-class infrastructure.” In response, Biden highlighted the bipartisan Infrastructure Deal signed in 2021, stating, “We also passed the once-in-a-generation investments in our nation’s roads, highways, and bridges.”

Running just under one minute,‍ the ad effectively portrays Trump as a failed leader while ‌showcasing ⁤Biden’s successful economic policies. These policies have been recently praised by both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“As Trump takes his ‌lies to Pennsylvania and across the country, the DNC will constantly remind voters of the stark differences between Trump’s abysmal‍ economic agenda and the numerous accomplishments President Biden has delivered for working families,”

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison

With this ad, the DNC aims to engage voters and ensure they understand the stark contrasts between Trump and Biden’s economic agendas. It serves as a⁣ reminder⁢ of President Biden’s commitment to working families, especially during Trump’s campaign rally in Erie on Saturday evening.

Click here to ​read more from The Washington Examiner.

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