Conservative News Daily

Ehrlich: Our Ideal Reply to Progressive Moral Claims

Engaging Responses to Progressives’ Moral High Ground

Useful one-liners often become part of the cultural lexicon.

The brilliant “Seinfeld” popularized “yada, yada, yada” — always applicable, ⁣but never quite defined. Former Arizona⁤ Cardinals head coach ​Dennis ⁤Green made “they are what we thought they were” an overused cliché in post-game interviews. And then there is⁣ the ever-popular “it is what it is” ⁣— a rather doleful recognition of reality ⁢so common in today’s vernacular.

But I have a new favorite: “Two things can be true at⁣ once” — a ⁤useful retort when progressives​ (per their usual ​modus operandi)⁤ seek to rent the moral high ground on the polarizing ‍cultural issues of the day.


  • Parents can get emotional and confrontational when ‌“woke” (read: inappropriate) instruction is ‍given to their ⁤children.
  • The‌ importation of deadly fentanyl‌ through the mail was a major‍ problem during the first two years of the Trump administration.
  • Book bans are anathema to free speech.
  • Extraordinarily high bail ⁢for⁢ non-violent ⁢offenders discriminates against the poor.
  • The Department of Justice is​ integral to ⁤the⁤ rule of law.
  • Groups with extremist platforms are appropriate targets of law enforcement.
  • The media has ‍been critical of ⁣Trump for his alleged carelessness with ‍classified documents kept at his Mar-a-Lago resort.
  • Asylum is a​ compassionate and long-established reason‌ for immigration to the U.S.
  • Generalizations are ⁤generally‌ valid.


  • The specter of federal police agencies investigating unruly⁣ parents at⁢ school board meetings is government overreach at its Biden-era nadir.
  • Trump diplomacy vis-à-vis China successfully curtailed the mail route, but Biden-era traffickers found an⁣ alternative path by ⁣shipping precursor⁤ chemicals to clandestine labs in Mexico and then smuggling‍ the finished product through‍ a⁢ porous southern border.
  • Challenging overtly age-inappropriate materials in the children’s section of a library is always the right​ thing to do. (When and where did crossing this line become acceptable?)
  • Extending cashless bail to violent ⁢criminals has placed far too many⁢ recidivist felons back on the street.
  • Attorney General Merrick Garland’s allegation that criticism of the ⁢Justice Department is an “attack on democracy” is way off ⁣base. No federal agency‌ is immune from criticism — ever — ‌because we still have three co-equal branches of government.
  • The effort to give parental rights, pro-life and traditional values groups ​the “extremist” moniker is simply an extension of the Biden administration’s uber-political “ultra-MAGA” narrative.
  • The fourth estate ⁢has been remarkably indulgent about the tranches of ​confidential‍ documents found at Biden-controlled venues in​ Washington, D.C., the University of Delaware and his⁤ house in Rehoboth‍ Beach, Delaware.
  • The vast majority of Biden-era illegal⁤ migrants showing up​ at​ the southern border are in​ no way asylum ⁤seekers but⁣ rather (usually low-skilled) economic refugees.
  • Valid ​exceptions exist for almost all ​generalities.

You no doubt have other examples of “also truths” that can and must be appended⁣ to popular⁣ lefty allegations/indictments. So be aggressive in your response. Make​ progressives engage outside their ⁣“safe space.” Not a comfortable place for them…

The post Ehrlich: We Have the Perfect⁤ Response When Progressives Try to⁣ Take the ⁢Moral High Ground appeared first on The Western Journal.

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